Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 73 Enrollment and the Manhattan Project

After Japan raided Pearl Harbor in 1941, the United States declared war on Japan the next day and was officially involved in World War II.

But the outbreak of World War II plunged American education into a comprehensive crisis. After many people signed up to join the army, the demand for skilled workers increased significantly.

This created a huge demand for worker training in the industry, especially in technical subjects, and some community colleges added two-year degree programs and developed into business schools.

As a result, some teachers decided to leave their jobs and invest in other fields of work to obtain higher incomes. This forced the vast majority of middle schools to face a helpless problem - there were not enough teachers.

But true "aristocratic" high schools, colleges closely connected with Ivy League schools, do not have such problems.

Maister Middle School was established in the 1870s. It is located in the suburbs of New York. It only takes 30 minutes to drive to the city center and is even closer to Long Island.

Today is the day that Eric Lensher enters school. Meister Middle School is a seven-year coeducational college that combines middle and high schools. The probability of students graduating directly to the Ivy League is more than 60%.

James brought the bones of Eric, mother, son and their father back to New York and buried them in Ferncliff Cemetery. The surrounding environment was excellent and many celebrities and important figures were buried here.

Eric Lensherr and his mother Edie were very grateful for this. The mother and son, whose country and family were ruined, were frightened by James's invitation. This ordinary Jewish woman only had a simple sense of gratitude and had no intention of rejecting it.

Outside the window of the car, the carved iron gate of Meister College covered with wisteria flowers came into view. Eric felt a little worried. He already knew some English, and his father Jacob had always had business dealings in the UK.

After arriving in New York, with the help of a tutor hired by Mr. Howlett, I spent three months refining the language and some of the subject knowledge needed to be mastered in American middle schools.

Before the war broke out, the Lanshells paid more attention to their children's education, so they had a good foundation. However, several years of displacement and concentration camp life left Eric only two grades below his current age, entering the second grade of middle school. .

He unconsciously straightened his short dark brown hair. His thin face was much plumper than in the concentration camp, but his chin and cheeks were still narrow.

His eyes were a little averted from the students who were pointing at the car and discussing excitedly, and the palms of his schoolbags were sweating a lot.

James glanced at Eric and said with a somewhat understanding smile: "I forgot to change my car. This model is a little different. Randy, I will send Eric to school in a more common car from now on." .”

Mr. Driver nodded yes. The Howlett family owns many car brands under the manufacturing umbrella, and has acquired and controlled many European car companies such as Germany's Mercedes-Benz, Britain's Bentley, Aston Martin and so on.

Every year, American and European brands hand-craft a new model with a next-generation sedan concept and send it to the headquarters of Howlett Group.

James' butler and service team will select several vehicles to use as his daily transportation.

"No, no sir, actually I can ride a bicycle to school, it's not far."

Eric kept talking. He had extraordinary awe and kindness towards James. Deep down in his heart, he understood that he was different from many people, but he should be the same as Mr. Howlett. That should be it.

During this time, he often thought like this.

"It doesn't matter. School will be fun, but there will also be worries. If you have anything on your mind, you can talk to your mother. Of course, you can also tell me."

James seemed to be in a good mood. It was the first time in his life to send his children to school. In Asazo's case, he could only receive home education since he was a child, but Steve didn't need it. Although Eric was not his own child, he could still experience it. a bit.

Eric finally waved to James who was standing next to the car. Looking at Mr. Howlett's warm smile, he felt a little more confident, looked around and walked into the classroom.

With a thought, he put his hand into his schoolbag. The copper school badge automatically jumped into the palm of his hand, and he pinned it on his chest clumsily. Eric could already naturally perceive and do this magical power that can pull metal.

James returned to the Long Island manor and went directly to the underground space. He continued to look at the mutant experiments and research materials collected from the Auschwitz concentration camp, as well as Dr. Erskine's recent research on genetic mutations.

He didn't know how this guy named Klaus Schmidt came up with the idea of ​​researching or even creating mutants, but with the support of his huge experimental records, the abilities and potential of mutants were summarized to a certain extent. .

Asazo searched around under James's instructions and brought back the last few corpses of mutants created by Schmidt. James froze them all, preparing for Dr. Erskine to do further research when he was free.

The perfect super serum is almost ready, but suitable energy is still a problem, which is related to the advancement of one's own strength. Be sure to find the best solution.

New York Special Military District, Manhattan Project Center Research Institute.

James was dressed very old-fashioned, and his hair was camouflaged, making him look a little gray.

He also used a cane and deliberately stood with a stooped figure. He relied on his basic ability to control his body to reduce his height and frame, making him look less burly. He also made the skin on his face as loose as possible to make him look as tall as possible. A person of a certain age.

Bruce Howlett is over fifty years old. He has tried his best to appear in the outside world as little as possible in the past two years. If he must meet some outsiders, he has to put on some disguise.

Perfect control of the physical body can adjust one's height and body shape within a certain range, and the skin folds can be loosened, but after all, one cannot abruptly change the physical vision of a twenty-five-six-year-old into a sixty- or seventy-year-old man.

He has been preparing to use the identity of Bruce Howlett's son for two years, but his name will still be called James, James II, so he can get used to it.

The President's Army No. 1 car parked slowly outside the research institute. Lincoln, the car brand currently used exclusively by the President of the United States, is one of the brands under Holliday Manufacturing. After taking office, Roosevelt actually intended to replace it and support some new technologies and manufacturing. industrial enterprises.

But the Manhattan Project forced him to rely on the Howlett family, which gave the U.S. government a headache.

"Mr. Howlett, we finally meet."

Franklin Roosevelt got off the specially designed wheelchair slide, and behind him, the White House secretary pushed him towards the door to greet everyone.

"Yes, Mr. President, it has been a pleasure communicating with you on the phone many times. I have always hoped to go to the White House and sit down and have a good chat with you."

James shook hands with President Roosevelt gently. Today is the day when the President comes to inspect the Manhattan Project. James has also been invited, and the White House has repeatedly expressed tactfully that he must come.

The person who presided over the entire Manhattan Project and today’s introducer is Dr. Julius Robert Oppenheimer. This is a somewhat funny-looking, tall and lanky German Jew, including Albert Einstein who completed the nuclear weapons theory. German Jews.

Adolf Hitler, for whatever reason, comprehensively excluded and even massacred the Jewish people. In addition to gaining the support of the vast majority of the Germanic people, he also pushed many key figures at historical junctures onto the opposite side.

Professor Oppenheimer introduced the current development progress of the atomic bomb with great interest. Today he made a special trip from the Los Alamos laboratory because the Oak Ridge factory will soon start producing the first batch of enriched uranium-235.

This means that huge amounts of resources and dollars will be burned.

James listened briefly, and soon went to a relatively private office with President Roosevelt to chat. He pulled out a cigar box carved from sandalwood and looked at Mr. President.

"This is your family's Gaia cigar bar. I have smoked it. It is the best in the world, but the production is very small."

Roosevelt took one, sniffed it at the tip of his nose, and nodded. Seeing that Mr. Howlett had no intention of lighting a cigarette for him, he fumbled for his own tar lighter and lit it.

James smiled, he was still somewhat interested in talking about cigars.

"No, this is not it. Although there are few Gaias, there is still a chance to buy it. This one is called the Golden Apple. It is specially made for me to smoke personally. It cannot be said to be better. It is just prepared according to my own taste. Occasionally some old friends will Give some away.”

President Roosevelt was not a great cigar smoker, but when he smoked it he had a mellow and sweet taste in his mouth. It was hard to tell whether it was bitter or sweet, just like drinking the best coffee. He enjoyed the mellow and full aroma from the bitterness.

He nodded and said in a half-joking tone: "Then you and I can be considered friends."

"Haha, of course, I will send it to you regularly in the future."

James blinked. The last time he smoked and chatted with the President of the United States was more than half a century ago.

Mr. President leaned his elbow on the armrest of the sofa, moved his buttocks, glanced at Mr. Howlett, whose face was vaguely shrouded in smoke, pondered for a moment, and said in a complicated tone.

"Speaking of friends, the Howlett family has always been friends of the U.S. government. Starting from your father, the U.S. military's various equipment, government projects, and key national economic initiatives are all closely linked to Howlett."

James nodded and grinned. Roosevelt wanted something else besides cigars today.

"Yes, the Howlett family started on a farm in Canada, and only came to the United States step by step to get to where they are today. They have independently manufactured and completed the technology of internal combustion engines, popularized and invented various military and civilian electrical appliances, and are currently researching computers. , I suggest you pay attention to this."

What President Roosevelt wanted to say was blocked in his throat. The growth of the Howlett family rapidly drove the United States' speed on the industrial revolution track around the world.

Although he believes that history is not changed by the power of individuals, this is the reality.

James changed the topic and continued cordially: "So the Howlett family has always stood with the White House, and in this current situation, they are doing their best to contribute a little bit."

Roosevelt paused and looked at James seriously.

"The Manhattan Project required a large infusion of capital and continued investment of large amounts of raw uranium ore."

"How much."

"At least a billion dollars."


"What do you want?"

James smoked the golden apple, thought for a moment, and said casually.

"Research and development qualifications for nuclear energy, non-weapons direction, adjustments to some monopoly bills."

After hearing this, Roosevelt quickly and decisively knocked the ashes of his cigar and said solemnly: "The first one is okay, but the second one is not."

"make a deal."

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