Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 47 Arrival

Looking at a 10,000-ton cargo ship docked in an orderly manner at the port, as well as two of the latest military diesel internal combustion engine-powered warships, Asazo scratched his head, then looked back at the heavily armed teams arranging arrangements around him. The sailors and crew members at the dock were unloading transportation equipment and even large transportation trucks. They couldn't help but ask James secretly.

"Dad, what are we going to do? Do you want to fight? Why are all the navy's warships here?"

James looked at the armored ship strangely and said naturally: "Isn't the navy also using ships produced by the military industry department of the family? I just transferred two ships to escort, what? You have objections to the war."

Asazuo almost jumped up with excitement, and tried his best to lower his voice and said: "I like fighting the most! Dad, you are so mean, you said you would take me out to play, it's such a big scene!"

He scratched the back of his hands subconsciously. The cloth tied around his body made Asazo feel a little itchy. He was tired of these things.

James knew that Asazo was extremely passionate about battles and even wars. His mutant genes were born with cunning and warlike factors. He liked to create chaos and enjoy the fun of fighting. No wonder he had the mutant ability known as the Red Devil.

"I'm going to let you down. It's not the kind of battle you imagined. They are mainly responsible for transporting some things, but you will have a chance to fight."

Asazo nodded hurriedly, being able to fight was the best thing. He had no objection to fighting or even killing. James had already led him to kill some heinous criminals and perverts with his own hands, and he had seen blood.

The team was quickly arranged under the purge of Remus Pitt. He is the "alpha wolf" of this generation and the captain of the Howlett family's private secret armed "wolf pack". This team was inherited from the old Mr. Howlett. , secretly passed down from generation to generation.

James followed the leather scroll brought back by Mr. Daniel back then and walked all the way from Kenya to Uganda. Most of the indigenous people along the way had never seen huge trucks and so many strangely dressed outsiders. He screamed and ran away, staring curiously at the convoy passing by.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

The team has gone deep into the jungle. Kenya belongs to the tropical monsoon zone. Even during the day in summer, the maximum temperature is only 267 degrees Celsius, so it is particularly suitable for the growth of various organisms, especially mosquitoes.

Asazo was already annoyed by these palm-sized mosquitoes. He even used the ability of teleportation to avoid these all-pervasive mosquitoes, but found that this did not have much effect.

He looked at James with some envy as he walked without being affected at all. There seemed to be an invisible aura surrounding his body, which blocked out all snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

"What are you looking at? You don't have to think about this skill. It's so hard to practice evolution. This is only possible by practicing what Remus and the others have learned." After saying this, James looked at the man in front of him who was holding a machete to clear the way. Remus Peter, his slashing movements are smooth and smooth, with a somewhat unique artistic conception.

The members of the wolf pack have all been trained by James himself, especially this generation, who have basically been trained by him since they were young. They all practiced the combat technique named Killing Technique by James. Remus was especially talented and was about to reach the third level before he was thirty years old.

The Evolution Technique is a training method that James specializes in controlling mutants and improving mutant abilities. It can be used to control the body like the Killing Technique, but it does not require the exercise of strength, so it is much simpler.

Asazo looked sad. He regretted that he had taken off the cloth wrapped around him early, otherwise it could have helped him block these damn mosquitoes.

James looked at the map again, compared the location of Valkana Lake, and signaled Remus and others to stop.

"Station here and prepare to receive them. If anyone tries to attack or come close, they will be shot."

After receiving the order, Remus quickly began to make arrangements. There were not many armed members in the team, only more than thirty, but there were a large number of people responsible for transportation. Until now, he did not know what he might receive in the future.

James looked in the east direction again, seeming to estimate the distance.

"Asazo, follow." As soon as he finished speaking, James ran into the depths of the jungle, the air exploded faintly, and his explosive power in a moment was almost on the verge of breaking the sound barrier.

Asazo grinned excitedly and teleported away.

Natulu dozed off and leaned against the tree in a daze.

As a member of Wakanda's border guard, daily patrols and stationing are routine tasks, but this job is really boring. The last time someone broke into Wakanda was decades ago, and many people were arrested at that time. , I heard that there were a few more later, but nothing happened over the years. The border guard is really the most boring job in the country.

While he continued to rest in peace, he was thinking about when he could add a few scar tattoos on his face, so that maybe Liya from the River Valley tribe would notice him.


Natulu shuddered all of a sudden, as if something flew past, but the shadow disappeared instantly. He scratched his scalp strangely, a little worried that His Majesty the King might be passing by and he was lazy and dozing off. No Know if you are seen.

James rushed out of the jungle, suddenly stabilized his body and stopped, completely eliminating the huge impact inertia that defied common sense of mechanics.

Asazo then burst into a cloud of black smoke and flickered around him, and said helplessly: "Dad, why bother running here? I can take you directly here."

"I want to see how far this distance is and what the conditions are like around here."

James looked around and asked Asazo: "Can it be done from here to Remus's position?"

"No matter who you look down on, I can do it no matter how far away you are."

"You're not going to go back and forth by yourself. You'll have to carry a lot of things with you." James teased in a rare way, looking at the open hinterland inside Wakanda with interest, where a group of people wearing unique indigo cloaks appeared. The patrol team is not far ahead.

When they saw the two figures in front of them, they stopped in disbelief and asked each other a few questions. Under the shouts of the leader, they took out their machetes and surrounded them.

After rushing closer and seeing Asazo's appearance, the entire team erupted into violent shouts and strange movements. They spoke an unknown language, danced with scimitars and spears of strange texture, and roared angrily.

Asazo looked at them with ferocious eyes. Although he could not understand what these black natives were shouting, their expressions and emotions reminded Asazo of his childhood experience. He slowly pulled out a pair of The well-made ferocious short sword lowered its body slightly.

James also had a headache as he looked at the indigenous people opposite who were screaming and roaring like monkeys. He knew some Hausa, which is one of the three most common languages ​​in Africa, but it was obvious that these Wakandans were talking about themselves. Unique language.

Soon, the guards blew their horns, and more and more indigenous warriors gathered around, including cavalry and a group of spear-wielding women with shaved heads.

A black figure came quickly from the distance, leaping over streams and boulders from time to time, like a panther rushing for prey. He rushed up to a height of six or seven meters in one step, flew across the crowd, and crashed down in front of James.

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