Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 167 Someone Don't Give Face To The Fallen King Kong, Dare To Fight Back

Fallen King Kong raised his scepter and swished a blue energy light ball at the soldiers who were about to jump into the sea.

With a bang, a big hole was blown out on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and the soldiers who were about to jump into the sea were instantly melted by the ball of light.

Only a pair of gloves were left and fell into the sea, splashing the slightest waves.

The entire deck of the aircraft carrier was full of flames and the sound of explosive explosions everywhere.

The other soldiers who were running for their lives stood on the spot in a daze, their hands holding the guns were trembling, and the sweat on their faces poured down like heavy rain.

His legs were weak and he stood unsteadily, looking at the fallen King Kong who kept walking around and might attack at any time.

Everyone was very panicked, the weapons in their hands could not bring any sense of security at all.

They all prayed in their hearts, hoping that a hero would descend from the sky to save them.

As bald eagle soldiers, they have always beaten others, but this time they easily occupied an aircraft carrier.

Everyone was unprepared and had no power to fight back and could only find a way to escape.

The once invincible aircraft carrier formation could even directly annihilate the aircraft carrier formation of a medium-sized country.

Everyone's brain can no longer think, only the survival instinct urges the body to flee from danger and stay away from the fallen King Kong.

The wind and waves on the sea gently blew the thick smoke and gunpowder smell around, and the pungent smell stimulated the fragile nerves of the soldiers.

An adjutant tremblingly took off his glasses, wiped them and put them on again, and shouted loudly in a trembling voice: "Everyone obey orders, form a battle formation, attack!!!!

Dozens of soldiers around the adjutant were shocked by the adjutant's words, and even the soldiers fleeing in other directions stopped in their tracks.

"We are the strongest army in the world, we have our own pride!!!"

"Wars can be lost, but soldiers cannot escape!!!"

"Everyone listen to orders, check weapons and ammunition, aim at the target!!!!"

People are so strange sometimes, you say they are scared, yes they are terribly scared, otherwise they would not run away or even jump into the sea.

You can even be so scared that you forget to think and forget to speak, and even flee for your life will be so frightened that you forget by huge amounts of fear.

But when someone stood up and raised his arms, everyone stopped and stopped. They regained their thinking ability and courage again.

Especially when the adjutant said that they are the strongest army in the world and have their own pride, their flustered hearts and trembling legs suddenly seemed to have found their backbone.

The flustered heart began to calm down, the trembling legs began to stand straight, and the soldiers checked the weapons and ammunition in their hands one after another.

They began to tidy up their already dirty military uniforms, and stood close to each other again to form a square formation.

Just like the formation of gunpowder weapons that appeared in the World War a hundred years ago, all soldiers held guns close together, wiped off their sweat, raised their guns and took steady steps, lined up to face the fallen King Kong step by step walk in.

With the determination to die and the glory of soldiers, they did not escape this time, this time they decided to fight back against fate.

The Fallen King Kong leaned on the scepter and looked at the group of soldiers who came forward to die while patted on the face with disgust.

A reptile is a reptile, no matter how courageous a reptile is, it is still a reptile!]!"

However, no one escaped this time. Under the leadership of the adjutant, this group of soldiers who formed a phalanx approached the Fallen King Kong little by little with their heads held high and their guns held high.

"ALL!!! READY!!!"

The adjutant raised his right hand and stared fixedly at the Corrupted King Kong.


"Bang bang bang!!!!"

For a moment, various gunshots came and went, as if the horn of the charge could be heard.

Fallen King Kong raises one hand and turns into a cannon.

With a "boom", a huge amounts of solid warhead directly concentrated the soldiers' phalanx.

In an instant, the center of the entire phalanx blossomed, and several soldiers hit by the shells were instantly torn apart, blood and flesh floating all over the sky.

However, the attack still did not stop, and the remaining soldiers still walked firmly and stared at the fallen king kong with wide eyes.

They are not afraid of death, only afraid that all their courage will disappear if they blink.

ALL!! AIM!!!"


"Bang bang bang!!!!"

The small bullets from assault rifles and pistols hit the fallen king kong and were blocked by the energy shield held up by the fallen king kong, only splashing layers of ripples.

The dense bullet casings fell on the deck and made a clanging sound.

The phalanx passed through the gunpowder smoke and the pungent smell of gunpowder, marching forward with tidy steps.

Fallen King Kong gave a scepter and said: "You reptiles, do you want to defeat me with this toy-like weapon? You just need to kneel down and beg me to let you go, and I will turn you into slaves mercifully, what? Can’t wait to kneel down!!!”

The adjutant walked, straightening his hat epaulets and pistols, and replied, "Everyone!!!! Charge!!!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!! Boom boom boom!!!!"

In an instant, the entire phalanx of soldiers accelerated towards the Fallen King Kong with their fastest pace.

The soldiers without guns took the grenade safety card from their comrades in arms, held it in their hands and rushed directly to the fallen king kong.

Soldiers with firearms held the trigger tightly [until a shuttle of bullets was completely emptied.

"Stupid!!!!" Fallen King Kong instantly Rage.

He held up the scepter heavily with both hands, and a dazzling white halo instantly swept across the entire aircraft carrier.

All the soldiers rolled and fell to the ground, and the adjutant who rushed to the front was directly swept by the white halo and fell to the ground.

Clothes and splints rub against each other and make a rustling sound.

Fallen King Kong stepped on the adjutant's body, and the scepter put his head on the adjutant's head and said: "No matter how hard a reptile is, it's still a reptile."

"哐!!!!" There was a loud noise.

Shi Stark kicked the Fallen King Kong from the sky and knocked him to the ground,

Immediately, he said to the lieutenant lying on the ground who heaved a long sigh of relief: "You have performed well, if you are worthy of the president, I can vote for you!!"

"The Iron Man is coming!!!!"

"..we are saved!!!!!"


"We won!!!!"

"I survived!!!!!!"

The moment Stark appeared, the indomitable momentum of the surviving soldiers disappeared instantly.

They fell to the ground one after another, feeling sore and weak all over, and their spirits were listless.

However, a smile leaked from the corner of his mouth.

One by one laughed and yelled at each other to vent their emotions.

Fallen King Kong jumped up into the air and shouted: "Reptile!!!! You're making me angry!!!"

Directly aimed at Shi Stark, a blue ball of light appeared in front of Shi Stark with a whoosh.

In order to rush over as quickly as possible, Shi Stark directly transformed into the smallest form.

Fallen King Kong is more than ten meters tall, and Shi Stark's current state is two so tall that he can't reach Fallen King Kong's knees.

Being directly caught in the blue light ball, with a bang, Stark spun and plunged into the splint of the aircraft carrier.

Stark lay in the splint and didn't come out for several seconds. He thought about whether today is not a good day to go out. How come he was blown away by a crane and a beast jade in the underground world? The ball flew.

Although the ball of light is powerful, it has no effect except for a big hole in the shape of Stark on the deck of the aircraft carrier It flew off.

There is no way. Although Stark's technology is advanced enough, he still has to follow the law. If he is hit, he still has to fly out.

Shi Stark rushed out of the splint and flew into the air: "You old robot, when you are angry, you are not as scary as my fiancee, at least she will never simply hit me into the splint."

"It seems that you are not only old, but also weak and weak like an old man."

Fallen King Kong didn't talk nonsense at all. Seeing Shi Stark rushing out, he directly turned his hands into two cannons.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The shells directly covered the entire sky like raindrops.

Shi Stark took a look, this old robot didn't give face, dare not listen to my words!!!

In an instant, he slapped his battle armor with both hands and began to transform, and a shield with huge amounts of over sixty meters in height appeared directly in front of him.

"Boom boom boom!!!" Fallen King Kong's shells directly focused on Shi Stark's shield, and in an instant the flames splashed and the explosion was deafening, and the entire aircraft carrier shook violently.

Huge amounts of waves swept across the entire aircraft carrier like mountains and seas, and all the soldiers clung to the potholes on the deck that were blasted to death. .

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