In 2014, in a repair shop in Casablanca, Morocco, a man in a white T-shirt was concentrating on repairing a radio.

“Hey, Jill, your skills are really good, stay, stay and help me, your repair skills are comparable to those professional repair engineers.”

The owner of the repair shop, with his eyes full of expectation, walked to the opposite side of Jill and sat down, reached out and patted Jill’s shoulder, and said in a serious tone.

“Boss, of course I want to stay, but… But. ”

Jill’s face showed a helpless expression, for a supernatural person like himself, wanting a peaceful life is really a luxury, it has been three months since he fled to Morocco, and Jill, who has enjoyed three months of calm time, is already very satisfied.


Just when the repair shop owner wanted to say something, a gunshot sounded, and the repair shop owner’s forehead was instantly pierced by a bullet and fell straight to the ground.

“Damn, this group of haunted hydras.”

Jill’s face became completely gloomy, the repair shop owner was still very good to himself, but now he died because of himself, which filled Jill with anger in his heart.

“Get on your knees and give up resistance.”

A group of heavily armed Hydra soldiers cautiously entered the repair shop, their guns aimed at Jill, but their eyes were all filled with fear.

“Hey man, give up resistance, we’re just following orders, relax buddy, we won’t hurt you.”

The leader of a Hydra soldier walked to the opposite side of Jill and sat down, his eyes flashing with fear, as if it was not himself and others who surrounded Jill, but as if Jill surrounded him, his hands raised to show sincerity.

“Liars, you Hydra bastards are liars.”

However, even if the leader of the Hydra soldiers was sincere, Jil, who had completely seen through the face of the Hydra, did not believe any of the words of the Hydra.

“Kala, ka-la.”

With his hands pressed on the table, the terrifying cold current instantly froze the tabletop, freezing the leader of the Hydra soldiers across the table in the blink of an eye.

“Fire, fire.”

The remaining Hydra soldiers flashed with horror in their eyes and panicked in their tones, but before they could pull the trigger, they were frozen by the cold current released from Jill’s hands.


Jill cursed fiercely, quickly turned around and collected his things, although he killed these Hydra soldiers, but Jill understood that Hydra was everywhere, and with his own strength, he could not fight at all.

“Snap, snap, snap.”

Just as Jill was packing up his things and preparing to escape, there was a round of applause in the small repair shop, which made Jill’s body stiffen for a moment and quickly turn around.

“Donnie Gill, a genius who once studied at S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy, whose IQ is comparable to that of Janma Simmons and Leo Fitz in S.H.I.E.L.D., gained the ability to create ice due to an accident in an experiment during a blizzard program.”

On the opposite side of Donnie Gill, Allens, dressed in a black robe like a Matrix, looks very handsome, and beside Allens, is Rena, who is as well-behaved as a kitten.

“BOSS, be careful, Jill can instantly release ultra-low temperatures, and was once a magical killer of Hydra.”

Rena’s eyes are full of jealousy, once in John Garrett’s intelligence, Rena learned Donnie Gill’s intelligence, so she is also very clear about Donny Gill’s ability.

“Are you also from Hydra?”

Donnie Gill looked at Allens as if he were a dead man, with his hands raised, trying to activate his superpowers.

However, what frightened Donnie Gill was that the frozen power, which was once invincible, could not be released at all, and it seemed that he had lost his superpower.

“It seems that you chose to resist?”

Alens’ face is cold, after obtaining the superpowers of the Haitians, Alons himself is a superpower shield, not to mention Jill, even if the leader of the Inhumans, the Hive, comes, he will be slaughtered by Alens.

“Ahem, body, body can’t move.”

Donnie Gill suddenly felt that his whole person was bound by an invisible force, and at the same time, Allens on the opposite side grabbed his right hand and raised his left index finger.

“Wait, Wait, no matter who you are, no matter what force you are, I am willing to submit.”

Looking at Alens’ left index finger, Donny Gill felt a tingling pain in his forehead, and the feeling of his heart being clenched made Donny Gill begin to beg for mercy.

“Ho, ho, ho.”

However, in the face of Donnie Gill’s plea for mercy, Allens was still unmoved, and the index finger of his left hand smoothly cut Donny Gill’s skull from left to right, revealing his brain.

“Here we go.”

Although the current picture is a little bloody, but Rena’s eyes are shining, she has long tied her fate to Alens, and at this time she can see Allens become strong again, and there is even a faint pleasure in her heart.

“Found it.”

Allens crouched down and searched for a special brain circuit in Donnie Gill’s brain, and finally stopped with his left index finger on the first brain groove circuit in the left hemisphere.

“Ho, ho, ho.”

As the index finger stopped, an ice-blue cold current suddenly appeared in the palm of Alens’ right hand, and the cold current swept through, and the ground under his feet was rapidly frozen.

“Very good, freezing ability, I have mastered it.”

The corner of Alens’ mouth hooked a smile, stood up, waved his right hand, and Donny Gill’s body was instantly frozen into ice cubes.

“BOSS, you’re strong again.”

Rena’s eyes were full of excitement, looking at Ellance with adoration, her tone was indescribably excited, and a pair of big eyes looked at Ellance intoxicated.

“It’s not enough, I still need to be stronger.”

Allens directly crossed the ice under his feet, raised his right hand, and a bottle of Coke flew into Alens’ hand out of thin air, Allens held the Coke, and the Coke in the bottle instantly began to cool down.

“Iced Coke, do you want a bottle?”

Looking at Rena, Allens threw the Coke in his hand to Rena, and after Rena took the Coke, Allens put the illusion on himself, and the whole body changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Allens used illusion to transform into the appearance of Donny Gill.

“Let’s go, Rena, let’s go to the Hydra base in the port.”

Turning into Donnie Gill, Allens reached out and patted the dull Rena on the shoulder, reminding.

PS: Ask for collections, ask for tips, ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for all the support of the big guys. Allens is about to transform, scattering flowers. Doctor Strange: Be sure to stop Doom Day, save Shockwave, and save the world.

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