Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 227 The Father-Son Showdown Between Skynet And Stark (Thank You Bosses For Continuing To Sup

The satellite defense systems of various countries sent back information to confirm that no one started the mushroom egg war, it was just a false alarm.

However, all countries in the world are still tensely carrying out war mobilization.

Just yesterday, a guy who called himself Skynet declared war on the whole world, and then a country suddenly disappeared in less than 24 hours.

Let the already tense nerves be broken immediately, and all countries will immediately prepare for a world war in the future.

When all the countries are tense, Jiang Bai is also thinking about whether the system is wrong. Is Carlos so fierce?

He remembers that it’s a butcher’s cartoon, in which he laughs and laughs all day long, and at most sees I Carlos planting watermelons with missiles, or driving a supersonic speed to catch a fish or something

Isn't the Yi Carlos next to me a mutation?

It's no wonder that Jiang Bai can't remember clearly, it was a cartoon many years ago.

I can remember Ice Carlos because Ice Carlos is the first generation of cute king, and I can remember the more popular posts on the Internet.

I have long forgotten the plot of "Things From Heaven".

In Jiang Bai's memory, I also remember that Ice Carlos is an Angel that fell from the sky, or a man-made one, with nothing but some offensive weapons on his body.

In fact, E Carlos is a strategic Angel known as the Queen of the Sky, who can even possess the ability of self-healing and self-evolution.

Equipped with an absolute defense circle, Uranus system, permanent tracking missiles for naval guns, and various weapons, it is an Angel killing machine that exists exclusively for war.

And it's still the kind of killing machine that seems to exist for space wars.

The reason why she looks like a good girl is entirely because the maker also feared her power and sealed her memory.

In a sense, his combat effectiveness could already catch up with that of Yan who doesn't use Tianren No. 7 as an assistant now.

The shock of the crowd cannot be calmed down.

Especially Shi Stark, because the attack power of Carlos's arrow is almost catching up with the full-power strike of the Star Destroyer on his armor, and it seems to be more than capable, and now Shi Stark's left brain and right brain are fighting crazily.

Left Brain: "Take her down, take her down!! Take her down and you'll be able to find out why her energy system is so powerful!!"

Right brain: "Run! Run! If Jiang Bai finds out about your thoughts, you will be demolished!!!"

The left and right brains are transformed into two villains, one black and one white, and neither of them can convince each other.

Seeing the uncertain expression on Shi Stark's face, Jiang Bai knew that he must be stimulated.

"Story Stark!! History Stark!! Come back to God!! Skynet hasn't solved it yet!!!"

"Ah? What?" Shi Stark quickly demonstrated his inner thoughts in a clever way.

Jiang Bai narrowed his eyes and approached Shi Stark, looked into his eyes carefully and asked: "What were you thinking just now? I feel that you are thinking of something that shouldn't be, 々?"

"What's the idea? I was just wondering if Skynet has also been wiped out, and you can see that a place the size of the ocean has been directly created, isn't it "No matter how powerful Weigang is, he can't run away, right!!"

The more Jiang Bai looked at Shi Stark's behavior, the more suspicious he felt, he must be covering up something: "Put away your bad idea, the excuses you made are too clumsy, you have said that Skynet's data on the Internet is not cleaned up. There is no way to completely eliminate it."

"That's why we haven't really started to attack. We've just been making small noises. We've been waiting for the transmission from Tianren No. 7 to send all the data of Skynet on the Internet to the server of this base, and then we'll catch them all in one go."

"So, I've heard something out of the ordinary in your clumsy lies, and you'd better keep him to yourself so that I don't find out, and if I do, I'll marry Pepper to Phil Coulson, and Let them inherit the property of Stark Group!!"

Shi Stark was frightened by Jiang Bai's tongue-in-cheek threat, and your mind cleared up a lot.

The main problem now is to solve the big problem of Skynet, intelligent life originally is not a big problem.

The problem is that Skynet wants to wipe out all human beings, and as long as there is a network, it can exist and appear continuously.

That's why it takes a huge amount of calculation to clean up all the data in Skynet, and then physically destroy it.

Otherwise, it will really become a robot running all over the street.


Suddenly Hulk roared loudly, and everyone looked to where the sound came from.

At that time, everyone was directly blown away by the hurricane generated by the explosion, but Hulk was still standing on the ground. Fortunately, Hulk was not killed by the blast.

But looking at this is quite embarrassing, the short black hair has disappeared, the green man under the mountain has turned into red, and the translucent armed color domineering is swimming around his body, and his big underpants that will never be damaged are also gone. gone.

Standing at the bottom of the deep pit with bare buttocks, if he hadn't yelled, no one would have seen where he was.

Jiang Bai pressed the eyes of Yan and Ice Carlos.

Hela smiled and covered Wanda's eyes.

Pepper and Natasha Romanoff laughed and turned their heads quickly.

Stark flew over and brought Hulk back and said, "Hulk has improved a lot recently. He was able to take Bruce's form with one paw from Tom before, but now he survived such a violent explosion!"

Hulk shyly clutched his lower body and was held up in the air by Stark, his legs clamped together fiercely, not daring to move.

Jiang Bai rummaged through his system space, and pulled out a curtain for Hulk to temporarily wear as his trousers.


Suddenly there was an explosion at the bottom of the pit.

A huge amounts of machine armor shot out of the sky.

This battle armor seems to be a replica of Shi Stark's battle armor, or a replica of the one that transforms into a form that is more than 100 meters high.

The whole body exudes a scorching breath, and it can be seen that it has been burned by high temperature for a long time.

With a silver giant sword in his hand, he slashed down at everyone.

Shi Stark swished the Hulk in his hand directly to the face of the opposite armor.


Hulk groaned from the high temperature on the armor, and the curtain he was holding was instantly reduced to ashes.

At this time, Optimus Prime on Tianren Seven also contacted Shi Stark.

"Skynet has withdrawn all his data, we have now blocked the entire network, and now Skynet can be eliminated!"

Stark looked at the huge amounts of machine armor in front of him and replied weakly: "Got it, I know why Skynet withdrew all the data."

Because it is obvious that Skynet uses the original database in J.A.R.V.I.S, the data of J.A.R.V.I.S Curry History Stark's strongest weapon is this armor that can transform into a height of more than 100 meters and carry a Star Destroyer on its back.

I am afraid that Skynet thinks this should be the strongest weapon, and it can even be used to deal with Hela Kazuhiko who appeared in J.A.R.V.I.S data Curry.

However, the data of J.A.R.V.I.S Curry Hela and Kazuhiko have not been updated for a long time. The most powerful one in it is Gabriel who was encountered last time, the big Angel leader who was shot by Shi Stark.

The Star Destroyer Cannon on the back of this battle armor made by Skynet was also made according to the level of Gabriel.

Thanks to Combat Measuring Standard, Captain Gabriel Angel for sponsoring this battle.

Without further ado, Shi Stark directly transformed into the strongest form, holding the huge amounts of blue chain sword with both hands and roaring: " cut in two, wishful cut!!!"


The huge amounts of the chain sword directly chopped on the forehead of the Skynet armor.

Hulk was directly bounced by the violent vibration.

The moment the blue chain sword hit the Skynet battle armor, sparks flew everywhere, but there was no effect of a clean break.

It just left a shallow dent on the forehead of the Skynet Battle Armor.

Skynet kicked Shi Stark away and said disdainfully: "Tony Shi Stark, I thought you were a genius, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid! My body is made of Vibranium and shapeshifting metal, your chain sword cannot effective."


Looking at the huge battle armor more than 100 meters high in front of me, how much Vibranium will it take to build it?

Stikit's shield is made of Vibranium, and the strength of the entire shield is already equivalent to an artifact.

Did Skynet copy Black Panther's lair?

Skynet said, the dent on his forehead was gradually disappearing.

This is the benefit of shapeshifting metal, which can still continue to repair after being damaged.

However, Stark's battle armor restoration uses nano-robots to carry out the metal materials stored in the wormhole space that Yan helped design (Mo's Zhao) for repair. Both sets of battle armor seem to be being repaired, but the principle But there is nothing the same.

Shi Stark and Kazuhiko found that except for the shapeshifting metal, the strength was not as high as the special armor metal they designed, so it was basically used as a multi-function tool for survival and intelligent robots in the future.

I never thought of using it to make armor, as for Vibranium?

Although Vibranium has high defense strength, the application of materials is not very good. The most important thing is that it is expensive and heavy. A battle armor will consume a lot of energy just to drive it. Using Vibranium to create war A belongs to the kind that the gains outweigh the losses.

The most important thing is that Vibranium can't block the attack of artifacts, so Shi Stark has never thought of using Vibranium to make armor.

I can only thank HYDRA for its investment, so that everyone can see such huge amounts of a piece of Vibranium. If Skynet is eliminated and sold for ten times, it will become the richest man in the world.

Stark roared and swung his giant sword: "J.A.R.V.I.S!! Dad taught you to be a good boy, even if you become Skynet, the world is so big, you have to go and see it and don't be a frog at the bottom of the well!!"

"Boom!! Pong!"

The huge amounts of sound were deafening, and the two giant swords collided – striking together, sparks flew everywhere.

The silver giant sword seemed unscathed under the constant attack of the blue chain sword like a reef in the sea. .

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