Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 277 Star-Lord's Father Is A Ball?

Jiang Bai woke up naturally after sleeping until noon the next day and saw Stark Pepper and Natasha Romanoff waiting for him in the living room early.

Hulk and SpongeBob SquarePants are playing with Tom and Jerry, and Es Carlos is watching the show with a watermelon in his arms.

Squidward lies directly - pretending to sleep on the ground.

"Ancient One magician, don't you want to watch the excitement?"

Yan stood up from the sofa and said: "She said that she wants to cultivate a relationship with the children, and teach Strange how to learn magic, so she won't go."

"Then shall we have breakfast and Chinese food to celebrate a group event?"

Yan directly pulled Jiang Bai's arm and said: "Let's go, you won't starve to death if you eat a few less meals. Ichimaru Gin may not be able to stop Thor in Asgard. Let's go and see what's going on now!"

Jiang Bai was directly dragged out of the door by Yan, everyone found an open place and started to call for Bifrost, if Bifrost works, it means that Asgard is fine now, if not, it means that the fight is already overwhelmed, everyone You can only use the power of the Space gem to open a portal.

A flash of rainbow light directly took everyone away, and appeared in the Bifrost control room of Asgard in an instant.

"My Lady Queen!"

As soon as everyone stood up, they saw the person controlling Bifrost directly bowing to Hela.

Jiang Bai blinked at Hela, and Hela also blinked at Jiang Bai.

After a brief eye-to-eye contact between the two, it was concluded that neither of them knew the man who was now guarding Bifrost.

Hela adjusted her stance, raised her face slightly and asked, "Didn't there be a battle in Asgard?"

"My lord, Prince Thor did not attack. He and the people he brought have been on Bifrost. So far, there has been no other action."

"Back off!"

"Yes, Your Lady Queen!"

Hela flicked up her big black windbreaker, the Yuyi cloak made of Lucifer's feathers appeared on her shoulders, and she wore her ugly black crown full of spikes on her head, striding forward Long legs go first.

Still holding the Spear of Eternity that Chthon had pinched into two in his hand, Hela held the severed place and looked as if he was holding the Spear of Eternity intact in his hand.

Jiang Bai hurriedly touched Pengyan with his hand: "Quick, put on your outfit, Hela has put on the battle armor crown that symbolizes her status, you are our little-sister-sister and you have to wear it Reveal your identity - come on."

Yan smiled helplessly, and began to transform Keisha's silver wings from the dimensional weapon Curry into an armor with a pile of metal wings on the back, put on the helmet and pick up Jiang Bai. The Flaming Sword.

After tidying up the lower body-upper outfit, they walked side by side with Hela with their heads held high.

Two figures, one black and one silver, walked in front, and Tom and Jerry followed behind with their heads held high. Jiang Bai kicked SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick, and they adjusted their positions reluctantly. Zi followed behind.

Not long after walking, I saw three small spaceships parked on Bifrost, and Thor was surrounded by a group of Asgards asking questions.

Except for Thor, all who can see are acquaintances.

For example, the star-lord who has become fat for countless times, his green-skinned girlfriend Gamora, the weapon expert Rocket Raccoon, and the tree figures Groot and Destroyer.

But Thor didn't see Loki, and the others except Kaido and Jiang Bai didn't remember who they were at all.

In particular, there are two women beside Thor. One is black and looks like a fat-headed fish, and the other is blond and has a square face. Wearing a tights, it looks like a superhero standard service.

The moment they saw Jiang Bai and his group approaching, all the Asgardians surrounding Thor who asked questions suddenly lowered their heads and shouted: "My Lady Queen!" "!"

Jiang Bai did not expect this operation to be true. He thought that the group of Asgardians were supporting Thor to come back to seize the throne. Why is this behavior now more like seven-aunt eight-aunt met a nephew who returned home during the Chinese New Year? , first go up-go and ask if you are married and how much money you earn? When will you buy a house?

Seeing that Hela is still saluting and addressing Her Lady Queen, it doesn't look like they are going to rebel.

Jiang Bai is a good boy who asks any questions: "Hela, do you Asgardians have any weird traditions? Why do I see that they are very enthusiastic about Thor and then suddenly see you and salute? What the hell are they doing? To support Thor or to support you?"

"Their behavior is normal. The fight for the throne in Asgard is all single-handed. It's just that we are not normal. At that time, we defeated everyone including Odin, so these people surrendered. Now someone is challenging me , what they need to do is to protect me like Odin, if I lose, they will support Thor, in simple terms, whoever wins they will defect to whoever!"

"One-on-one?" Stark next to him heard that there is such a way to choose the throne? It's really unheard of, even the tribes of barbarians don't use this method for a long time. Why is Asgard also a cosmic civilization? Still playing this?

Hela smiled lightly and said: "It's normal. It hasn't been long since Asgard dominated the Ninth World, that is, it hasn't been long before being called a god. It was Odin's father who started fighting against the Ninth World. Conquered for the ninth time."

"So the way to choose a leader at that time was whoever had the strongest fighting power would be the leader, but by the time of Odin's generation, the ninth generation had already conquered, and besides Loki, Thor and me, the God King of Asgard had no heir, as you all know In fact, the stronger the bloodline, the stronger the fighting power will be."

"Other people in Asgard are at most stronger than the people on Earth, not everyone is very powerful, so in fact the throne is just a rotation among a few people with strong blood, and it just so happens that these people are Odin bloodline."

"Isn't this still an inheritance system? Then the heads-up situation you mentioned can't happen?" Stark asked puzzled.

Isn't the next god king born among the few descendants of the previous generation of god king? It's not just a one-on-one fight, it's because of the mood of the previous generation of god king.

"Yeah, so I'm actually the first to become the God King of Asgard through battle. You don't think there have been many God Kings in Asgard, do you? In fact, I'm the first Three, the first generation of God-King is Odin's father, and the God-King at that time can live forever."

".. Odin's father was at least a few hundred Hail older, and he passed the throne to Odin after he died or disappeared. Odin is actually as old as a few hundred Hail, but Thor is only one Five hundred years old, so do you guess that Odin will have other children during those millions of years?"

This is really strange, is Odin actually that old? Didn’t the movie say that Asgardians can only live for 5,000 years? It is because of this reason that Jiang Bai helped Hela capture the hell dimension of Faith Tor, so that Hela Don't worry about lifespan anymore.

When Hela was answering questions to Stark, Stark saw Jiang Bai and the others froze and said to Jiang Bai: "We are here to watch the excitement, believe it or not?"

"I believe! After all, you are so fat, I don't think you have much fighting power, why did you suddenly gain weight several times? Could it be that you are married?" Jiang Bai asked with a smile.

The Rocket Raccoon on the side said directly: "Don't you guys regard us as the saviors who are still on that stupid planet? Later, a big spaceship came, and someone who came out said that it was Star Lord's father, who helped us arrange it. As soon as he took down those refugees (King Zhao), he took us to his father's planet as guests."

"After staying for four or five days, Xingjue's weight improved by leaps and bounds, and after that it was out of control."

"Xingjue's father?" Jiang Bai pondered in his mind, isn't Xingjue's father a ball?

"That's right, it's his father. According to his father himself, he is a god in ancient times. We thought that Star-Lord was also a descendant of God. He was going to be powerful at first, but suddenly his father was going to eat Star-Lord, and finally We have no choice but to blow up Star-Lord's father, you have never seen Star-Lord's father actually has a real body of a small planet, and you don't know how Star-Lord was born!!"

Rocket Raccoon directly narrated all the things that Xingjue experienced in the recent period, and Xingjue who was beside him was very embarrassed.

He also didn't expect that his father was a planet, and his biological father was not a fake, so one of the reasons why Star-Lord might actually become fat-probably because he would turn into a ball after eating too much.

While everyone was listening to Rocket Raccoon talking about how amazing Star-Lord's father was and how he gave birth to Star-Lord, Thor suddenly stepped out and shouted at Hela:

"Hela!!! This-time I-will challenge you!!".

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