Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 39 Wolf and Tiger (two in one)

"Be obedient, when you get to Chicago, take the train back to Edmond, and Bob will go back with you." James said patiently to the grumpy O'Hara.

After bidding farewell to President Lincoln in Washington, he took advantage of the situation and headed south. On the one hand, he was looking for Victor, and at the same time, he also took a look at the current situation in the southern United States, and conducted an investigation on the later purchase of land and industrial layout.

But after all, the war is not over yet, and the search for Victor is likely to encounter dangers beyond expectations.

Whether Victor was influenced by vampires, what role Adam played in this matter, and the possibility of encountering remnants of the vampires, etc., so it is ridiculous to take a woman to wander around the southern states.

Seeing that things were not going to work, O'Hara could only ask James to spend a few days in Illinois before going to Chicago to take the train back to the manor. James thought that it would take just a few days, so he agreed.

The town of Joliet is not far from Chicago. It has also developed rapidly in recent years and will soon reach a city-level scale. There is also a train from the town that leads directly to Arkansas.

Now James has a certain quality of "sweeping buildings". Wherever he sees land and cities worth investing in, he can't help but wonder whether to buy a piece of land or something.

There were five of them together with the coachman, and they stayed in a relatively quiet hotel in Joliet that was far away from the center of the town. It is said that a slope next to the hotel is the best place in town to watch the sunset.

Under the strong recommendation of the innkeeper, James took O'Hara here to have a picnic, eat afternoon tea, and wait for the sunset together.

The other three old friends from the Howlett family went to the busiest bar in town to relax, leaving their private time to them.

"James, why do I feel like you haven't changed much." O'Hara held her cheek and watched James peel the apple for her.

"How can I change? How long have you known me? You can't say anything stupid."

"No, there's just no change in appearance. Look, if you shave off your beard, you'll be the same as when you were twenty. Look, your skin is still so thin."

O'Hara was good at gesticulating on James' face, touching his own face from time to time, comparing something.

James paused for a moment with the fruit knife in his hand and dealt with it casually denying it. O'Hara made a fuss about asking him to shave tomorrow and the two were joking and joking. Suddenly, James's face changed and he took a deep breath in a strange way.

"O'Hara, go back to your room, now!"

This was the second time O'Hara saw James like this. The last time was those terrifying blood-sucking monsters. She seemed to understand and hurriedly turned around and ran towards the hotel. The distance was only a few hundred meters away, which was not too far.

After this first experience, she felt reassured about James' personal safety.

James stood up and looked at a forest to the south. He couldn't believe the smell he smelled. The smell was still far away. His nose was now very sensitive to some smells that were particularly marked in his memory.

It smelled a lot like Victor, but it was certainly not the one he was familiar with.

The sun approaching sunset shone slantingly on the woods, and James waited patiently. After a while, a figure gradually lengthened, and Victor walked out of the woods and looked at James from a distance.

"That's good. This way I don't have to run so far to find you in Edmond." Victor seemed to be talking more.

"What did you do?" James' eyes became a little scary, and Victor's smell became very similar to Adam's. It seemed that the two smells were entangled together, and there was also some fresh bloody smell.

Victor shrugged noncommittally and said, "I did what you didn't finish."

"You accepted Adam's power."

"No, it took away his power, all of it." Victor grinned, and his eyes began to change. They were not all dark pupils like Adam's, but bright yellow whites and a little black pupils. , those are the eyes of the tiger.


A roar exploded from Victor's chest, and for a moment, the hair on James' body stood up.

Immediately afterwards, Victor seemed to have countless writhing creatures trying to get out of his body, writhing under his skin, his body began to grow taller, and his clothes were torn.

Click, click, click! The bone-grinding sound that made people feel sour continued to sound. The phalanges and fingernails of his hands were pierced out of the flesh, forming one body and becoming thicker, longer, sharper and sharper than before.

The bones at the tip of the elbow also broke through the skin and grew into a cone-like exoskeleton more than ten centimeters long. Four huge canine teeth grew further, and brown hair grew on the back and along the spine. He became taller than before, with muscles that seemed to be integrated into one body, and his skin was a light khaki color with the texture of a rock. Victor became a real giant beast.

"Don't underestimate me, James." His vocal cords were like rough frosting, making an unpleasant sound.


The grass around James was pressed to the ground. His heart beat rapidly and violently, like a igniting engine, beating with flesh and blood to make a drum-like roar. The blazing high temperature radiated from his body, distorting the surrounding air. , the half-long black hair was blown up by the turbulent air waves, beating rhythmically.

James looked at Victor with an indifferent look he had never seen before, without saying a word.

"Very good!" Victor opened his mouth excitedly and shouted.

boom! boom!

The two of them rushed towards each other at the same time, like two extremely fast steam trains, rushing towards each other like suicide.

Victor lay prone on the grass, running and charging like a real beast. Every time he kicked the ground, two deep pits were plowed into the lawn. And James clenched his fists tightly, and his footwork was extremely explosive, as if there was gunpowder exploding under his feet.

The distance between the two disappeared in an instant. Victor's tiger claws and James' fist hit each other at the same time. Victor took two steps back, and a blood pit ten centimeters deep was opened in his chest, but he was not hit. Penetration, with Victor's current abnormally strong body, this is an acceptable degree of injury. After taking all of Adam's blood, his self-healing ability has also been significantly improved, and it seems to have surpassed James.

And James was knocked away by Victor's huge force. The bones from his shoulders to the collarbone were smashed, and his large muscles were torn apart by Victor's tiger claws. He rolled twice on the ground and then stabilized his body, half-crouching on the original position. On the ground, he glanced at the healing bones and muscles, and his eyes were solemn as never before.

Victor twisted his neck, looked at his hands with satisfaction, and pounced again, without giving James any more time to buffer.

The two struggled together, fists and claws touching flesh, each other was immortal, and every attack was fatal without mercy. The two's roars of pain and excitement played the best background music for this battle.

Bang! boom!

James's raised fist was caught by Victor's tiger claws. Victor took the opportunity to turn around and hit his elbow. The awl at the elbow pierced James' right chest, bursting out a bloody hole like a fist.

As long as Victor is close to James, he will still suffer radiant damage like fire and needles, but Victor doesn't care and allows his skin and muscles to be corroded and melted, and his self-healing ability is further improved. , allowing his body to keep up with the speed of this kind of injury.

"Why don't you accept yourself, why?"

James is increasingly at a disadvantage. Victor's current physical attributes are much better than Adam's in his prime.

Especially the strength and explosive power of the saber-tooth tiger, every attack James endured, even if he had perfect fighting skills to relieve the force, still caused destructive damage to his body. This was after his kung fu became better, and his body bones further Improve the results after strengthening.

Victor kept asking James the same questions, seemingly for no reason. Every question he asked was accompanied by a more violent attack. The flesh and blood on James almost grew again. After awakening the power of Wolverine, he I felt a little powerless for once.

Click! boom!

Victor completely gave up any defensive moves and took a few punches from James in the chest. Victor, whose internal organs were ruptured after being beaten, vomited blood while accusing himself of hitting James' head with two claws, and then A kick knocked him onto a boulder more than ten meters away.

One of James's eyes was smashed, and his true appearance was completely unrecognizable on his face. His neck was broken in two, his chest was sunken, and the boulder behind him was cracked inch by inch.

He vomited blood from time to time and lost the strength to get up.

"Are you still unwilling to accept yourself? What are you afraid of? Afraid of becoming like me!"

Victor walked forward slowly step by step.

James squinted his one intact eye and moved his lips slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

"What do you want, Victor, this?"

Clusters of flesh worms squirmed in the flesh of James' arm, and two pairs of bone claws nearly thirty centimeters long slowly pierced out from between the finger bones, with knots and mottled spots on them, and a faint pale white color.

His body healed quickly, and his broken eyeball soon recovered.

James's eyes turned into olive shapes and seemed to glow with green light. His body once again exploded with energy, and the pair of bone claws were like tempered steel knives.

"That's it! This is you!"

Victor looked at the bone claws thrust out by James and smiled crazily. He felt the greatest joy in his life. This joy was so pure and surging - he was finally no longer alone.

James clenched his fists, pressed his bone claws, and shot towards Victor.

When he completely let go of his anger and showed his claws, it seemed that his body's strength and speed had increased a bit, and his energy became more violent. It seemed that his instinctive power should come from anger.


The tiger claw that Victor slapped was penetrated by James's bone claw. He twisted his wrist and Victor's elbow joint clicked! Was twisted. The saber-toothed tiger roared angrily and saw James hysterically piercing his body with another bone claw.

ah! ! !

Every time James punched, his bone claws penetrated Victor's body deeply, and then the fist surface hit his muscles hard, blasting out a pit of flesh. In an instant, he punched more than a dozen punches, knocking Victor to his knees. The huge body was reduced to a pile of rubble.

boom! boom!

The saber-toothed tiger used another uncontrollable tiger claw to hit James twice in a row like a catharsis. James didn't care about the crisp sound of the cervical vertebra breaking. He punched Vic from the bottom up. With such a broad jaw, the bone claws penetrated Victor's lower jaw, mouth, and penetrated straight into his skull.

Victor's brain was traumatized, and he staggered two steps as if he was drunk, with blood flowing from his eyes. He lost consciousness and roared on instinct. He was clenched tightly by James' tiger paw that had been pierced, and his metacarpal bones were stuck. He took off the bone claws and turned over forcefully without caring about the pain.


The bone claws on James' left hand were broken into pieces. The three fractures were uneven, and the red medullary tissue between each bone claw could be seen.

He roared in pain, crouched forward, and ducked behind Victor. At this time, Victor's reaction and speed were a little sluggish. After a moment's hesitation, James dug his right paw into Victor's neck, and tightened his left fist. Even if the bone claw is broken, the fierce energy attached to the broken bone bag still penetrates into Victor's back and pierces Victor's spine.

Just then, an accident happened.

The bone marrow in James's broken bone claw and Victor's spinal cord were connected together in this extremely coincidental way. Both of them felt a suction coming from each other, as if they were absorbing the other's bone marrow tissue, that kind of bone marrow. The pain that was extracted was greater than any moment the two of them fought today.

The bone claws on the left arm and the spine on Victor's back began to grow with flesh and bone, tightly covering the connection, forming a solid physical tissue.

James desperately tried to separate his bone claws, but the pain that shattered his spirit was still almost growing together. The abnormally tough proliferative tissue tightly connected the two of them, as if the two bodies originated from the desire deep in the blood. It finally came true.

They howled in pain at the same time, instinctively using all the strength of their bodies to try to absorb each other's bone marrow.

James gathered all his strength. Years of boxing practice allowed him to quickly grasp his own energy and blood. He could clearly feel the energy-filled substance flowing from Victor's body into his bones.

It was a pleasure of ever-expanding power. The bones in his body were quickly filled with abundant heat, and then overflowed. James' bone cells began to divide, die, and regenerate rapidly.

Soon all the bones in the body were completely replaced, becoming stronger and tougher, greatly exceeding the density level of ordinary bone structures.

His bones began to take on a new structural form. The original spine turned into three interlocking spiral columns, with an alternative biomechanical beauty. Similar changes continued throughout James' body. Then there is the regeneration of blood and flesh cells, and the replacement of skin tissue and hair tissue.

The bone claws on his right hand became thicker and longer, growing out from between the phalanges of the fist surface. The skin of the forearm split into pores, and white jade-colored bone proliferated from it, forming a shape similar to an arm shield, wrapping Hold the fist to the elbow.

The new bone claws protrude from the arm shield, and are more than half a meter long. Three clusters of sharp barbs like shark fins protrude from the arm shield. The tips of the elbows are like Victor's, with thick, long and sharp bone awls growing upside down. .

The texture of his bones has become closer to that of metal, and there are only sporadic mottled scars on his claws and arm shields.

In addition to the power absorbed from Victor's bones, there is also a part of the cold liquid that is integrated into itself. Unlike Victor's bone marrow, that substance can perfectly integrate with James without any objection and enter the body. Finally, a dark bloodthirsty emotion came to mind.

James absorbed too much new power. He could no longer control his body's energy and blood as freely as before, and his martial arts level fell from Huajin.

Victor's body was shrinking visibly to the naked eye. His nearly two-meter-four figure slowly shrank, his thick and broad shoulders gradually became narrower, the hair and beard on his head turned pale rapidly, and his skin gradually wrinkled. relaxation.

The flesh and blood tissue that the two people were forced to grow together quickly disappeared automatically after James absorbed it. Victor was lying on the ground, like a dying old man dying, his eyes turned gray and his lips were slightly closed.

James' whole body was filled with explosive power that he could not control, and the bone claws on his left arm also multiplied into the same shape as his right arm. However, he knelt down beside Victor helplessly, and looked at Victor with a dull face. Face, his lips moved slightly, and James unconsciously moved closer.

"Thank you. Jamie. It would have been nice if I could have had a fight like this one day earlier."

James was a little flustered and didn't know how to face such a situation. What Victor wanted was for him to face his truth, and for both parties to abandon all worries and fight to their heart's content.

Even with this result, Victor seems to be satisfied. He has found similar people and a truly hearty battle.

His eyes had never been more complicated, a little unwilling, but also deeply satisfied and relieved. The corners of his wrinkled and chapped mouth raised upwards. The sun was finally going to set, and the setting sun shone on Victor's face. He smiled happily. .

This was the first time in Victor Logan's life that the saber-toothed tiger smiled.

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