Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 149 Iron Man Is Getting Married? Live Broadcast Now! !

Steve, who was tied up on the side, smiled awkwardly and said, "Congratulations Natasha Romanoff!"

"Okay, now let's discuss how to deal with Bucky's matter. Natasha Romanoff is going to have a good rest. After resting, let's go have hot pot together." Jiang Bai clapped his hands to get everyone's attention back.

Howard Stark has communicated with Stark.

Shi Stark, like Jiang Bai, said that he had never seen such a shitty thing, but the person involved didn't hold him accountable. As a son, he could only swallow this tone abruptly~.

Jiang Bai pulled Shi Stark to a corner and said a few words secretly, then took out a blue bracelet from the system space and handed it to Shi Stark, patted Shi Stark on the shoulder and walked away with a smirk on his face.

Shi Stark greeted Yan and took Bucky Barnes into Shi Stark's private studio, and he was busy working until the evening before coming out of the studio.

Bucky Barnes seemed to be in better spirits, even the metal arm that Steve cut off with the shield was replaced with a new one.

Looking at the normal Bucky, it was Steve who was most excited.

"Bucky!!! Great to have you back!!!"

"Steve!! I didn't expect to see you again."

Jiang Bai finally took out the gourmet tablecloth that had been off the assembly line for a long time and spread it on the floor. Everyone sat on the floor and prepared to start eating hot pot.

And at this time, Hulk, Tom Jerry, the three major seafood generals quietly walked in and waited for the meal in front of the gourmet tablecloth.

"You disappeared for several days, didn't you come back this time just to have a hot pot meal?"

These guys looked at the gourmet tablecloth helplessly and none of them paid attention to Jiang Bai's words.

A group of people and I happily ate hot pot together, only Steve and Bucky felt something was wrong and creepy.

Although Howard said that he would not pursue Bucky's matter, Stark shouldn't be so enthusiastic to invite the two of them to come over for hot pot.

From time to time, a glass of wine was served to the two of them.

The more they eat, the more uncertain they feel, especially Steve, he has known Stark for so long and Stark has never been so enthusiastic.

The more he ate, the colder his heart became, but nothing happened until he finished eating.

Jiang Bai and Shi Stark smiled from ear to ear, staring at Steve and Bucky without turning their eyes.

"After eating and drinking, we will have some entertainment!" Jiang Bai stood up and said with a smile.

"Hela's looking at you!"

Hela makes a sudden move and traps Steve and Bucky with force.

Steve yelled in horror: "Story Stark!!! Bucky is really being controlled, Howard has not pursued it anymore!!!"

"Don't worry, I won't pursue it, it's just a small game, you two guess the file size to decide the direction of the game." Stark took out two dice from nowhere and put them in front of Steve and Bucky .

Steve and Bucky looked confused, what's going on, and what are these people going to do.

Howard Stark also rushed forward and looked at Steve with encouraging eyes: "Guess, there will be a prize for guessing right"

"Let me choose small!"

"Okay, since you chose small, let's start!" Shi Stark flipped the dice, and the two dice spun on the ground.

"Three o'clock, now it's Bucky's turn."

"I also choose small."

"Okay, watch it." Shi Stark flipped the dice again.

Shi Stark smiled, his mouth couldn't close the smile and said: "You chose the wrong age at 11 o'clock."

"Then the game officially begins."

For an instant Steve and Bucky felt blinded and lost consciousness.

Stark made arrangements quickly, and Tom and Jerry put on special suits, bow ties and flowers.

"Pepper, inform the media that I'm going to hold a press conference in the Stark Group's ballroom in an hour."

Although Howard Shi Stark didn't know what Jiang Bai and Shi Stark had discussed, but the old scumbag's intuition felt that it was definitely not a good thing, so he looked at Shi Stark with anticipation and waited for the result.

an hour later.

Everyone put on their clothes again and dressed up to go out.

Jiang Bai changed into a white suit, Yan changed into a long skirt with white tone and gold embroidery, and Hela changed into a black but glittering evening dress.

Natasha Romanoff stood by the side and stared blankly, at a loss. Pepper took Natasha Romanoff and went outside to buy a long blood-red dress temporarily.

I have to say that Natasha Romanoff really looks good in a red dress, which is much more temperamental than wearing a tight combat uniform.

Pepper changed into a silver sparkling one-color tux to match Stark's black suit.

Even Hulk was improvised by Stark in a dark green suit.

The three seafood generals put on a new white cape with the word "justice".

The Howards also changed into brand new clothes under Pepper's busy work.

A group of people got into the arranged car and took Steve and Bucky to the Stark Group.

Arriving at the gate of the Stark Group, Hapi, who has never had a chance to appear on the stage, has already prepared everything. The red carpet, the banquet hall is decorated with lights, and there is a festive atmosphere everywhere. After Hapi gave Stark two big boxes on the ground Disappeared again.

The whole venue was filled with the fragrance of flowers, and the pure white petals covered the whole venue.

All the media who received the notification have all arrived and are waiting for the protagonist's arrival.

Jiang Bai walked to the host position alone, and the others ran to the backstage to continue preparations.

"Everyone, don't you know me?"

The reporters below saw that it was Jiang Bai, and no one dared to say anything.

Those who work in the media dare say they don’t know Jiang Bai. Unintentionally, it means that this person is still living in the Stone Age.

"Since you all know me, I will be the host next. Today, I, Yan and Hela received an invitation from Shi Stark to participate in this extraordinary press conference. Please keep quiet and wait a moment. The press conference will be held soon. start."

‥ Ask for flowers...

Within a few minutes after Jiang Bai finished speaking, the whole banquet hall remembered the wedding march of "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait".

The reporters below all whispered in low voices: "Could it be that Shi Stark is going to announce his marriage?"

"Big news, Stark is getting married!!!"

"No wonder there are red carpets and flower petals all over the floor, how romantic!!! The bride is so happy!!!"

"Iron Man is getting married!!!!"

The reporters below suddenly became excited.

The announcement of Iron Man's marriage must be a big headline news, maybe even a few days in a row, no wonder Shi Stark invited Jiang Bai to be the host.

Such an important moment must require a heavyweight to appear. There is no more heavyweight than Jiang Bai. Jiang Bai is accompanied by two goddesses all the year round. There is no one on earth or even in the universe. Jiang Bai is a more important figure.

"Ka Ka Ka!!!" The reporters picked up their SLR cameras one after another and began to take pictures of the banquet hall.

The photographer immediately looked around the camera to capture all the people involved. This moment will be historic. I am afraid that no one will be able to invite Jiang Bai to be the host of the wedding.

Some reporters hurriedly took out their phones and called their bosses to inform them that Iron Man was getting married.

After hearing the reports from the front-line reporters, the bosses immediately ordered the live broadcast to begin immediately.

For a moment, people who were watching TV found that all the programs on TV had been replaced by the banquet hall of the Stark Group.

No matter which channel is changed, it will be the live broadcast of this banquet hall.

"What are you doing?"

"Are all these TV stations convulsed today?"

"F...K I didn't pay to see the ballroom!!!"

Even the grumpy person has directly smashed the remote control in his hand on the TV.

Even the various media on the mobile phone began to broadcast the Iron Man wedding scene live.

The title of the most unrepeatable wedding in the world was directly printed on the live broadcast room of the mobile phone.

The cover shows Jiang Bai speaking on stage in a white suit.

Just when the reporters were all excited to take pictures, Nick Fury walked slowly into the banquet hall with an orange cat in his arms and found a place to sit down.

Nick Fury just received a call from Stark informing him that there is a big announcement today "In addition, Jiang Zhong specifically asked Nick Fury to bring the cat that caught his eye.

Nick Fury, who was still arguing with the representatives of the five major countries to ensure that S.H.I.E.L.D would not be revoked, handed over the task of negotiating to Hill and Phil Coulson, who hurriedly found their cats and came to attend the press conference.

Jiang Bai saw that the time was almost up: "Everyone find a good seat to sit down now, and get out of the way of the red carpet."

The first to walk on the red carpet were Tom and Jerry in small suits, one holding a bouquet of white flowers in their hands, and the other walking in the front with a flower basket. .

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