Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 197 The Man With The Strongest Defense In The World

Huang Yuan looked at Pai Daxing and SpongeBob SquarePants with a constipated expression.

My heart is very broken, I just set out a mission to run here for a while, is it necessary to perform a fatal chicken fight?

" did you come from?"

Kizaru finally remembered an important question. Of these two guys who are not as tall as his calf, one uses his own Shiny Fruit Ability, and the other uses Akainu's Lava Fruit Ability.

When will there be two identical Ability users in Devil Fruit?

SpongeBob got up and scratched Cube's head, but ignored the orangutan.

It directly transformed into a golden light and appeared above Pai Daxing's head, kicking Pai Daxing into the ground.

Pai Daxing swished up and punched SpongeBob SquarePants.

The two of you punched me and kicked each other, rumbling into a ball.

Huang Yuan was directly put aside.

After hitting the two people, they suddenly turned their guns, and SpongeBob SquarePants appeared next to the yellow ape with a whoosh, kicked the yellow ape in the waist, sent Daxing to the top of the yellow ape, and punched him.

With the same posture and the same taste, the yellow ape plunged into the ground again with a bang.

This time the yellow ape learned to be smart, and he was about to run away when he went to the market and turned into a golden light.


SpongeBob SquarePants carried Pai Daxing directly on the crotch of the yellow ape.


With a puff, the orangutan fell directly on the ground, like an earthworm, keeping its face on the ground.

"Eh? What are you doing, old man?"

Everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, and there was a group of people who looked like they were dressed in the navy.

The first one is a combed watermelon hair, carrying a big axe, dressed like the kind of fat doll holding a fish in the New Year pictures pasted on the wall in the past, wearing a red bellyband and bare feet.

It looks like a miniature bear.

Behind them was a group of naval soldiers, and two or three people who looked like tyrant bears. Seeing that they didn't hold a Bible in their hands, these tyrant bears should also be robots.

"Master? Are you performing any show?"

"Could it be that the villains who attacked the Tianlong people were eliminated by you? Have you started celebrating?"

"Zhan...Zhan Taowan, come and help me quickly!!"

Huang Yuan had already dug a big hole the size of a washbasin on the ground with his face, and when he saw Zhan Taowan coming, he didn't care about the embarrassment and hurriedly called Zhan Taowan for help.

After SpongeBob SquarePants and Pai Daxing fatally beat chickens, they started fighting again.

Jiang Bai scratched his hair and sighed inwardly. Fortunately, he threw SpongeBob SquarePants and Pai Daxing at the Elf Hotel. If they stayed at home, the house would be demolished within two hours. Ability, can top two huskies with reinforced companies.

The only comforting thing is that there is an Octopus among the three seafood generals, which is relatively normal. Usually, he finds a place to sleep by himself, and the sense of existence is very low. Occasionally, his brain twitches and SpongeBob SquarePants sends big stars. seek death.

Thinking of this, he quickly lowered his head and asked Tom and Jerry, who were lying on the Thor dog: "Aren't you two going up to play? Don't you really want to go up and play when you find someone with similar strength and you don't have to worry about being killed?" ?"

Tom raised his eyelids to indicate that the master knows, and it can be settled.

Jerry lifted his top hat to look at Jiang Bai and put it back on.

Well, these two guys are not interested at all, not even Thor the dog lying on the ground, how can you sleep well when fighting.

Since the Thor dog was summoned to this world by Jiang Bai, he found that this world is much better than the original one.

If you want to eat, you can directly use the gourmet tablecloth, you can sleep and watch TV every day, and no one assigns him a task to maintain world peace or something. I just miss Athena a little bit.

Zhan Taowan huge amounts of body Standing beside Huang Yuan, he lifted Huang Yuan high by the neck.

The yellow ape twitched his face a few times like a big grasshopper curled up together, and finally gave up struggling.

After a while, he said: "The ones who attacked the Tianlong people were those who are watching the fun now."

"You go and catch them, we'll go back and hand in the mission now."

Hearing this, Zhan Taowan immediately let go of his hand, grabbed the big ax on his shoulder with both hands, pointed at Jiang Bai and the others and said.

"Okay, old man, this uncle is the man with the strongest defense in the world, don't worry if you leave it to me!!!!"


The yellow ape once again slammed into the hole he made with his face on the ground.

"The pirates over there, I am the man with the strongest defense in the world, the captain of the science team of the Navy Headquarters, Zhan Momomaru!!"

"Pacifists take aim!! Attack!!"

Jiang Bai thought that Zhan Taowan, who looked like an enlarged version of the New Year's picture doll with long hair, was going to come up directly with a big axe [unexpectedly, it was just to introduce who he is.

A few tyrant-like bear-haired robots walked up to Jiang Bai and the others.

"Target Scanned, No Target Recorded!!"

"Direct attack!!!"

Several robot tyrant bears opened their mouths directly after receiving the order, and finally condensed the golden light ball.

Jiang Bai gritted his teeth when he watched it, did you feel that these things were so stupid when watching animations before?

The cohesive attack has such a long forward swing, anyone who is not lame can dodge it, right?


Jiang Bai grabbed Squidward who was sleeping on the spot, and threw it directly on the mouth of a tyrant bear robot.


The golden light cluster that the robot had just condensed exploded instantly, and the entire robot's head was blown away with a whoosh.

There was a whirring of black smoke.

Brother Octopus rubbed his eyes, opened his drooping eyelids and slid off the huge amounts of robot, turned his head and said to Jiang Bai dissatisfied.

"Why don't you put Shi Stark on this robot's face, obviously Shi Stark is the weapon, every time Hulk fights, use Shi Stark to hit others!!"

"Because Stark escaped long ago!!"

Jiang Bai pointed to Shi Stark who was several meters away from him and said.

Shi Stark has known Jiang Bai for almost a year, but Jiang Bai has a nasty nature, it's fine if he doesn't like to do anything, and he likes to catch others and throw him over.

Except for Yan and Hela who will never be caught and thrown by Jiang Bai, no matter who stands beside him is dangerous, whoever catches them counts, anyway, as long as Jiang Bai doesn't make a move.

"..Ice Age!!!"

Brother Octopus complained and pressed down on the belly of the robot whose head was blown off, and directly fired a big move.

In an instant, the temperature plummeted.

In an instant, the entire small forest was covered with a thick layer of ice. This time, Brother Octopus was not lazy at all, and he didn't even play with the spread of frost.

The navy soldiers who came with Zhantaomaru were originally called 666 by the audience, but they were all frozen into ice sculptures in an instant.

"Shua!" A huge amount of sword light slashed directly on Brother Octopus, and Brother Octopus was split into two and fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

At first glance, it turned out that Jerry was holding the knife hanging around his neck with a bulging face and an angry face.

Tom also looked angrily at Brother Squid who was pretending to be dead on the ground and said, "Don't you know where my uncle is sleeping? You want to freeze us to death!!!"

It turned out that Jiang Bai and the others flew into the air the moment Squidward was thrown by Jiang Bai.

And Thor and Tom Jerry are both sleeping and don't know it yet.

Squidward is in the Ice Age, and directly freezes Thor. Tom and Jerry, who are sleeping on Thor's body (very well), are awakened by the cold instantly, and Jerry reacts quickly and directly drags Tom into the air. .

Only poor Thor was left frozen in the ice.

"Boom!!!" Thor broke free from the ice.

Holding the small hammer angrily, he shouted: "For the glory of the God of the North!! Punishment!"


A bolt of thunder struck Brother Octopus who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

Brother Squid quickly recovered from the shattered ice state in an instant, and dodged Thor's attack with a bang.

Thor's thunder is mixed with divine power, and the ability of nature-type devil fruit can't be immune to it when it hits the body.

After Brother Squid dodged the attack, he said in his characteristic voice that seemed to be made by pinching his nose.

"Thor, Pai Daxing stole your dog food!!"

"For the glory of the God of the North!!!"

"Crack!!" A larger thunderbolt directly hit Patrick's head who was still fighting with SpongeBob SquarePants.

Pai Daxing hiccupped, puffed out a puff of black smoke, and lay down on the ground. .

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