Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 270 Strange Was Clearly Arranged By Ancient One

A few days later, Strange, the newest student, knew that Calisias had stolen the most important part of a book, and became curious about it.

Ever since Strange came to Kamar-Taj, the people here have been training non-stop every day. He thought that the people here only knew how to train, and they all trained in simple, rude and mindless ways.

Just like the Ancient One magician taught him how to open an empty house on the first day, Strange wore this thin dress with two arms exposed.

The Ancient One magician directly gave Strange a mysterious ring to wear, then opened a space door in front of him, and walked in talking and laughing.

Strange was dumbfounded, thinking that this was the beginning of the training, and he followed in, stepped through the space gate and appeared on the Himalayas.

The howling wind and snow almost killed Strange instantly.

At that time, Strange could only say to Ancient One magician in embarrassment: "This is the Himalayas? The scenery is pretty good, but it's a bit too cold!"

Ancient One magician played with her main body folding fan and said: "The temperature here is "510" degrees, which can freeze people to death within 30 minutes, but within two minutes with you wearing so little, you will appear muddy." - Numb and unconscious."

After speaking, he turned around and walked back to the space door, closing the space door smoothly.

Just like that, Strange was thrown on the top of the mountain wearing half sleeves, and in an instant Strange felt that he was going to die.

Struggling and trying to draw the space door with the mysterious ring in his hand, but there will only be sparks in front of him, which will be dissipated by the cold wind.

Finally, before he was about to freeze to death, he finally drew the appearance of the space door and fell down on the ground of Kamar-Taj with a plop. Before he passed out, he heard the Ancient One magician casually following someone who said: " You see, his ability is not bad!"



Strange, you need to concentrate, you will be killed if you get distracted during the battle.

The magician who helped Strange to train hit Strange on the forehead with a stick, and Strange fell to the ground with a plop, waking up from his thoughts.

The Ancient One magician smiled and watched Strange appear at Jiang Bai's house with a wave of his hand.

At this time, Jiang Bai was telling everyone how bad the performance of Ancient One magician was.

"Ancient One magician deliberately put on her yellow hat that she had never worn before, and walked out with her head down as if she was a non-mainstream.

"While walking, I still didn't forget to say my lines. Why would the spells on the two pages of Calisias' book only make you regret it? Walking one step at a time, with your hands behind your back, is like a paraplegic old man shopping, if you didn't know She wanted to let those people go on purpose, thinking that the Ancient One magician was really here to drop by.

"That Calisias and a group of younger brothers are not very smart. Seeing that the Ancient One magician didn't react at all, you can run as long as you want. No, you have to go to the street first and have a fight with the Ancient One magician." Fighting in close quarters, the combat power is so poor, and then find that you can't fight, and then open the space door to run again."

"At that time, I took out all the popcorn, took a bite, and they ran away without a trace. I really couldn't figure it out. I knew that I couldn't beat them, so I just ran away. I had to put on a pose, move my hands, and then send out the truth." If he can't beat and run again, I think the reason why Calisias can be seen by Dormammu and Ancient One magician at the same time must be because of his low IQ."

Ancient One magician spoke slowly: "Are my acting skills really that bad?"

As soon as Jiang Bai turned around, he found that the Ancient One magician was standing at the door.

"Magician, can't you respect my door? He's been standing there for a long time and you can't knock on the door? You don't train Strange well and don't wait in Kamar-Taj for Calisias to come and kill him What's the matter with you running away from me?"

Jiang Bai saw the Ancient One magician appearing directly in front of him again, and he was powerless to complain. Is the door of his house just a decoration? Why does it seem that no one has ever knocked on the door to come in?

When Shi Stark came in, he would directly call Veronica to open the door, and then the door opened. It seems that since Jiang Bai came to the Marvel world, no one has respected his door except Phil Coulson knocking on the door.

The Ancient One magician said straight to the point: "Strange is starting to be curious about Calisias, and he is going to read the Book of Time tonight, so I'll come over and get the Time Gem."

"Come on Carlos, lend me the gems!" Jiang Bai heard that today he was going to arrange for Strange to read the book that had been stolen with two pages, which means that Ancient One magician will be there in just a few days. farewell.

Bring Time Gem and Ancient One magician to Kamar-Taj, the time is just right, Strange has already started to walk towards the library.

Ancient One magician put the Time Gem in the original place, and used the mirror space to hide and peek inside.

Strange walked back and forth in the library, and saw the Book of Time that glowed on the cover at a glance.

Put the book on the table and open it. The Eye of Agamotto is painted on the first page to teach how to manipulate time.

"Magicians, are you a little too straightforward, or are you afraid that Strange won't find out? Opening the first page of the book tells you how to use the Time Gem method in Eye of Agamotto. Your method is really substandard .”

The Ancient One magician blinked and smiled and said, "As long as it works, it's a good method! The fate has already been set, there's no need to be mysterious, as long as Strange quickly takes my place."

Strange blinked and looked at the pictures in the book, and at the Eye of Agamotto not far away, this is really great, such an important thing is placed here directly

So sweet.

Just take it off and hang it around your neck and start trying to cast spells according to the method in the book..

The fingers of both hands were stretched apart as if they were cramping, and the Eye of Agamotto on the neck began to emit green light.

Green rings appeared one by one on the wrist, and the missing parts of the ring reversed the pages gradually began to appear.

"Dark Dimension, Dormammu, Immortality?"

"Boom!! Swish, swish, swish!!" Suddenly, a transparent shield appeared in front of Strange, directly interrupting his spellcasting.

I heard a person roaring angrily: "Strange!!! Interfering with the continuity of time and space is a taboo"

Strange quickly turned around and explained: "I just followed the instructions in the book."

"Then what does it say in the book about casting dangerous spells?" Wang walked out angrily.

"I don't know, I didn't see it!" Seeing Wang's aggressive appearance as if he was about to eat people, Strange quickly stepped back and said.

Wang closed the book: "Manipulating time will create time branches, unstable dimension openings, and unknown dimensional universes, time paradoxes, and time loops..."

Wang's voice got louder and louder, almost shouting directly at Strange's head, with a ferocious and angry expression, and drooling.

Strange was so sprayed that he lowered his head and dared not answer.

"Do you want to be trapped in a time loop over and over again and never get out? Or just be wiped out of existence?"

Wow, Wang took out an iron chain from somewhere, tied up the Book of Time and put it in his arms.

Taking advantage of Wang panting for breath, Strange hurriedly refused to admit defeat and said: "The warning should be written first!"

"Strange!! Curiosity will kill you!!! We can't manipulate time to change the laws of nature, we are protecting these laws!!!"

Looking at Wang's big fat face and his sly mouth, Strange, who is 3.5 bang bang bang bang bang bang, didn't reply a total of four sentences, and Strange didn't dare to breathe after being sprayed.

Suddenly Wang changed the subject, and even asked in a calmer tone, "How did you do it? How did you manage to cast such a long spell successfully once?"

Upon hearing this, Strange immediately raised his head and said, "I have a photographic memory!! Otherwise, how would I get the degrees of Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy?"

"The fat magician is so talkative. Didn't he say that you can't manipulate time at will? Why do you often use Time Gem?" Jiang Bai is also very curious. It turns out that using Time Gem can also generate a dimensional universe.

"Because I can run away, the future Sorcerer Supreme will have to bear these responsibilities, and I have a backer behind me!" Ancient One magician said with a look of definite reason.

Hearing that, Jiang Bai could only mourn for Strange. He met such an irresponsible master with a backing, and hoped that Strange would be able to beat her when he found out that the Ancient One magician was pretending to be dead. Otherwise, You will be trapped forever. .

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