Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 179 Super·Natasha Romanoff·People, See Above

The whole world is in a panic right now because Megatron got a huge amounts of planet out of nowhere.

Various countries urgently negotiated a solution, and the most direct one was that the representative of the bald eagle directly proposed to use mushroom bombs.

Anyway, there is no other way but to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Isn't that how it is played in movies?

Whether it is an alien invasion or a meteorite falling from the sky, mushroom bombs will definitely solve the problem.

Representatives from various countries are arguing so much that they don't have time to study how to blow up planets.

Scientists speculate that this huge amount of planet is about to hit the earth in half an hour at most, so it's better to express your dissatisfaction with the world as soon as possible.

After hesitation, everyone will ascend to heaven together.

Nick Fury, who was also frightened on the other side, quickly contacted Shi Stark again. Nick Fury thought that Shi Stark and Jiang Bai were no longer satisfied with showing off their power with earthquakes and lights that illuminate the world.

"Shi Stark, isn't your combat level too high, you have created other planets, and now the whole world is messed up?"

"Now all countries are starting to unite to study how to blow up this planet. If you did it, get rid of it quickly."

"If not, hurry back and help!!!"

When Nick Fury contacted Shi Stark, the whole world was in chaos.

What everyone thinks now is that since it's the end of the world, I'll show my cards and stop pretending.

The normally kind neighbor suddenly changed his temperament and began to attack everyone he met at will.

The usually honest beggars began to snatch young girls in the street.

The idlers on weekdays began to kick the door from door to door, and immediately snatched something they liked.

Human beings completely abandoned the moral bottom line at this moment, and began to incarnate into Beast one by one.

Some people raised their guns and fired at others, laughing wildly while shooting.

Some people just rushed into the supermarket to snatch the fine wine that they could not afford to drink at ordinary times.

Some people staggered and looked at the panicked crowd and sighed.

Some people fell to the ground and wept bitterly.

The various states of the world are vividly displayed in this one.

What is Jiang Bai doing?

He was signing in, didn't he suddenly remember that he hadn't signed in today?

"System sign in!"

"Congratulations, the artifact meteorite from my super ex-girlfriend world!!"

It's rare that the system didn't cover up this time and directly explained the origin clearly.

Jiang Bai immediately remembered this movie, a meteorite fell from the sky, and then a woman got an ability similar to Superman.

As for how strong Ability is, I can't tell. This movie is mainly about violent ex-girlfriends.

But in any case, it should be a low-profile version of Superman.

Jiang Bai rolled his eyes and shouted: "Natasha Romanoff!! Look at all the people here, but you are the best.

"It's embarrassing to go shopping with you, I decided to lend you a little bit of Ability."

"Come on, the important task of saving the world is entrusted to you!!"

Natasha Romanoff, who was holding the thirteenth sister, looked suspicious. Is Jiang Bai out of his mind?

Yan Zhanyan smiled and hugged Thirteenth Sister from Natasha Romanoff's arms and said: "Go, although he can't speak in tune, it must be a good thing."

Hela also agrees, and directly sends Natasha to Jiang Bo's side with her own black sword.

Jiang Bai greeted Natasha Romanoff with a smile: "Come on, don't be afraid, I know that although you are the worst of all, you still have a heart that wants world peace.

"Look, I'm giving you the chance to save the world right now!!"

"Hela, put Natasha Romanoff on the ground!!"

Natasha Romanoff is not only suspicious now, but now she feels that Jiang Bai is just calling herself to be sarcastic.

Natasha Romanoff said mercilessly: "You are so lucky to not be beaten to death at this age!!"

Stark, who hung up on the call from Nick Fury on the other side, shouted: "Why don't someone solve the problem on that planet first, Nick Fury said that the whole world is in chaos now, and there are crazy people killing and robbing everywhere. ,destroy.

"Now there are fires, gunshots, rape and so on everywhere. If we don't solve it, I guess we can only see hell on earth when we go back. It's worse than Hela's hell!!"

Hela glared at Stark, what is worse than my hell.

"Story Stark!! Didn't you notice that Gabriel was standing in front of you for a long time?"

"Remember to beg for mercy when you are beaten!!"

Gabriel swung his big sword and slapped Stark directly on the face, and Stark smashed into the ground again and again with a bang.

Originally, the sudden appearance of a planet attracted everyone's attention.

But Gabriel thought about it, he would definitely be able to blow up this planet, so it's the same to deal with these clamoring ants first and then save the world.

So I flew in front of Shi Stark. Unexpectedly, Shi Stark was so busy talking with Nick Fury on the phone that he completely forgot that he was still in battle.

In Gabriel's eyes, isn't this just looking down on me?

So everyone saw that Stark got a sword in the face again.

Shi Stark rushed out of the ground with a whoosh, changed into a melee combat form in the air, raised a blue chain sword with both hands, and slashed towards Gabriel.




The impact of various sonic boom weapons can be heard endlessly.

Looking at Shi Stark's sudden outburst, Jiang Bai didn't think that he would be beaten badly for a while, so he refocused his attention on Natasha Romanoff who was already standing on the ground.

"Remember, strength is lent to you, you must pay it back!!!"

After speaking, Jiang Bai directly summoned the meteorite from the system space, and the meteorite hit the ground in front of Natasha Romanoff with a whoosh.

This meteorite is about the size of a watermelon file, with pits and pits on it and a green atmosphere.

This meteorite is the stone that can give others the same ability as Superman. You can gain power when you touch it with your hand, and it will be sucked back by the meteorite when you touch the power with your hand again.

...ask for flowers...

"Don't be dazed!! Hurry up, kneel down on one knee, and chant to thank Mr. Jiang Bai for your kindness!! Hurry up, you are a black widow as cold as ice, don't be so impatient! Then put your hands on the stone That's it!!"

Natasha Romanoff snorted coldly: "Are you sure you won't be afraid to split you with a sword if I call you?"

Saying that, Natasha Romanoff put her hand directly on the meteorite.

The green aura on the meteorite quickly spread to Natasha Romanoff's whole body.

Natasha Romanoff, who was originally red-haired, suddenly became blonde.

Jiang Bai floated in front of Natasha Romanoff, put away the stone and said, "Feel the power? Bang!!"

Suddenly he punched Natasha Romanoff on the chin, and Natasha Romanoff soared into the sky like a jumping monkey, and disappeared from sight.

Looking at Jiang Bai's behavior, Yan was angry and funny: "Can't you be gentle? If you can behave better when helping others, you will definitely be liked by others.


"Who are the others? It's fine if I like you, and you can kill them when others like me!!"

Even Pepper laughed at Jiang Bai's behavior.

But no one thought there was anything wrong with Jiang Bai punching Natasha Romanoff.

Power is never free, and all power comes at a price.

The price of one punch was exchanged for an increase in her own strength. No matter how you look at it, Natasha Romanoff has made a lot of money.

And everyone knows that although Jiang Bai looks eccentric and often out of tune, the things he sends out are definitely good things, which also means that Jiang Bai has accepted Natasha Romanoff into their small group.

Natasha Romanoff, who was flying in the sky, didn't think so much.

All she feels now is dizziness and jaw pain.

However, he still clearly felt his strength.

Jiang Bai punched Natasha Romanoff into space with a lot of force.

Natasha Romanoff didn't feel any abnormality at all, she didn't have any breathing problems, she wasn't frozen to death by the absolute zero of space, she even felt comfortable, and she was able to fly independently, full of strength.

Natasha Romanoff has never felt so free. She can roam freely in space, chase the stars and look directly at the sun.

So people like Jiang Bai and others who have power usually feel this way?

Natasha Romanoff, who was closing her eyes and immersed in the power to feel everything, suddenly heard an annoying voice in her ear.

"If you fly down again, the earth will be gone, why don't you hurry up and be the savior!!"

When he opened his eyes, he saw Jiang Bai flying beside him.

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" Jiang Bai raised his fist and was about to punch Natasha Romanoff's jaw again.

"Sure enough! You are the cutest when you are not talking. Thank you!!" After speaking, Natasha Romanoff turned into a streamer and went straight to the huge amounts of metal planet.

"What are you talking about?? Say it louder?? I'm deaf!!!"

"I said you are cute!!!"

"You have a conscience! Again!".

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