Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter Fifteen Accidental Spoiler, Will You Miss The Good Show? (Please Collect, Ask For Flowers, P

Jiang Bai, who was still lying in bed at noon the next day, heard the doorbell ringing, and Jiang Bai was so angry that he wanted to smash the door down.

"Tom!! Open the door!"

"Who came here to find something when people were sleeping?"

Jiang Bai walked out of the room in his pajamas and found Yanpu hanging in the air with his wings flashing, reading an English book.

"Why do you flap your wings? Can't you just hover in the air?"

"Is there? Probably because I'm in a good mood now, don't you humans shake your legs involuntarily when you're in a good mood?"

As soon as Tom opened the door, Nick Fury walked in with Phil Coulson.

Shua took out the pistol from his arms and pointed it at Yan who was hanging in the air and hadn't retracted his wings.

Jiang Bai spoke unhurriedly.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

"What about you, Black Braised Egg, put down the gun, and the village chief, put down the gun too."

Yan also stared at Nick Fury and Phil Coulson curiously. The person who dared to point a gun at Angel was well-trained, or was his aesthetics bad?

"Village chief, hurry up and tell your black brine to put down the gun, or I will try the castle method." Jiang Bai deliberately pretended not to know Nick Fury, and winked at Phil Coulson constantly.

Nick Fury is really dark enough, wearing a black leather coat on a hot day, his physique is really extraordinary.

Phil Coulson put down his gun in shock and said, "This is Nick Fury, the director of our Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Support Agency."

"We came because of the disappearance of an island in the sea yesterday."

Nick Fury also hurriedly said: "Mr. Jiang Bai, yesterday our satellite photographed you and this... Angel appearing near the disappearing island. We came here to check the situation, but now we have confirmed that we have contact with you It matters."

"Hey, let me ask you a question. You said you pointed a gun at an Angel. If you die, can you go to heaven in the future?"

Without giving Nick Fury a chance to speak, Jiang Bai continued, "Oh, I remembered, there is no one in your profession who can't go to hell, but you can ask Yan to forgive you, maybe you can go to heaven."

"And even if we appear there, we can't be sure that we did it, are you people used to planting and framing?"

Nick Furui said in an official tone: "Mr. Jiang Bai, our department belongs to the organization of the five major countries, and has the right to suspect that all forces beyond ordinary people endanger the security of the world, and the satellite clearly photographed you on the island yesterday. …”

Jiang Bai quickly raised his hand to stop you from continuing: "Oh, but you see, Angel is not under the control of the five major countries, and we went fishing with Stark, and you can ask Stark to pay for the island disappearing. .”

Just as Nick Fury was about to speak, Jiang Bai spoke again: "Okay, we lost the island, why should I pay for it? He did it if you saw the cat. Go ask him to pay for it. Don't disturb my sleep."

Jiang Bai was suddenly a little irritable, and didn't want to continue arguing with Nick Fury and Phil Coulson.

Simply admit that we did it, what's the matter, if you have the ability, Nick Fury is now using the BP machine to bring the big-faced girl back to fight.

Nick Fury pondered for a moment and said again: "Mr. Jiang Bai, we are not here today to pursue the responsibility for the disappearance of the island, but to invite the two of you to join the Avengers team. The Avengers are an organization of heroes established to deal with threats from the universe. ….”

Jiang Bai wanted to laugh now: "I'm sorry, I want to ask if your non-blind eye is short-sighted? It's a stop set up to deal with cosmic threats, right?"

Jiang Bai Yizhiyan: "Angel Yan, the left guard of King Angel, thundering war god, the legal heir to Angel's throne, the true immortal god!"

"Such a big god appeared in front of you, and you told me that you were worried about the threats in the universe. Are the threats in the universe all funny comparisons? Did you come here to beat you, a civilization that can't even get out of your home planet?"

"Come here across light years to catch you as slaves?"

"You don't think I really don't know you Nick Fury? I'm just too lazy to talk to you."

"Are your cosmic threats the Kree or the Skrulls?"

Nick Fury lost his composure when he heard what Jiang Bai said.

Jiang Bai not only knows himself, but also knows the Cree and Skrull people. Did he know that Carol is the only one?

Nick Fury sneaks his hand into his fur coat to pull out the BP machine that contacts Carol.

"Why do you look so unbelievable, why do I know who you are, and Kree and Skrull?"

"Hurry up, take out the BP machine, and call your beloved big-faced girl back."

Nick Fury's eyes widened: "You still know Carol??"

Jiang Bai stepped forward and patted Nick Fury on the shoulder and continued: "Don't think that you are the only one who can protect the world. Sorcerer Supreme would die laughing if they listened to you. Even if there are aliens, you also attracted them yourself. Tesseract is so fun Is it?"

"I feel that you need to go to school again to learn how to deal with people. Facing someone you can't resist at all, isn't it afraid of being so aggressive that you're going to be crushed?"

"U...U Tesseract you know too?"

"Yeah, what else do you want to know? This Angel is here. I'm just a salty fish who knows a little more. As a big bureau chief, you shouldn't be so surprised. You have to maintain your demeanor."

"You also need to understand that the reason we are able to be salted fish at home is because you really have nothing that we can look up to. Put your little thoughts away and work hard to maintain world peace."

"Tom sees off."


After leaving Jiang Bai's house, Nick Fury immediately gave Phil Coulson an order to upgrade Jiang Bai and Yan's information to level ten immediately, and no one except the director himself was allowed to view it.

In addition, people were sent to monitor Jiang Bai, and the personnel paid attention to safety, and immediately revealed their identities when they were found.

But Jiang Bai is facing Yan's questioning.

"How do you know I'm the heir to the throne? How much more do you know?"

"Miss, please smile, don't put on a straight face."

"It was originally the heir to the throne that Kesha had set, there is no doubt about it, otherwise why would I ask you if you have a dowry Tianren No. 7, that will definitely happen in the future."

"However, since you have come to this world, Keisha probably has to choose another heir. As for why I know, didn't I say it? I am a magician who knows a little bit more."

"You see, the Ancient One magician can observe the past and future of the entire universe. Although I'm not good enough, it's okay to observe your future, right?"

Yan Piao stared at Jiang Bai firmly in the air, and now she doesn't believe a word Jiang Bai said.

But there is no way to deal with Jiang Bai, Jiang Bai's Ability is weird and unpredictable, and there is no way to start.

If Jiang Bai knew Yan Yan thought this way, he would definitely tell her that I will wait for you in the room tonight for nothing.

Anyway, I don't bother to explain, Yan Ai, believe it or not, even if she tells Yan the truth, she won't be able to go back, so it's better to let her figure it out by herself.

What Jiang Bai is thinking about now is that seeing Nick Fury is a little emotional, and he didn't stop the car all of a sudden, spoiler, won't it lead to future plot chaos? It is impossible to lose the plot, and Tesseract must be used in the mind of a braised egg.

I'm just afraid that the future plot will be chaotic, so what if I miss a good show.

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