Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 144 History Stark Finally Knows How His Parents Died

The Autobots went to find the source of fire, found Sam, the Decepticons were dispatched to destroy them, Starscream roadblocks and road rollers appeared

All the shapeshifting King Kong fled into the jungle near the road while avoiding the explosion by the following helicopter.

The helicopters of the police station and the planes of the TV station, which continued to follow, immediately lost the trace of this group of robots.

Early the next morning, the news began to cover the events of last night.

"Last night at around eight o'clock, New York was attacked by a robot in appearance. Two helicopters were shot down by the military. The alien robot left a corpse and fled in a hurry. Now the police and the military are pursuing it with all their strength. !!"

After the host finished speaking, the TV screen turned to show the body of the only unlucky Sir.

It has been blown to pieces by high-explosive armor-piercing bombs, barely pieced together into a robot that can see the shape.

"After a night of testing by scientists, it is determined that these robots are definitely not man-made robots. These robots have shapeshifting ability, and there is no processor device like a computer chip found in the brain position. From this, it is concluded that these sudden robots must be aliens. people!!"

"In addition, please pay attention to citizens. These alien robots can transform into various vehicle forms. If you find that your car is not the same as usual, please don't panic, please report to the police immediately!!"

Before the host on the TV screen finished speaking, Shi Stark fell from the sky wearing a battle armor.

"Why are you back?" Jiang Bai didn't quite understand, didn't Shi Stark go to protect the president's safety?

Shi Stark took off the battleship, went to the wine cabinet, poured a glass of red wine and said while drinking

"An organization called the Seventh District came to tell me that it involved state secrets and that I didn't need to protect the president. They would protect it themselves, so I came back."

"It was Rhodes who asked me for help. Now that I don't need me, I'm back and return the state secrets. What state secrets can be hidden from me? Isn't President 1 actually attacked by robots?"

"So soon you know about robots?"

Shi Stark looked at Jiang Bai with an idiotic look: “J.A.R.V.I.S is an artificial intelligence not a video player [You don’t think you can watch Steve and Natasha Romanoff live]

I can't see it?"

"Pfft!! Hahahaha!!!"

Jiang Bai spit out a mouthful of water, when did Shi Stark speak so interestingly.

What is the live broadcast of Stark and Natasha Romanoff? It is obviously Steve and Bucky live broadcast, and Natasha Romanoff is just calling 666.

"I've found out who the man with the metal arm is."


J.A.R.V.I.S responded and projected a picture in front of everyone.

"Sergeant Bucky Barnes, who used to be the captain's part-time comrade-in-arms, fell from a cliff during a mission and was later confirmed as a sacrifice."

Steve stood up and said: "I can be sure that person is Bucky, although I don't know why he became a member of HYDRA, but I can be sure it is him, I will not save him from HYDRA!!!"

"No captain, I didn't mean that when I mentioned him, but I let J.A.R.V.I.S hack into S.H.I.E.L.D's database while the HYDRA people were chasing you and Natasha Romanoff, and found something different."

After Shi Stark finished speaking, J.A.R.V.I.S changed another projection.

This is an old-fashioned surveillance video. In the picture, a car driving on a road is suddenly stopped by a man with long hair and a metal arm in his left hand.

The man driving opened the car door and looked at the man blocking the road in surprise, obviously this man was known by the driver.

The man with the metal arm in the picture is Bucky Barnes, who grabs the driver by the hair and hits his face with a metal fist.

The wife on the co-pilot also rushed out to stop him, but was strangled to death by Bucky's neck.

The time marked on the upper left of the video is 1991, and this video is exactly the scene where Stark's parents were killed.

"Steve, do you want to take a look?" Stark said slowly.

It was impossible to tell whether the voice was cold or indifferent.

"If we remember correctly, my parents and you and Bucky Barnes knew each other and were friends, right?"

"So they died at the hands of their friends? I always thought they just died in a car accident!!!"

"Crash!!" Shi Stark angrily threw the wine glass in his hand on the ground, the broken glass flew everywhere, and the dark red wine flowed all over the ground.

No one made a sound, Jiang Bai just watched quietly, he also wanted to know how Stark would react after knowing that his parents were killed by Bucky.

But Pepper was suddenly taken aback by Stark. Pepper was hired by Stark's father as Stark's personal assistant just after graduating from college. Almost twenty years passed in a blink of an eye. This was the first time she met To see Stark so gaffe.

Pepper stepped forward and hugged Stark, gently stroked Stark's cheek with his hands and said: "Tony!"

Steve was silent for a moment and said: "Stark, I believe Bucky would not do this, he must be controlled by HYDRA!!!"

Natasha Romanoff grabbed Steve and walked out: "Captain, let's go first and let Stark calm down."

Seeing the two people walking out of the villa, Jiang Bai said, "What do you think? Stark, you have to know that we have many means, whether it's resurrecting your parents or killing that Bucky, it's actually very easy."

·Ask for flowers...

"Now you need to tell me what's on your mind!"

"I don't know." Stark was silent for a while and said slowly: "I don't know, whether he killed that Bucky himself or what, it has been twenty years, I always thought my parents died in a car accident, never I thought he was murdered."

"I don't know what to do now."

Jiang Bai stood up and patted Shi Stark on the shoulder and said, "What's the point of this, if you want revenge, you can take revenge, or how about you capture that Bucky and put him in Hela's hell?"

"Since you haven't figured out how to deal with Steve and Bucky's problems, let's keep them by our side and think about it slowly. If you feel sorry for your parents, you can ask her to help you revive them."

Jiang Bai's meaning is very simple, since Stark is at a loss now, he should resurrect his parents and let his parents decide the life and death of Steve and Bucky.


Just when several people persuaded Shi Stark.

Optimus Prime, who escaped tracking, was lurking near a two-story villa of a resident.

They came to the earth this time to find what they called the fire source.

Shapeshifting King Kong is looking for fire sources in the universe in order to reactivate his home planet Cybertron.

Planet Cybertron is gradually depleted of energy in the perennial battle between the two factions of shapeshifting King Kong, and now it urgently needs to replenish energy.

And the shapeshifting King Kong of Optimus Prime and his school can be called Autobots in the terms of the earth, and the more belligerent ones of the other school can be called Decepticons.

The planet Cybertron has gradually become depleted of energy in the perennial war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, and it may collapse at any time.

As the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime already understands that even if he finds the fire source, he cannot save his home planet, but the fire source must not fall into the hands of the Decepticons, because the goal of the Decepticons is to rule the entire world. universe.

"Is the bumblebee here?"

"Yes, I found out by accessing the Internet of people on Earth that the glasses marked with the coordinates of the fire source were sold by the little boy in this house.

Autobots hid in corners and turned into ordinary cars waiting for the night to fall.

"Optimus Prime, how can we avenge Sir's revenge?" At this time, Ironhide, the weapon expert in the Autobots, asked.

"We need to find the source of fire before the Decepticons. I will find a way to destroy the source of fire. Jazz sacrificed for his ideals. We will always remember him!!"

If Jiang Bai would complain here, it would be weird to remember. I don’t know how many Autobots were killed in the entire shapeshifting King Kong, and I didn’t see this group of Autobots. Is this the special feature of being a mechanical life form? Office? They have no feelings, only ideals. .

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