Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

The Second Hundred And Seventy-Third Calabash Baby's Mother Turned Out To Be Ancient One Magici

The Ancient One magician fell from the sky, and the crowd on the street quickly dispersed, screaming while covering their faces, and the police officers patrolling nearby rushed over to check the situation.

Seeing that the Ancient One magician was kicked out of the space door, Strange could only subconsciously raise his hand to grab it.

Calisias raised his head and laughed wildly: "It's only you now!"

Suddenly came from below: "Come on, let me out first, I am the big brother!!!"

The voice is thick and loud, but the words spoken are very naive.

The body of the Ancient One magician kept shaking, and after a few blows, it was directly thrown upside down.

Seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple suddenly emerged from the wound on the stomach that was only more than an inch wide.

Each color emerges and falls to the ground to transform into a little doll with its head staring at the gourd.

Each doll has a gourd on its head, and the clothes of each doll correspond to the color of the gourd.

All of them have red lips, white teeth, and generous faces, wearing open vests and bare feet.

The Ancient One magician, who was already soul astral and ready to run, couldn't hold back when he saw seven little dolls squatting there, pressing himself and calling for mother.

Jiang Bai quickly flew nearby to see if this is the legendary gourd baby?

He immediately covered his mouth and laughed: "Mom, mom! Hahahaha, magician, so this is your latest idea, no wonder you didn't even say how you are going to get out, septuplets, who is the father of magician's child?"

"I'm your grandma!!!" Soul astral floating 020, the Ancient One magician beside her was furious, how did she know why this situation happened suddenly, she just fell from the sky and fell to her death, but she took advantage of no one's attention The soul flies away directly.

By the time Strange and the other magicians from Kamar-Taj found him, he must have been completely cold. Why did he have a wound that was only a little over three centimeters, and seven children jumped out of it?

Besides, which of these children looks a little bit like me? Why did they call mom when they ran out?

Jiang Bai hurriedly suppressed his smile, but Micheng's narrow eyes betrayed his expression.

Ancient One magician is scolding for such a well-cultivated person, it seems that the appearance of the gourd baby is quite stimulating to her.

Several gourd babies grabbed Ancient One and shook it wildly, as if Pai Daxing had turned over rabies.

"Get out of the way, let me do it!!" A gourd baby covered in yellow pushed away the red gourd baby that the older brother was holding on to the Ancient One magician, and hit Ancient One's chest with his small fist.

The few gourd babies in the back saw it, pushed him away quickly and then showed their magical powers.

Why spit water and spit fire and pinch people, for Jiang Bai to see, he thought he was on the set of Conan.

Jiang Bai tried his best to make a serious expression and said: "magician, why don't you go back to your body first? After all, you are now the mother of seven children, you can't let them have no parents right after birth, right!!"

The ancient (bbba) magician looked at it for a long time and had to sigh and fly back to his body again.

At this moment, Strange still couldn't believe how such a powerful Ancient One magician died all of a sudden, his face was solemn and shocked, leaning against the space door and looking down, he saw the Ancient One magician sitting up, Surrounded by seven children called mother.

Strange's expression froze in an instant, and the sadness that was originally there was swept away in an instant, and he felt that he was a fool, and he thought she was killed when he was performing filial piety on the ground.

Calisias laughed wildly, not stopping Strange to watch the Ancient One magician fall from the sky.

Instead, he wanted to dance on the spot with joy in his heart. Except for Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One, no one in Kamar-Taj had the ability to stop himself. I didn't expect Ancient One to die so easily.

Calisias smiled and suddenly heard Strange ask: "Aren't you going to take a look?"

"Ancient One is dead, now it's your turn!!!"

"Are you really not going to take a look? Didn't you hear the voice calling for mother from the ground just now? Don't you think the voice would be too loud if it was a child's?

Calisias's smile faded in an instant. Just now, Ancient One was kicked into the real world from the mirror space, and it fell from a height of more than 100 meters. It is said that children call their mothers at such a high height. Even if an adult shouts loudly, he may not be able to hear it.

Calisias quickly stood on the side of the space door and looked down. Ancient One magician was standing up with one hand covering his stomach and the other hand on the ground, surrounded by seven colorful children with gourds on their heads. , and a police officer was standing asking about things.

"Ma'am, if you want to perform performance art, please don't hinder everyone. You just smashed the glass canopy of the building. People on the road thought you jumped off the building! If you don't need to go to the hospital, please Compensate for the glass money as soon as possible!"

The police officer took out a small notebook and recorded Ancient One’s reasons for performing performance art, and at the same time made his own judgment, demanding that Ancient One magician immediately compensate for the loss of the glass and then leave here with the child.

Suddenly the police officers stopped moving, cracks began to appear on the street like shattered glass, and the air began to rattle like a queue of glass.

Calisias came out from the mirror space: "Ancient One magician, you really stole the power of Dormammu, otherwise why would you not be able to fall to your death at such a height!!"

Strange also followed Calisias out of the mirror space, followed by Calisias' younger brothers.

This time Strange and Calisias stood on the same front, he felt that he was being deceived at any time, and suddenly he was hunted down, and suddenly came up to arrange an inexplicable responsibility for me, Stranger Lan Qi stood on the sidelines and watched coldly.

Even Calisias felt that Strange must be able to convince himself that Dormammu is the real god, and that Ancient One was just a thief, and she stole Dormammu's power to live so long.

Ancient One magician hadn't spoken yet, and his mind was still muddled. Suddenly, the doll with a red gourd on his head standing next to him asked, "Who are you? Did he hurt you, mother?"

The red gourd baby was instantly filled with righteous indignation after talking about the other gourd babies.

The little doll with the yellow gourd directly raised his fist and punched Kalicia's knee.

With a "click", Kalicia's knee shattered, and she fell directly to the ground with a plop.

No one expected this little doll to be so powerful.

Strange's eyes widened and he blinked vigorously, and he slapped both of himself to make sure that he was not mistaken.

The moment Calisias fell to the ground, his group of younger brothers took out their weapons to support the yellow gourd baby.

"Ding dong dong kuang!!!!!" Various magic weapons hit the yellow gourd baby and made various sounds, but the little doll was not afraid, and laughed with her hands on her hips: "Strength! Power!! You all Didn't you eat?"

After fighting for a long time, the stupefied Ancient One magician finally came back to his senses. With a wave of his hand, everyone appeared in Kamar-Taj at the same time.

With another wave of his hand, several scarlet ribbons entangled Calisias and his little brothers.

Jiang Bai approached Ancient One magician with a smile and said, "Magician, should we reset the script again? Anyway, you use the Time Gem to turn all the time back, they must not remember what happened!!"

The Ancient One magician gave Jiang Bai a hard look and said, "I said, why are you suddenly giving me something to eat? Did you plan it long ago?"

"Huh?" Ancient One magician's sudden words made Jiang Bai confused and completely unable to understand.

"Golden Elixir!" The Ancient One magician reminded again.

"It's not magician, did you misunderstand, when did it happen, how long has it been, maybe you got pregnant because you ate other things and got parasites!"

When Jiang Bai was reminded by Ancient One magician, he immediately reacted. Apart from the things given by the system, how could there be a gourd baby in Marvel.

But you don't lose if you lose, and you can't admit that you are killed.

Ancient One magician's face turned red with anger, and he paced back and forth on the ground, followed by a group of rainbow-colored calabash dolls, holding each other's hands and walking back and forth.

"I knew you were an accident, even if I took you to see Strange to see if any strange things could happen, I never thought that the real biggest accident would happen to me in the end!!!".

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