Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 56 Variation of Cultivation Theory

At night, James stood on a terrace on the third floor of the manor, looking up at the stars. The night sky in this era was relatively clear, and the stars sprinkled by the Milky Way were dotted. He often looked at the stars in the sky at night like this. In Asazo When he was young, I would take him to relax like this.

The air seemed to be vibrating slightly, and James slowly rose and fell. He seemed to be slowly and quickly running up to a few hundred meters in the air, as if he wanted to get closer to the Milky Way.

At first, he could only slightly lift his body into the air to resist gravity. With his understanding of the outward release of force and the so-called Gang Qi, this skill became more and more practical.

After practicing martial arts, one has to master the so-called elixir energy to develop Gang Qi. He didn't know what it was before, and even the level of holding elixirs was fumbled by himself.

After searching many Eastern Taoist books these days, he once again looked at his original so-called "Bao Dan" process, which was full of fallacies.

In the past, he only knew the general method of holding elixirs, but he had never learned the Taoist understanding of the so-called "golden elixirs". In fact, this process was not only a stimulating evolution of the physical body, but also a fusion of the spiritual level.

Golden elixir is a state, a state of completeness and unity, so what Jindan practices is unique, "hugging" all of one's essence, energy, and spirit together and condensing them into one.

But James purely believes that this is to find evolutionary stimulation points in the body, thereby improving the physical fitness and reborn.

But if it was wrong from the beginning, why did it finally work out and actually find the nine "golden elixirs" distributed along the spine.

This puzzled him for a while. It was not until he compared the evolution technique and the killing technique he created that he finally understood that the practice methods of mutants at this stage were different from those of ordinary humans.

The power of a mutant comes from the gene itself, from the mutant ability itself. At present, he has too few research methods and materials, but after he has reached the level of controlling the self-healing ability of his body, he can clearly perceive that as " Wolverine's mutant ability originates from bone marrow.

Human bone marrow can form blood, and the heart is responsible for blood supply. These two tissues and organs are the foundation of his core self-healing ability, and he found the nine nodes distributed along the spine to stimulate the regrowth of his bones to the greatest extent, thus once again Complete the second awakening of mutant abilities.

In the absence of clear training or methodology, mutants basically rely on emotional and mental stimulation to improve their strength. Therefore, there are too many uncertainties. The vast majority of mutants will never have a second chance to awaken their abilities in their lifetime. Only mutants with great potential and strong stimulation under suitable and specific circumstances will awaken their mutant abilities for the second time.

Therefore, James did not achieve the "Bao Dan" at the martial arts level at all, but the second evolution of mutant ability, which is the stage that Asazo needs to reach the second level of the evolution technique he is practicing.

Apart from the cognitive differences between the two, there is no difference in results. It's just that the mutant's "Bao Dan" does not have such a spiritually perfect state.

This also means that James has completed the second-level concept of evolution that mutants can practice.

The first level is to control the body, not to cultivate the body, but to cultivate the body. The purpose is to control the mind and emotions by controlling the body, and to improve the understanding and control of the self-mutating ability.

It is not necessary to master the use of force, but for melee-type mutants, mastering the use of force will greatly increase the destructive power of combat.

As you reach the three small stages of this level step by step, you can gradually and perfectly control your own mutant abilities without causing the ability to go out of control, and use the upper limit of your existing abilities to the maximum extent, which is equivalent to an ordinary person going from 100 meters to 12 meters. Seconds, practice step by step to reach your own limit of less than ten seconds for 100 meters.

When you reach the second level, you have to try to control the spirit, or stimulate and regulate the secretion of some hormones in the brain, and benchmark the Danjin and Gangjin stages of boxing.

Through perfect control of the body in the previous stage, you can gain subtle awareness of the use of body power, experience the brain stimulation or body operation mode when using your mutant abilities, control the body in reverse, and stimulate the corresponding body parts and nodes when your own abilities are triggered. Reach the second evolution of mutant superpowers.

So Asazo has now reached the limit of the first level, and his teleportation ability has been developed to the greatest extent. The distance, frequency, and quality of teleportation have increased several times compared to the Wakanda period.

Now he only needs a few quick strobe teleports to cross continents and oceans. Asazo, who had the weakest ability when he was young, can only reach the point where his eyes can reach, and cannot teleport to places beyond his sight. past.

However, secondary mutation evolution is not only difficult, but also dangerous. If the stimulation of the body goes wrong, it is likely to cause damage to the mutant gene chain, causing unpredictable consequences.

James is still trying on himself, hoping to further perfect the evolution technique and reduce the risk factor.

He hung in the air for a long time, looking at the stars, but he was aware of the secrets deep within his body.

After a while, James came back to his senses and stretched in the air to prepare to go back. Now it is still a bit energy-consuming to fly purely by relying on strength. When he takes a step further, he should be able to truly master the secret of flying.

He inadvertently saw a particularly luxurious and luxurious manor in West Egg across the coast, which was brightly lit. The crystal lanterns illuminated the sky above the manor as if it were daytime.

If you listen carefully, you can feel the excitement of singing, dancing and laughter with your own ears.

James shook his head and smiled, not feeling repelled at all.

Cars carrying people from all over the city flocked here, and every weekend, all weekends would end at Gatsby Mansion. People from all walks of life and all kinds of New Yorkers were immersed in this kaleidoscope of parties.

The pipe organ that reached the roof was loud and majestic. Together with the music played by several groups of jazz musicians, the men and women who came in felt like they had stepped on hot ground and were beating constantly.

"Panser! Black Panther! Come here, you are responsible for the snacks, be smart, the tips here are the highest in New York!"

A slightly fat black young man called out to another tall and burly black man, but he obviously didn't know how to deal with this situation. They were apprentices in the factory together. This boy with a strange name was a nice guy and often helped him. I wanted to work, so I took him with me because I had a way to make extra money on weekends by working as a waiter.

Blake Panther looked at this chaotic scene, and his mind was a little shut down. It seemed like a grand bonfire celebration after the sacrifice in the tribe. In the past few years, he had finally mastered the most commonly used language in the white world, but he still had a vague understanding of their lives. Confused.

He often misses the sunset under the cliff, the grassland next to the river valley, riding a rhinoceros and chasing with his tribe mates, but he is shocked by the steel jungle, the roaring machinery and the unknown every day.

As he stood here, he seemed to be far away, with a strange sense of unreality.

He couldn't be like some of the tribesmen who came back early and lost their souls, or imitate them in kidnapping a few white people and asking for some specious information.

He wants to truly understand the world, find the secret to becoming stronger, return to his hometown, and take back his place there.


"Fake! Get to work quickly!"

The fat man slapped him on the back of the head. Blake Panther nodded hurriedly, held up the dessert plate, and moved nimbly among the crazy dancing crowd.

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