Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 208: The Meeting Of Red Hair And White Beard

With the order of the Warring States Period, the entire Navy Headquarters was mobilized quickly.

All the messengers immediately issued an order of the Warring States Period to recall all the warships outside and return to Hong Kong for assembly.

Soldiers quickly began to check combat weapons, began to distribute equipment, immediately opened all defense facilities, and immediately carried out maintenance to ensure that the chain would not be lost at critical moments.

On a piece of sea in the New World, the Whitebeard Pirates have all assembled and are preparing to go to the Navy headquarters.

There are densely packed ships on the sea, and the leader is a large ship with huge amounts of what looks like a whale, with a hunting flag hanging on it. On the flag is a skull pattern in the shape of a huge crescent moon.

Anyone who sees this skull flag will start to break out in a cold sweat, because it represents the overlord of the new world, the most powerful of the four emperors, and the legendary strongest man in the world, White Beard.

Tall as a hill, with a white beard and hanging needles all over his body, he sat on the deck with a long-handled sword in his hand and gave orders.

"Marco, is everyone back here?"

At this time, a man with pineapple-like hair next to a white beard said: "Father, all the ships are assembled, and they can leave the Ten Thousand Navy Headquarters at any time."

"Daddy, we are ready, let's save Brother Ace!!"

"Father, let's go now!!"

As soon as Marco, who was combing his pineapple hair, spoke, the captains of the various fleets 013 standing nearby also echoed, and they were so excited that they wished they could go to the Navy headquarters to start a war immediately.

The Whitebeard Pirates have a total of 16 squads, a total of 13 affiliated pirate groups, each pirate group has as many as a few ships, more than a dozen ships, and one ship as few as two ships, with a population of more than 1,600. .

And each of the captain's flagships is of that incomparably huge size. Counting the battleships of other members densely laid out on the sea, it looks like a small island constantly floating with the waves from a distance.

It was so dark that even the nearby seabirds were frightened by the momentum and did not dare to land.

At this time, a ship suddenly sailed towards Whitebeard's flagship Mozambique from a distance.

This ship is a three-masted ship with a red dragon head statue on the bow, a skull with a red mark on the left eye painted on the sail, and the skull is held together by two knives .

The ship headed straight for Whitebeard's Mozambique.

Marco stood at the bow of the boat and observed, "Dad, it's the boat of Red Hair Shanks!!"

"Red-haired kid?"

The ship of the Red Hair Pirates was tens of meters away from Whitebeard's Mozambique and stopped advancing.

A man with short red hair on his right hand, three scars on his left eye, a long sword stuck in his body and a huge amount of wine jar behind his back jumped onto the white-bearded boat with a whoosh.

With him came the big wine jar, nearly half the height of the red-haired man.

"The young ones backed up, you can't bear the aura of red hair!!" Marco hurriedly ordered the weaker people to retreat, and he didn't finish speaking.

The man named Shanks walked up to Whitebeard step by step.

Every time he took a step, his whole body exuded an invisible aura, and there would be a white-bearded crew member falling down beside him.

A squad leader looked at the crew members who were lying on the ground and said: "Ability can't stand in front of this man with half-baked tolerance."

The red-haired man walked up to the tall white beard and said, "I'm offended! Just as I boarded the enemy ship, I was threatened!"

"Red hair! What are you doing?" Marco looked at the crew lying on the ground and said dissatisfied.

The redhead seemed to have suddenly discovered Marco and quickly turned his head to take a look: "Oh!! It's Marco from the first team, do you want to join us?"

Although the two groups of pirates are enemies, they are also acquaintances, so they speak more casually.

Marco stared at Xiaodou and said dissatisfiedly: "Stop talking nonsense!!"

The red-haired man sat on the ground, not knowing where he took out a large bowl that could be used as a cauldron, poured half of the wine in the wine jar behind him, and threw the wine jar to the white beard who was sitting and watching the play.

Whitebeard took the wine jar, raised his neck and began to gulp down, wiped his mouth and said.

“Wine, good!”

"Twenty-two years have passed, and there are not many heroes who galloped the sea in the Warring States period of Luo Jie Kapu. There are not many heroes left. You have already made a name for yourself!!."

"I remembered your appearance when the interns on Luo Jie's boat fought each other back then.

As he spoke, Whitebeard suddenly began to fall into memories and laughed.

"Did the red-nosed kid who was with you die early?"

White Beard raised the wine jar again and drank the remaining wine, then suddenly threw the wine jar behind the red-haired Shanks and said.

"Little devil, you actually came here to tell me what to do, wait another hundred years!"

Whitebeard (bbbb) definitely knows the purpose of the red hair appearing at this time, nothing more than wanting to prevent the Whitebeard Pirates from going to war with the navy.

But as the four emperors of the sea, how could Whitebeard, the longest sea overlord, change his decision.

The red-haired Shanks raised the big bowl in front of him, calmly drank the wine in the bowl, stood up and drew out his long sword and said slowly: "If you don't stop it, then this era will go berserk 3!!"

White Beard raised the long knife standing beside him and roared, "Who cares about that? I'm White Beard!!!"


Swords collided, and the invisible momentum spread around.

The dark clouds in the sky suddenly rolled and opened a huge crack.

The wooden deck on Whitebeard's ship began to crack and crack.

The team captains who could still stand looked up one after another.

"The sky!! The clouds in the sky have been cut open!!"

"how so?"

"There are cracks on the side of the ship!!"

"It's domineering, domineering domineering!" Marco stared at Xiaodou's eyes and said, staring at the red hair and white beard.

"It has reached the level of attacking entities!!"

Jiang Bai didn't know that the red hair had already seen the white beard, otherwise he would have gone to join in the fun and ask where the red hair got the face fruit.

There is also the famous scene in One Piece where the clouds can be shattered with domineering arrogance.

One after another, the naval ships have returned to the headquarters of the navy, and there is no end to the darkness in the port.

Officers at all levels, as well as specialized units, began reporting.

Officers dressed in white with the word justice written on them walked by row by row.

The coat is full of white flowers. At first, Jiang Bai thought the coat was very handsome, but when he saw so many people wearing this coat, he suddenly felt that Yuyi made by Mo and Hela circuit West Feather was more handsome and more saucy.

The wrestling between the red hair and the white beard continued, and the red hair held up his long sword with the only hand to resist the white beard's big knife.

The two of them didn't do anything else, they just swayed the domineering look on their bodies recklessly, and the things on the boat gradually began to show slight cracks.

All the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates looked at Whitebeard and Red-haired confrontation quietly with their arms folded.

They have absolute confidence in their father, who is the most powerful man in the world.

There is no one in the world who is a match for Dad.

The red hair carefully looked into White Beard's eyes, then put away his sword, turned and left slowly.

White Beard sat back on his seat and said, "Now even the kid with red hair wants to take care of my business!"

"Shanks, it looks like you failed!"

"What do we do next?"

"Boss, do you want to start a war?"

Redhead returned to the ship, and the crew asked one by one what happened on Whitebeard's ship.

The red hair found a wine jar, picked it up, drank a few sips and said: "The old man is very stubborn, there is no way to stop him from rescuing Ace, war is inevitable.

"We can only find ways to reduce the scale of the war now."

"Reduce the scale of the war?" Several crew members who came up to ask questions muttered to themselves.

"How do pieces decrease in size?"

The redhead took a few sips of wine again and said, "Don't let other large pirate groups get involved!"

"So, boss, where are we going now?"

"Find Kaido!!"

"Kaido?" Everyone began to frown in thought. .

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