Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 135 Ronan Is Alive! Ronan Is Dead Again! !

Shi Stark felt that he was a little bit conscientious and muttered secretly: "Did Yan go through menopause? A little too irritable? Just wiped out a whole planet."

"If you want to say bad things about Yan, can you say it in your heart, who can't hear the loudspeaker of your armor?"

"As for whether Yan is in menopause, you can ask and try. The destruction of Xandar can only say that they are unlucky. The female Angel is also a female. You can ask Pepper if someone broke her diamond ring. Will she Take the man's bones apart?"

Stark immediately retorted: "Impossible, Pepper doesn't know how, and it's just a diamond ring, I can buy Pepper a car!"

Yan's sudden Rage Jiang Bai didn't expect that although Yan always used the flaming sword to scare himself, but he was quiet more often.

Jiang Bai wouldn’t be surprised if Hela started killing indiscriminately, but it’s hard to understand Yan’s sudden outburst. Could it be that Yan has been assimilated by Hela and turned into a murderous maniac?

"You guys think too much, Yan is a condescending Angel, you don't think she didn't think about the consequences, do you?"

Hela said and flipped "400" in her hand, and a transparent ball appeared in her hand, and there was a constant wailing sound from the ball.

"So you two have colluded for a long time? One stands up and the other collects souls?" Jiang Bai knew what was going on when he saw the ball in Hela's hand.

Tianren 7 can resurrect people as long as it has enough data, and Hela, as the goddess of death, directly collects the dead souls of the entire Xandar star, as long as they find a new home for these souls and resurrect them again.

The prestige again reduced the impression that Yan was a murderous maniac.

Tianren No. 7 lifted off slowly, and reconnected Jiang Bai to the random space to start jumping.

All that remains is the wreckage of Xandar and the legend of Angel coming to punish the world.

"Xingjue, do you know where there is a living planet?"

As a wanderer in the universe, Xingjue definitely knows where there are uninhabited planets that can allow people to survive. At most, the resources are scarce and the civilizations don't want it.

"Yes, yes, yes!!!" Xingjue quickly replied with sweat on his face, he suddenly felt that the three little ones who entertained him might really be just pets, this group of people is really scary.

When you talk with a smile on your face, you can wipe out a civilized planet by turning around, and it's the kind that wipes out the planet together.

"I found the planet where the Cosmic Spirit Orb is. It's just that the mineral resources have been mined, so it was abandoned. If you just put some people, it's fine. You can grow things to survive."

After four space jumps in a row, Tianren No. 7 appeared above a dilapidated planet.

Looking down from space, the planet is dark, and when it lands, there are collapsed buildings everywhere, ravines and ravines on the ground, and it looks like a doomsday.

The only good thing is that this planet contains an atmosphere that can provide oxygen.

Hela handed the ball to Yan to start the tedious resurrection procedure.

Frightened figures gradually began to appear on the ground, and every Yan who looked at him was trembling all over, but no one dared to make any sound.

The crowd began to constantly observe their own hands and feet, and pinch their own faces. This group of people on Xandar found that pinching their faces hard could really feel pain, and they really didn't die.

I just don’t know how that Angel did it, I was changed to another planet

Jiang Bai pushed Xingjue to the front and said:

"He will be responsible for helping you survive, bringing you food seeds or finding rescue!"

The crowd lowered their heads and whispered, but two very special people came out.

A tall man dressed in clothes that looked like mosaics, with black makeup all over his body, seemed to be a pharaoh who ran out of nowhere, holding a huge amounts of long-handled hammer in his hand.

The other has a round head and a round brain, and the whole body is covered with traces of mechanical assembly. It looks like it may be a female robot.

As long as these two people stare at Xingjue.

"What? Those two are your enemies?" Jiang Bai pointed to the two who had been staring at Xingjue and asked.

At this time, Gamora, who was covered in protective colors, suddenly said, "They are Ronan and Xingyun."

So this is the culprit that caused everything? No, the culprit should be the power gem that Jiang Bai put away. Without the power gem, these things would not have happened.

Jiang Bai didn't have a deep impression of Ronan's words, but he was anxious as if he was danced by Xingjue in a movie and then killed.

Xing Yun is quite impressive, because the image of a robot in the movie does not conform to the aesthetics of normal people at all [but in reality, the actor who went to the star is a pretty little girl with a very good contrast.

Hela stretched out two black long swords and instantly appeared in front of Ronan and Xingyun's foreheads.

Ronan tightly held the hammer in his hand but didn't make another move.

Xing Yun didn't move at all, looking like he was waiting to die.

"Sister!! We can deal with Thanos together!!" Gamora rushed to Nebula and grabbed Nebula's mechanical arm and shouted emotionally.

"We can, did you see? Thanos can't be a match for this group of people! We can destroy Thanos together!!"

Nebula threw Gamora away: "That's not what I should care about, I'm just a tool!!"

Jiang Bai didn't care about the drama of sisters' affection or sisters' love and killing each other, and interrupted directly: "Stop! You can find another time if you want to reminisce about the past. Now that the culprit has been found, then the person who made other civilizations in the universe Do you have any last words to tell me, Ronan the accuser, who is frightened by the rumors?"

"Failure is not terrible, the Cree will eventually rule the universe!!!" Ronan held up the sledgehammer created by the highest Cree technology crystallization in his hand, and smashed it down in the direction of Jiang Bai.


A dark purple energy gushes out and goes straight to Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai reached out and picked up Tom and Jerry, who were watching the excitement, and threw it over.

The dark purple energy beam concentrated on Tom and Jerry, and they were instantly reduced to a pool of ashes..

Ronan took a big stride to charge, and the ground was trampled and clanged.

Before rushing to Jiang Bai, he was slapped back by a huge amount of claws.

Tom tidied up his hair, and Jerry licked his paws and rubbed them on his head [put on his top hat and pull out the cross-shaped trail on his neck to point to Ronan.

The crowd around were stunned, even a well-informed space killer like Gamora was stunned.

They never knew that something could be reduced to ashes and come back intact.

In their cognition, the most powerful thing is that races like tree people can be broken limb reborn, but if tree people are burned to ashes, they will really die.

Xingjue suddenly felt that the pets of Jiang Bai and his group were not easy to mess with. It seemed that he could only honestly be a babysitter for these people on the Xandar planet. He didn't want to be killed and resurrected kill.

Ronan smashed into the ground with a bang, splashing a cloud of dust.


A huge pit suddenly exploded on the ground, Ronan jumped out, and the hammer in his hand exuded purple light and hit the ground hard.


A purple Shockwave spread continuously, and the objects covered by the purple Shockwave instantly turned into dust, and the Xandar Stars who hadn't figured out whether they were dead or not died turned into soul states one after another.

Jerry tidied up his big windbreaker, walked faster and faster in small steps, and jumped, the sun's sword flashed by.


The non-stop spreading purple Shockwave stopped abruptly in an instant.

Swiping, swiping, a few blades of light shot out continuously on Ronan's body.

Boom Boom Ronan's land behind instantly appeared criss-crossing chasms.

The battle armor on Ronan's chest cracked, and the bright red blood began to seep non-stop.

The hammer in his hand fell to the ground, and the armor on his body gradually began to slip off his body.

Ronan 3.9 shouted: "Life will eventually pass, but truth will not!!!"

Jiang Bai was taken aback by this sound, isn’t Ronan an invader? How did he become a philosopher when he was dying?

But it doesn't matter, whether Ronan's heart is for the pursuit of truth or for the pursuit of power, it doesn't matter.

Death is death, it is always so pure, what dissipates will eventually dissipate, after Ronan shouted.

Jerry pulled out his long knife from behind, as a final respect to his opponent, Jerry will use his full strength to understand all grievances at this moment.

Swish!! A huge amount of somewhat dazzling blade light calmly appeared in the air.

There was no violent explosion, no smoky rendering, just lightly passing Ronan's body and flying into the distance.

After the sword light dissipated, a huge amounts of rift appeared on this long-forgotten planet, and the ground disappeared silently like butter being cut. The sides of the rift were smooth and neat, with no gravel or impurities Standing quietly on this planet like two mirrors.

It tells that a person who was frightening in the universe once came to this planet. .

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