Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 18 Tom's Transformation Of The Artificial Lake Project

Seeing Hulk grab a concrete slab and throw it towards him, this time the prepared Abomination swung Stark at Hulk and hit him.

The cement slab was instantly torn apart and dust was flying.

Hulk stared blankly at the small piece of cement left in his hand.

Angrily, he dropped the cement block in his hand, grabbed the wreckage of the car on the ground and threw it at the abomination again.

The abhorrence directly smashed the car into pieces in one round.

Now Hulk was furious, what he had in his hands couldn't beat the iron can in the hands of the shit yellow guy opposite.


Hulk roared, grabbed the things on the ground and threw them towards the abomination. This time, Hulk no longer chose those things that looked big and heavy, but just grabbed what he could grab on the ground.

Constantly threw it towards the abomination, the abomination was overwhelmed, stones, car steel bars, and all kinds of things kept flying from the sky, and they used the Stark in their hands to hit them flying.

But there are just too many things.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A few concrete blocks in a row hit Hate's face without blocking it, and the dust filled his eyes.

Hate kept wiping his eyes with his left hand, and Hulk took his chance.

A car was directly on the head of the abomination, and Stark, who grabbed the abomination's hand, let out a roar.


"Hahahahahahaha!!!" It was the first time Jiang Bai found out that Hulk was quite childish, but he didn't expect that Hulk was already very smart at this time.

After Hulk snatched Stark from Abomination's hand, he jumped happily on the spot a few times, and the ground was shaken with dust.

In an instant, the situation on the field reversed.

The Hulk slammed down with the abomination that he hadn't gotten the car off his head yet.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The car was directly smashed into pieces, and Abomination could only constantly block it with his hands and back up again and again.

The more Hulk smashed, the happier he became, the more he smashed, the more excited he became, bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

Hate was repeatedly hit in the face by Stark's armor, and a mouthful of dark brown teeth flew out instantly.

Hulk holds history high, Stark roars!


The hatred was instantly hit on the head by Shi Stark and flew out to hit a tank.

Yan finally couldn't stand it any longer: "If you keep looking at it like this, Shi Stark will probably undergo genetic modification."

"Although his armor is very defensive, and he has re-upgraded the anti-stress system inside, but if he swings around like this, Shi Stark's physique will soon break his muscles and cause brain congestion."

Now that Yan couldn't stand it anymore, Jiang Bai also felt that although Shi Stark's armor could still hold up, but Shi Stark himself might not be able to hold on.

He himself is just an ordinary person, no matter how good the shock absorption system of the battle armor is, if he is hit by Hulk and the abomination like this, the blood will run wildly in his body. I am afraid that Stark has passed out by now.

Think here.

"Tom, go and get rid of those two guys, and get Stark out! The farce should be over."

Tom jumped down from the air, his body constantly exuded golden light and gradually grew bigger.

By the time Tom fell to the ground, it was already more than two meters high.

Tom walked to Hulk's position with his steps, changing every step.

By the time he got to Hulk's side, Tom had grown to be more than ten meters tall, with a golden bald body and circle-shaped patterns on his head.

Hulk's body size of more than three meters is less than Tom's thigh.

When Hulk saw Tom approaching, he thought he was here to snatch the Stark in his hand, and roared.

"Wow!! Hulk's!!!"


Hulk's face was punched with a huge fist that exuded golden light, and in an instant Hulk's big green face was gradually shapeshifting and even the saliva flew out.

Hulk fell to the ground with a bang, and the Stark in his hand also hit the ground.

Shi Stark took the opportunity to break free from Hulk's grasp and flew to Jiang Bai's side, his mask was lifted and he took a big mouthful of air.

Jiang Bai smiled and said, "Hero, how are you doing? Is there a brain hemorrhage?"

"That's why you asked me to transform more into functional armor?" Shi Stark asked back.

"Yeah, don't you think that the world is full of people who are about the same file size as you? It's okay to meet people who are about the same file size as you. What would you do if you met someone the size of an ant and the two giants you are today?"

"The function of your armor is too simple. If one day you meet someone who can get in through the gaps in your armor, you will have to be beaten passively. And these two are so big, your armor And it’s not strong enough so it can only be used as a hammer.”

Jiang Bai really kindly reminded Shi Stark, what if he meets Ant-Man in the future? It can become as big as an ant in a while, and can be as big as several floors in a while. Ant-Man is much more difficult to deal with than Hulk up.

Hulk, as long as you are stronger than him, the defense is almost as good as him, and you can always put him down once, but for Ant-Man, if he can't beat him, he can still shrink and destroy from the inside of the armor.

Just when Hulk was knocked down by Tom's punch, the abomination finally struggled to crawl out of the hole in the ground.

As soon as he came out, he found a cat standing in front of him who was many times bigger than himself and still shining with golden light.

And Hulk was being completely overwhelmed by the cat.


With a roar of hatred, he jumped up and punched Tom in the head.

Tom grabbed the jumping Hate and slammed it to the ground.

In an instant, a large pit with huge amounts of human shape reappeared on the ground.

Looking at the abomination lying in the pit and the Hulk who hadn't climbed out on the other side, the task of saving Stark was completed, and Tom turned and left.

The Abomination and Hulk lying in the pit didn't think so, and rushed out of the pit.

"Hulk chop!!!"


Well, Hate didn't give himself a clear move.

Tom turned and huge amounts of golden light suddenly bloomed in his hand.


Shockwave spreads constantly, and the wanton wind blows everywhere.

There was a deafening sound, and everything standing on the street in front of Tom collapsed, shattered and annihilated.

The street directly becomes an artificial lake with huge amounts of groundwater constantly gurgling upwards.

The abomination lay like a boneless pork under the artificial lake and was being continuously submerged by the upwelling groundwater.

Hulk lay on his stomach at the bottom of the lake, gradually shrinking into a man in big underpants.

Jiang Bai turned to Yan and said: "Let's go, let's go home for dinner, Shi Stark's broken banquet is too bad, there is nothing delicious."

Stark stayed on to handle the subsequent disaster relief work and respond to interrogations from various departments.

Not long after Jiang Bai and Yan Gang turned around and flew away.

Nick Fury showed up with Phil Coulson and a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

Began to constantly accept the scene and contain the Abomination and Hulk.

Looking at the huge amounts of artificial lake in front of him, feeling Tom's huge amounts of destructive power silently.

In fact, although the Hulk and the Abomination fought fiercely, the most they could do was destroy some buildings and some streets. It seems that the loss is huge, but it is easy to remedy.

And Tom passed a Shockwave, and more than half of the street's buildings and ground were covered in dust. This street directly became an artificial lake, which was completely worthless for rescue.

It can only be developed into a tourist attraction in the future, and the appearance of Hulk and the abomination was also broadcast live by the media, and finally Tom's appearance was also broadcast live by the media.

Just the existence of Iron Man, at best, makes people think that Stark has developed a new rich man's toy.

Now the battle between Hulk and the Abomination in the urban area was directly broadcast live, and people all over the world knew that there were other monsters in this world.

Iron Man is just one of those guys who wants to be a hero.

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