Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 46 History Stark Invites Jiang Bai To Dig His Family's Cemetery

Just when the Autobots and Steve were ambushed at the same time.

Pepper was still comforting Shi Stark, patting Shi Stark on the back gently like coaxing a child, talking softly and non-stop explaining Shi Stark.

Hulk, Tom Jerry, and the three seafood generals have long since gone to play.

The TV program is still broadcasting non-stop, reminding citizens to pay attention to whether their cars are different from usual, and please call the police in time if you find them.

Suddenly Stark seemed to have figured something out, put on his armor and said, "I'm going to the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D to see if Bucky is there, Jiang Bai is right, catch him first. "

"Yan, I can only ask you to help revive my parents, they will decide what to do with Bucky.

After talking about history, Stark flew out without looking back.

Pepper wiped away tears and said, "Come on, I'll take you to the grave of Stark's parents.

Jiang Bai looked at Yan, Yan stood up and stretched his waist and said: "Let's not be an example, Shi Stark is not polite at all when begging for help, I will not bother with him because he is sad now.

Natasha Romanoff on the other side was not so lucky. She smashed a window and fell directly from the sky. Fortunately, this time they went to a low floor and there was an off-road vehicle parked downstairs at 11. Natasha Romanoff fell directly on the roof of the car and didn't get up for a long time.

Steve made a somersault forward, picked up the shield, and drove back in a circle around the nearby combatants, also heading towards the spot where Natasha Romanoff jumped out of the window.

"Bang Dang!!" There was a loud slam on the roof of the car.

Fortunately, Natasha Romanoff was lying on the roof of the car and saw Steve rushing out, so she quickly turned over to avoid it, or she would be smashed into meatloaf by Steve.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"It's impossible for all S.H.I.E.L.D people to be HYDRA undercover agents. Let's go to the command room and use the radio to announce the infiltration of HYDRA into S.H.I.E.L.D, so that those who still firmly believe that they joined S.H.I.E.L.D to maintain world peace will help us."

"What a bad idea!" Natasha Romanoff muttered under his breath.

Obviously people from HYDRA have controlled the entire S.H.I.E.L.D, even if there are people in S.H.I.E.L.D who insist on their own justice come out to resist, how many people can there be?

But he didn't say much but stood up and followed Steve towards the office building and rushed in again.

The two quickly rushed into the building and knocked down the guard at the door, bypassing the elevator and rushing into the stairs to the control room.

In S.H.I.E.L.D, there are deputy directors Hill and Phil Coulson agents who have never appeared. It is very likely that they have been caught. Rescuing them is a little more resistance.

Shi Stark rushed towards the direction of the S.H.I.E.L.D building in his battle armor, and arrived at the sky above the S.H.I.E.L.D building within a few minutes.

The sound of various firearms shooting and exploding in the building was deafening.

Taking aim at Nick Fury's office location, Stark crashed through the window and fell.

Just boot up Nick Fury's computer and direct J.A.R.V.I.S to start hacking to find Bucky's location.

On the other side, Steve and Natasha Romanoff, who were trying their best to rush towards the command room, were directly stopped by Bucky and Crossbones in the stairwell.

"Bucky!! I'm Steve!! Do you remember what we joined the army for??" Steve tried to wake up Bucky's memory while blocking the incoming bullets with a shield.

"Who the fuck is Bucky!!"

Bucky didn't realize that Steve was yelling at him at all, he just thought that the captain of the bad country was yelling at him.

It was a grenade at Steve.


huge amounts of explosion directly collapsed through the stairs.

Natasha Romanoff took advantage of the smoke and dust and jumped high and grabbed Crossbones' ankles, and the two fell downstairs with a plop.

Natasha Romanoff quickly yanked the wire from her wrist and wrapped it around Crossbones' neck, tightening it tightly.

The veins on Crossbones' body were bulging, the blood vessels on his face turned blue and purple and gradually swelled, his whole face turned red and then turned white as he struggled non-stop.

Steve took the opportunity to throw the shield at Bucky, leaping and dragging Bucky down the stairs.

"Bang!!" The shield fell on Bucky, and Steve lifted the shield to look down at Bucky's metal arm.


The tough Vibranium shield is embedded directly into Bucky's metal arm.

Bucky punched Steve in the face, knocked Steve to the ground, pulled the shield out of his own metal arm, and slashed hard at Steve on the ground.

"Boom!!" Bucky hit the wall directly and the shield fell to the ground with a clang.

"Old Popsicle, although I don't like you very much, but if you die now, I will face my parents' nagging. Stark showed up in time to save Steve who was almost killed by his best friend.

Stark flew to Bucky's side and stepped on Bucky's metal arm, punching Bucky hard in the face.


Bucky was bleeding, Steve quickly picked up the shield and stopped in front of Stark and said: "Stark, Bucky must be controlled by HYDRA!!!"

Stark pointed the hand cannon at Steve and said: "And then? If you continue to stand in my way, I will send you and your best friend to Hela's hell right now!!

Natasha Romanoff quickly kicked Crossbones in the face and said: "Captain, I think what Stark said is right, he doesn't need to kill Bucky, because even if Bucky is dead, he can go to Angel Yan or the goddess of death to help Bucky Resurrection, you don't need to worry that Stark will kill Bucky, but you should worry about what Bucky will face alive!"

Jiang Bai and Pepper came to a cemetery and quickly dug up the graves of Stark's parents while no one was there.

Jiang Bai rubbed his chin and said, "I feel so strange, it's the first time I've met someone like Shi Stark who asks others to dig his own grave!"

"Pepper, do you think Stark secretly has some strange hobbies, such as sleeping with a skull and eating health products made from mummies?"

Pepper quickly moved away from Jiang Bai. If Yan and Hela hadn't stood beside him, Pepper would have felt that if Jiang Bai continued speaking, everyone here would stand up on their own.

"Let's go, let's go to Tianren No. 7 to revive Shi Stark's parents." Yan left a sentence and flew into the sky first.

Several people flew up one after another, and Pepper also flew up after wearing the armor specially designed by Stark for him.

After coming to space to release Tianren No. 7, the next step is to wait for Yan's operation.

After a while, there were two middle-aged men and women in Tianren No. 7, looking at the surrounding environment with bewildered faces.

Jiang Bai hurriedly opened his mouth to fool Howard and Stark before they understood the situation.

"Welcome to both of you, this is the border between heaven and hell."

"Mr. Howard Stark, because you have too many sins, now I will give you two choices. Did you see the Angel next to you first? You confess to her all the wrong things you have done in your life, such as cheating, illegitimate children, etc. Yes, she decides whether you can go to heaven."

"Similarly, you can also look here. The goddess in black is the goddess in charge of the soul and death. You can also repent to her. She will decide whether you will be punished more when you go to hell."

Howard Stark suddenly pointed to the outside of Skyblade 7 and said: "Ugh!! Although I don't know what you mean, I seem to see the earth here!"

As expected of Shi Stark's father, his brain turned fast, and he exposed Jiang Bai's lies in no time.

Pepper glared at Jiang Bai and quickly explained: "Mr. Stark, I'm Pepper, do you still remember?"

Jiang Baiyan, Hela and the three turned and left, leaving space for these three people with weird relationships.

Pepper was specially recruited by Howard Stark to be an assistant to Stark. Now that twenty years have passed, Pepper has instead become the CEO of Stark Group and Stark's girlfriend or fiancée.

These three people will definitely have a lot to talk about when they meet.

Yan tilted his head and looked at Jiang Bai: "I don't see that you still have an empathetic side?"

"Yan, have you misunderstood me too much? I have always been considerate, okay? When did you see that I ran into your room to sleep?" Jiang Bai quickly fought back not to be outdone

"Little friend, are you sure you are fully developed?" Yan covered his mouth and smiled lightly.

Jiang Bai was furious immediately: "If you have the ability, don't close the door tonight!!!"

Hela looked towards the direction of the earth and said nothing, but the smile on the corner of her mouth still betrayed her.

These two guys have to discuss issues about body and guts every day, and Hela just hasn't seen either of them take the initiative once.

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