Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 330 Created, Hulk

Culver University, Willowdale, VA, USA.

Culver University, which has in-depth cooperation with the U.S. Army, has a secret research institute under military control on the outskirts of Willowdale.

The research topic called "Army Biochemical Strength Enhancement Project" is the core project of this high-level research institute that has no name in the outside world and is rarely known to others.

Staff here sometimes joke that the entire base and research efforts are General Thaddeus Ross's own "family affair."

After all, the chief scientist and main person in charge of this upgraded version of the "Super Soldier Serum" project, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner and Dr. Betty Ross, are the daughters of "General Thunderbolt" who was just promoted to three-star general in the U.S. Army. and "prospective son-in-law."

In the high-energy radiation laboratory on the third underground floor, Bruce Banner checked the gamma ray index, placed the extracted new serum cells under the instrument slide, and started today's experiment.

Thanks to this era of extraordinary military force, the original serum from Dr. Abraham Erskine was perfectly reproduced decades ago. Although the selection and number of super soldiers are strictly controlled, they are not uncommon.

However, the American government and military, not satisfied with the weak effectiveness of the original serum, have been working hard to improve and upgrade this technology, trying to narrow the gap with the family that stands proudly above all political powers and forces.

Even if there were no experimental volunteers from the military, Dr. Banner would not be interested in doing this kind of serum experiment on himself, and he would not be interested in gaining any supernatural strength.

Moreover, most of the mad scientists who frequently experiment on themselves are just routines in comics.

As the data analysis results of the modified cells appeared, Banner's fingertips clicked on the computer keyboard to calculate the radiation measurement of gamma rays. He stopped from time to time to think about modifications for a while, and then continued to operate the radiation equipment.

"No. The probability of success is still too low."

Looking at the cells under the observer that showed proliferation activated by gamma rays, but also rapid decay and destruction, Dr. Banner took off his protective goggles and threw them aside. He pressed his temples on both sides with the heels of his palms as he felt a headache.

General Ross proposed at the very beginning of the research that as long as the radiation success rate reached about 15%, it would be acceptable. When Bruce Banner heard this standard, he almost shouted that this was a joke on the lives of the experimental transformers.

But when he had been immersed in research for several years and had not even reached a stable success rate of 1% today, he suddenly felt the urge to give up.

This kind of experiment, which is essentially studying "biological weapons", still makes Dr. Banner somewhat resistant.

The experimental base's concealment and protective measures are all military first-level defense standards.

On the evening of the weekend, Dr. Banner, who was alone in the underground laboratory, looked at his watch and thought that the date with his fiancée tonight was almost up. Banner immediately gathered his energy and was about to turn off various instruments and equipment when he felt something behind him. There was a gentle buzzing sound and a gentle breeze.

He subconsciously turned his head to look, only to see a vague shadow wearing dark blue armor flashing across Banner's sight. Then his eyes turned black and he fainted unconsciously.

"Tsk, with such a rudimentary equipment, your ability to become the Hulk is purely a matter of luck."


Because of "Stone Man" Ben Grimm, General Ross's soldiers simply called a military truck to bring Reed Richards, "Cripple" and T'Chaka into the military camp.

Although the U.S. Army and government officials have always made an agreement with the Whip of Order and SHIELD not to infiltrate their forces or detection tentacles, they brought in two super criminals who had just come out of the "Wolf Tower" prison not long ago. It's better to be more hidden.

In the military vehicle, the lame man was humming a tune easily while leaning on a cane, and the three people beside him who were silent and speechless seemed to be different from each other.

Reed, who got the nicknames "Mr. Fantastic" and "Rubber Man" while serving his sentence in Wolf Tower, was wrapped tightly in his windbreaker, and his thin face suddenly deformed and collapsed like melting.

Then his eyes protruded outward, turning into snail-like tentacles that stretched several meters in length and poked out from the gap in the truck door.

"Don't look anymore, Ross and the 'Whip of Order' don't wear the same pants, and they won't sell us out. Even the entire American military and government are not as highly dependent on the Howlett Group as they appear. This is most directly reflected in the significant increase in the proportion of orders from Stark Industries."

The lame man was wearing a "weird" outfit today. He was wearing a dark green old-fashioned US military uniform without any epaulets or emblems. Just looking at the wear marks on the collar, it was already an old item that could be put in a military chronicle museum.

"Any country or force with some ambition and strength does not want to be a vassal of the Howlett family, but few have the courage to betray or resist. 'Having evil intentions' does not affect 'borrowing flowers to offer sacrifices to Buddha'."

His eyes turned into two fleshy tendrils and tentacles stretched out of the car, and Dr. Richards, who was still talking and sitting opposite, looked particularly weird and scary.

Today, T'Chaka put on the Black Panther armor that he hadn't changed in decades under his cloak. He held his helmet under his clothes with both hands. He was used to "Mr. Fantastic" being able to transform into various twisted shapes from time to time.

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of the two tentacles retracted quickly. The stone man who seldom made a sound raised his head and glanced at T'Chaka, and said in a dull voice:

"Even if the entire U.S. military can be persuaded by you, even if hundreds of super soldiers like him are mobilized, it will not have the slightest impact on that family. Decades ago, Steve Rogers could do it alone Fighting dozens of soldiers of similar level to him.”

The stone man's unvarnished words were like pointing at Black Panther's nose and scolding him for being useless, but the old king of Wakanda not only did not look unhappy at all, but instead nodded in agreement and stared at the lame man next to him. .

"Well, the words you used just now are very special."

The lame man raised his cane and pointed at Dr. Richards. He was used to explaining various problems to the "Avengers" he summoned, or to add some confidence to them and dispel some doubts.

"The American military has never given up on researching enhanced serum plans. Although they do not have the natural 'heart-shaped grass' material and cannot make the high-level serum unique to the Howlett family, General Thaddeus Ross A new path has been explored. Once successful—"

"Hey, get ready to get off."

As the cripple was talking, the inertia of the brakes caused his thin body to sway slightly. He hurriedly stood up with a cane and got out of the car bit by bit.

At a secret base headquarters of the Army, also located in Florida, General Ross chewed on a top-quality cigar produced by the Howlett Group. After asking for instructions from his confidant, he was silent for a few seconds and looked at the smoke swirling under the lamp. He nodded slowly.

The door of the room was opened, and four figures of different postures filed in. Facing the room, which was not spacious and filled with documents, only the lame man quickly found a gap and sat down, unceremoniously.

"William Stryker, you have a tough life."

General Ross signaled the surrounding super soldiers who were responsible for protecting him to leave, flicked his cigar and said casually, not caring that he was in the same room with three people with extraordinary powers, and his calm and self-defeating aura was full of oppression. .

"Hey Ross, I enlisted in the army earlier than you. If I had better luck, you wouldn't be sitting in this position now."

"You are on the wrong team. It's all because of your bad luck. Soldiers have to hang out with people who are secretly involved. If Hoover hadn't fallen, you wouldn't have had any good results."

Admiral Ross did not say a word of threat or greeting to this old friend who had been in a military prison for more than ten years and disappeared for more than twenty years after he was released. His attitude was difficult for people to understand.

"Are people in the military really that pure? 'General Thunderbolt', don't you know how much you have done for the entire military behind the scenes? Stop talking nonsense, you need my help."

William Stryker was leaning on a cane, resting his chin on the back of his hand and blinking, as if he was very important.

"If these two ex-convicts who have been released from prison are willing to join the military's extraordinary team, I would be interested. Oh, and King T'Chaka. If there is any vibranium left in Wakanda, we are welcome to trade it. The price is easy to talk about. Other than that. "

Admiral Ross leaned forward and put out his cigar. He briefly glanced at William Stryker, who was not much better than a tramp. It seemed that he agreed to see him from the beginning just for the other three people.

"I have no interest in starting an 'extraordinary war'. Of course, the military must work hard to get rid of the dominance of the Howlett family, but this does not mean that it must completely overturn the table with them. The existence of 'order' is important to the stability of the entire world." All--"


Stryker really tilted his butt, as if releasing the gas accumulated in the intestines, and continued with narrowed eyes:

"Is this really a fart, 'stability of the world'? Ha! Tell me Ross, when did our country take peace and stability as its own responsibility? I was not a lieutenant at the bottom, I was instigating the puppet regime on the Vietnam War. By the time, I’m afraid you were still learning to salute in the recruit camp!”

It was the first time T'Chaka and Richards saw this cripple with such momentum and voice. They listened for a long time and vaguely combined Stryker's experience with the scandal that shocked the world that year.

But if it was only related to the "villain of the century" Edgar Hoover, it would be difficult to explain why he spent his whole life, even in his old age, working hard to try to destroy the Howlett family.

"Whether it is the military you represent or the American government, your unwillingness to fall out with the Howlett family is not because you are worried about social stability or the so-called overall situation, but because you dare not! You don't have the ability! James Howlett is about to die He has lived for two hundred years, haha, how long do you think he can live?"

After Stryker's questioning, the long silence was not broken in Admiral Ross's office until the phone on the table rang, and the adjutant hurriedly opened the door and came in without asking.

Ross listened to the phone for dozens of seconds without any response. He decisively dropped the phone and walked out of the office, roaring in the corridor.

"No! We can't inform them. This plan must be firmly in the hands of the military."

"But sir, the situation is completely out of control. That thing is. Once it reaches the city, we can no longer cover it up."

The intermittent conversations between Ross and his adjutant came from outside. T'Chaka glanced at Stryker suspiciously. His calm and calm look seemed to have predicted something.

Soon, the clicking sound of leather shoes approached the room again. Admiral Ross, who was nearly sixty years old but still strong and strong, pushed the door in and took a deep look at the Black Panther, Mr. Fantastic and the Thing one by one. Stryker said coldly:

"Get ready to work. We may have one more chip to deal with Howlett. It's time for you to contribute."

Without any further push to negotiate a compromise, Stryker stood up abruptly, swinging his body hard to keep up with Rose's footsteps. He turned around and waved to Richards and others, urging them to follow quickly.

In less than ten minutes, the military's high-energy engine transport plane had arrived in the sky above the mountains outside Willowdale. In the gaps between the trees on the hills, a vague shadow was running and jumping quickly, like a frightened giant elephant, crushing the giant beast along the way. passing by trees.

The old black panther slowly put on his helmet, pulled off the cloak with one claw, crouched slightly and stood in front of the open door of the transport plane, and looked back at the Thing and Mr. Fantastic who were also ready.

"Congratulations, Ross. The super soldier enhancement plan seems to be successful. I have experience in this kind of thing. The first sample will always be difficult to control. Leave it to us. We will ensure that it is given before the 'Whip of Order' is discovered. You take him back."

General Ross kept his satellite mobile phone in his hand, waiting for the adjutant to finally confirm the news of his daughter Betty.

Dr. Bruce Banner had an accident during the experiment and turned into a green monster that crazily destroyed the surrounding buildings and also affected the institute's guards.

Such high-level extraordinary out-of-control incidents must be reported to the Whips of Order, who will control and clear the situation.

But this also means that Admiral Ross’s efforts of more than ten years from planning to research have been wasted. With the intervention of the Howlett family, not only will the relevant research data be taken away, but even the military will be passive and unable to support it. Research on such extraordinary force.

The mutable Dr. Banner was completely beyond the scope of General Ross's strength. The super soldiers and heavy troops he deployed did not intercept for long before the green giant broke through and was about to be exposed within the city limits.

The three shadows leaping from hundreds of meters high disappeared in a flash. The searchlight beam of the fighter plane captured a Richards who had transformed into a huge umbrella shape, pulling the Black Panther and the Stone Man down to slow down, drifting towards Go to the target.

Stryker, who was still on the plane, hugged his crutch and hummed an unknown tune again. This was his late wife's favorite melody during her lifetime.

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