Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 26 The Secret of the Vampire Clan

The giant man named Victor would come and torture him from time to time as if he were a plaything. He kept asking him to attack and attack, asking him if he was hungry. He would drink blood if he hurt himself, but not many times. , he completely lost his dignity.

Marcus would be beaten like a sieve by the monster every time, and the sharp claws would play him like a rag doll. Without enough blood, it would be difficult for a vampire to recover for a long time, but he couldn't die even if he wanted to, with endless hunger. And the pain tortured him all the time.

When he saw James, he shouted that he was willing to do anything for him, but he just begged him to keep that monster away from him...

"Let's talk about your ancestor." James pinched his nose and said. His sense of smell was so good that sometimes it was really painful.

"Yes, sir! Adam is the saint of all the American continents, oh no, the ancestor of vampires. He created us. We have never measured his power, because all the vampires he created cannot resist him at all, even if How much you want to hurt and kill him in your heart, in front of him, you will only be controlled by the fear deep in your blood. This is why some vampires who hate Adam will secretly train human hunters."

Marcus swallowed a few times, looked greedily at the cock tied at James' feet, and continued: "So I really don't know how his power compares to yours, but your supreme power makes me look up to you. For many centuries, no mortal has ever been as majestic and powerful as the gods. You—"

"Okay, okay." James waved his hands impatiently, and then asked: "You said that he is the ancestor of all vampires in the American continent. Could it be that he is not the only so-called ancestor?"

The cock bound at James' feet spread its wings subconsciously, as if it wanted to resist.

Marcus hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly: "This is my guess. Adam didn't say it explicitly, but he did vaguely mention that since his birth, all the saints have fallen in the long years, except He is immortal to this day, I think, Adam may have a brother, or he may also be transformed into a vampire."

"Isn't that his sister Vadoma?"

"No! Vadoma was also transformed by Adam, but Adam liked her very much and was worthy of her brother and sister."

Cack! Giggle——

The rooster was thrown into the iron cage. Marcus climbed up anxiously, rattling the heavy iron chains on his feet, and bit into it without raising his head. He glanced at James who was leaving, with only one look in his eyes. Numbness remains.

In the past few months, James has repeatedly interrogated vampire Marcus. Sometimes he would ask the same question repeatedly at intervals, and even put forward an opposite answer to see if the vampire would refute. At first, this cunning Marcus was really After trying to deceive him, James didn't show up for a long time after being discovered, only letting Victor occasionally accompany this silly little bat...

The letter James sent to President Lincoln had already stated the importance of abolishing slavery, and he knew that Lincoln would make the right choice even if he did not mention it.

The Howlett family's factories in North America are already working hard to produce military equipment for the Northern Army, and he is sending people around to collect a large amount of pure silver and try to make silver ammunition and weapons. Marcus, a living specimen, gave him a rough idea of ​​the extent of silver's damage to vampires.

Washington, White House.

"The Confederate Army will become vulnerable after the promulgation of the Abolition Act. You must know this better than me, but the choice of history will ultimately be made by you. What we really need to worry about is Adam and his vampire army. For the current situation, I have corresponded with you before about the size of the vampire, but I am worried that once the Confederate army is defeated, Jefferson Davis will jump over the wall and ask Adam for help, which may very well lead to him recklessly creating a large number of low-level blood slaves... …”

William Johnson read James's letter to President Lincoln. He was Mr. Lincoln's trusted companion and always assisted him. Equally worthy of Lincoln's trust was his boss in his youth, Joshua Speed.

"Look at Mr. Howlett's choice of words. He's jumping over the wall! God, how did he come up with such an adjective? It's awesome!" Mr. President joked with great interest and continued: "I have to say, His wisdom and foresight make me feel like I have lived so many years in vain.”

"So you've decided?" Johnson asked President Lincoln hurriedly.

"Yes." Abraham Lincoln said solemnly, "The complete abolition of slavery is something I have long wanted to do, but I have been unable to make up my mind. The victory on the Western Front was wiped out by the disastrous defeat on the Eastern Front, and the Southern Army Come to Washington, don’t hesitate any longer!”

"Joshua, I need you to be responsible for collecting pure silver. James is right. We must be prepared to fight a massive vampire army. His factory is already doing this, but only the entire north Only by mobilizing everyone can we reach a sufficient scale!" President Lincoln told Joshua Speed. Joshua looked not very good and mentally exhausted.

Johnson on the side continued: "At the end of the letter, he mentioned that he would go to the north in person soon to help us solve Adam...Abraham, can you really trust this young Mr. Howlett about Adam? "

Lincoln didn't say much, just nodded firmly.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, as a senior vampire hunter, he would never have believed that humans could truly defeat and kill vampires on their own.

James Howlett must have been sent by God to end the most evil and evil race of vampires.

September 1862.

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States of America, issued the Emancipation Proclamation. After the news spread to the South, thousands of slaves fled to the North. The Southern Army was drained of important logistics such as material transportation, supplies, and labor almost overnight. Strength, followed by the North's policy of arming blacks, further expanded the strength of the Northern Army.

At this moment, James also boarded the steam train bound for Washington. Only Victor was on the same train, and nearly a hundred of the family's fully armed gunmen, especially the gunmen who were pre-equipped with silver weapons and ammunition, had arrived many days in advance.

O'Hara lost his temper for a whole week because James rejected his request to go with him. This was the longest time O'Hara had ignored James since he was a child.

Until the day of departure, she waited awkwardly beside the carriage, holding a box of toast she made in her arms.

James stepped forward and whispered a few words against her cheek. A thick blush appeared on the beautiful girl's face. Then he spoke with half scolding and half instructions, and finally looked at the family carvings in the distance. The back of the emblem's four-wheeled box carriage stayed there for a long time.

A man is going to the battlefield. No matter how powerful he is or how safe he seems, it is still a battlefield.

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