Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 36 Tiger (two in one)

Arkansas, Jack Wilson.

In the northwest corner of Jack Wilson Town, there is a three-story old house that has been abandoned for many years. Usually few people dare to approach it.

It is said that many people died in that house, and the original owner was once one of the most prominent manor owners in the town. There was a vast cotton garden and hundreds of black slaves in the north of the town.

However, the male owner of this family was particularly cruel to the black slaves, and the bodies of black slaves who had been tortured to death could often be seen dumped nearby. But I don’t know if it’s true or not. It is said that the owner brutally killed a black slave man, and his wife was a shaman who cursed the male owner of the family.

One night, the man was possessed and shot and killed his wife and children, and finally committed suicide by swallowing the gun. The frightened townspeople burned the female slave to death, and the house was completely abandoned. No one ever dared to take over or take over the land. The area became a taboo place in Jacksonville.

It is unknown whether the rumors are true, but if anyone sees the scene in this old house at this moment, they may be haunted by nightmares for the rest of their lives.

A dozen blue-white mummies were scattered messily in the hall and various rooms, including men, women, and even old people and children. They were all like withered flowers, looking extremely shriveled, as if they had been dried by the wind.

At night, in the cellar of the old house, a coffin that had been put in somehow and still hung with dry soil and tree roots was slowly pushed out from the inside. A pale and slender finger held the edge and slowly stood up. .

Adam looked like he hadn't showered in a long time.

His hair was tangled with dirt and mottled dark-brown blood clots, and a woolen jacket that came from somewhere was so dirty and black that the background color could not be seen. His complexion was still as pale as ever, but it was covered with fine wrinkles as if he had aged, and his eyes looked a little gray.

He licked his chapped lips, as if he felt something, and grinned cruelly.


Victor kicked open the door of the house, and accumulated dust filled the room.

The room was dark, and Victor did not try to light an oil lamp or candle. His pupils became bright in this dark environment, like the bright eyes of a cat at night, and his vision was not affected.

He casually looked at the corpses everywhere in the room, sniffed, and looked disgusted.

"You made the right choice."

Adam came out of the cellar, pulled up a high-backed chair smoothly, and sat in the center of the hall on the first floor. His expression seemed as relaxed as ever, but his obviously dry and wrinkled skin revealed that he was not in a good state.

"I don't think so." Victor said with unabashed contempt.

Adam's expression froze, and he suddenly smiled slyly: "But you're still here, aren't you? You don't have much choice."

He suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly and continued: "That brother of yours, of course, I don't know what your relationship is with him. Your two powers don't seem to be the same. He really surprised me. He The power caused me to suffer such trauma for the first time in nearly a thousand years."

Victor stood silently, speechless.

"But you long for power, don't you? You make no secret of your desire for power. Then, the combined power of mine and yours." Adam's eyes flashed with a strange red light, and he continued excitedly: "It must be far better than him !”

"Are you so confident that I will accept your so-called power?" Victor looked around at the many sucked corpses, and continued with disdain: "I have killed hundreds of your servants, so... The power is not qualified for me to accept.”

In Victor's eyes, even gaining the power of some ordinary vampires would have no effect. He looked down on those ridiculous half-finished products at all.

"No, no, no, you are different from them. You will get my power, my origin blood! And that will make you the most terrifying existence in the world! Besides -" Adam blinked, strangely Staring at Victor, he slowly stood up.

"Why do you think you have the right to choose?" Adam stretched out his palm to Victor, his fingers spread out, and the bloody light in his eyes seemed to be real.


Victor's knees seemed to be under some huge pressure, twitching and shaking. He let out a low roar, but it didn't last long, plop! He knelt heavily in front of Adam.

"Hahahaha! I knew from the first time I saw you that you were destined to be my servant! You were too careless and were bitten by my descendants many times, weren't you? And the last bite I gave you , completely giving you no chance to resist!"

Victor's body kept shaking, as if resisting something.

As Adam spoke, he took off his clothes. Blue and black blood streaks appeared on his naked body. Adam used his sharp black and red nails to cut open the skin on the left side of his chest.

"Come on, sip my origin blood and become my most powerful servant. I want that bastard who dared to hurt me to be killed by his own brother! Go and avenge me and regain everything I have lost, God Glory." Adam opened his arms and raised his head high.

The black and red blood flowing from his heart was different from the black and red blood of the vampires in the past. Instead, it was a bright red source blood that exuded a strange and fragrant fragrance. The blood seemed to be extremely thick, like gelatin, and did not flow around or drip on the ground at all. on the ground.

Victor seemed to be completely controlled. He slowly approached, grabbed Adam's shoulders, leaned down, and bit the wound on his heart.


The moment he took the first sip of blood, Victor's pupils suddenly tightened. It was as if he had drank scalding liquor, which felt both hot and stimulating to his nerves. The moment the blood entered the body, it seemed to seep into the flesh and blood tissue instead of entering the stomach from the mouth. Victor felt a ball of fire explode from his chest, and then spread crazily throughout his body.

His bones began to crackle, and the sharp claws on his fingertips grew uncontrollably. His messy long brown-black hair fell to the ground. The hair on his body began to fall off one after another, and shiny and bright hair grew again. With new hair, the skin will continue to crack and grow again, and the new skin will be tougher and stronger.

"Okay. Okay," Adam said with obvious lack of energy, but Victor seemed to have no intention of stopping. His body continued to change, and his bones continued to grow in his body.

"Stop! Damn it! Stop!"


Adam let out a long howl, his body quickly changed into the form he had when he fought with James before, and he pushed Victor away with all his strength.

The sharp claws on Victor's fingertips obviously became thicker and longer. He subconsciously scratched his head. His original long hair was gone, and he was a little uncomfortable with the new short hair.

Adam was a little stooped and breathing heavily. His body looked very much like a human corpse whose blood he had sucked. It was far less plump and strong than when he fought James before. The bat wings had become a little smaller, and the tattoos on his chest and back The bristles are also faintly white.

"You! How could you disobey me!"

Victor licked his lips and looked at Adam with unfinished content.

James always thought that a vampire's bite would make Victor lose his mind and even transform into a vampire. He was not mistaken. Victor, who was constantly bitten by vampires, absorbed the venom of the vampires bit by bit, which fueled his violence and bloodthirsty. When he saw Adam, he could indeed feel that Adam His bloodline has a certain influence on him.

But he is not an ordinary human being after all, and the fervent and savage genetic power of the saber-toothed tiger is powerful enough. Even if Adam bites him once, his control over Victor is like something that pops up in a person's mind from time to time, and cannot be shaken off. The troubles and worries are general.

If it were a fight between lightning and flint, this moment of confusion would be enough, but if it were to completely control Victor and make him obey, it would not be possible.

The saber-toothed tiger never gives in.

"You are right." Victor showed a rare happy state, and continued in a low voice: "This kind of power can indeed make me stronger, but it's not enough."

Adam's completely black eyes showed no sparkle, but his ferocious and twisted face seemed to be filled with anger.

"Asshole! Damn it!"


Adam stretched out his claws and pounced on Victor. A huge crater was opened in the floor of the abandoned mansion, and pieces of wood shattered and splashed all over the house.

Boom! Victor stood on the spot and also grabbed Adam's claws. His feet were constantly cracking, and his legs were pressed into the floor tiles under the wooden board. The two of them were wrestling claws against claws.

"Your strength is far behind. Was it because you were too seriously injured before? Or is it your fault? I almost ate you up!"


An unprecedented roar erupted from Victor's chest, and the sound oppressed Adam. He dug his claws deeply into Adam's palms, and instinctively used the power of the tiger-shaped fist to twist and roll his palms.

Bang! Bang! Victor twisted Adam's arms and shoulders off like a twist. Adam screamed and wailed in pain, swinging his body wildly and trying to escape from Victor's grip, but his arms had completely lost their strength. Seeing that he could not escape, Victor was in front of him. The many eyes became more and more dangerous and naked, and Adam could only - hiss!

He broke his arms, and blood spurted out from both shoulders. He flapped his bat wings crazily and flew toward the roof above the stairs in the hall. Victor suddenly pulled out his legs and jumped out. After a few leaps, he used the spiraling step fence to follow.

He grabbed the sole of Adam's foot and pulled it off.

Adam howled miserably twice, and was thrown in a semicircle by Victor and hit the ground, leaving a large mess.

The huge leather boots broke Adam's sternum. Victor bent down, grabbed Adam's wings with both hands, tightened his back and exerted force, and Adam's wings were pulled out.

"Don't, don't kill me. I'm still useful. If I'm useful, I'll help you."

Adam couldn't help murmuring. At this moment, his arms were broken, his wings were missing, and he was as bare as a stick.

As if listening to the annoying buzz of mosquitoes, Victor twisted his head, moved his feet, pinched Adam's neck and picked him up. He looked up and down at Adam's miserable appearance at this moment, and couldn't help but said: "James is right, a guy like you still pretends to be a god."

He shook his head, grabbed Adam's hip bone with his other hand, and stretched it across his body. After Adam appeared in his original form in his prime, he was a bit taller than Victor. With his broad bat wings, he was oppressive. He was full of emotions, but at this moment he seemed to have shrunk severely, and he was like a lamb waiting to be caught in the tiger's mouth in front of Victor.

Adam shook his legs and struggled feebly for a few times. His throat was tightly grasped by Victor and he could not speak. He watched as Victor opened his canine jaws and bit into his heart.

Gudong Gudong

Victor swallowed the last of Adam's blood, and his body continued to mutate. Powerful aura continued to rise from Victor's body, and Adam's dark eyes gradually turned gray.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much and speak your mind. I'm surprised that you mentioned this matter today, and I admire you very much."

James and President Lincoln were talking at the door of the banquet hall. After the meeting, the Lincolns insisted on seeing him and O'Hara off. While the women were talking at the end, the two walked aside to chat for the last time.

"No, James, I know my original intention in my heart." Lincoln looked at his toes rather lonely, and then said: "From the beginning, I was pushed into this position because of the will and needs of the northern capitalists. On the other hand, this war was fought out of hatred for vampires. But we were really worried about the lives and suffering of the black slaves in the South."

President Lincoln shook his head and sighed: "Slavery has been abolished and the war is about to end victoriously. However, the southern plantation owners can still do their cotton business, and the black slaves they raise are no longer legally We are slaves, but how much can our lives change? And the black people working in these factories in the north."

"We have almost exterminated vampires on the North American continent, which has completely deprived the slave owners of the South, directly or indirectly, of support. We have legally confirmed the freedom of black people and have since planted the seeds of true equality." James' eyes He looked firmly at President Lincoln, wanting to give him support.

"It is easier to bulldoze a big mountain than to bulldoze people's prejudices. No matter what your original intention is, history will witness and tell people whether your choice today is correct."

"Hey! Then I would have been a bone long ago! Listen to you, leave everything to damn history!" President Lincoln laughed heartily, and even used swear words. His heroic appeal, in this era, Gathering the strength of the country to the greatest extent.

James held O'Hara's hand and strolled toward the front of the White House, where the Howlett family's carriage was already waiting.

O'Hara's mood was not as high as when she first arrived, and she looked a little tired. She lowered her swan neck, took James' arm, and leaned on his shoulder.

The two of them suddenly became shy and embarrassed. It was their first time attending a banquet together.

After getting on the carriage, James turned to stare at the White House, and a voice suddenly emerged in his heart: Abraham, not only history, but also I will bear witness for you.

The coachman cracked his whip and the wheels rolled forward.

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