Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 282 Thor's Revenge Failed

Then Hela came out with a big-big sword that broke through the water from Bifrost

The Flame Giant broke through the palace of Asgard and waved the great sword in his hand like a pillar of the sky, and began to destroy all visible things in Asgard, making a burst of loud noises.

However, the other end of Bifrost was silent as if silenced.

The stone man Loki and Valkyrie looked at Captain Marvel who was blown away by Wanda and turned into a sky full of stars, and Wanda stood up with a sweet smile, and a chilling feeling came to their hearts.

For the first time, Loki doubted his own judgment. Captain Marvel was the reinforcement they found from the universe. It can be said that Captain Marvel is the only one he has seen in his short life of more than a thousand years. People who are comparable to Odin in fighting power, and those others are all their own enemies.

It is Thor who has finally Awakened his blood after a brutal war and can use thunder and lightning without weapons, but he is still not the opponent of Captain Marvel.

Just like this - an incomparably powerful figure in the universe, was gently called by a little girl with a sweet smile - a soft - blowing breath, the smoke disappeared and turned into bright spots all over the sky.

Wanda stood up and patted the non-existent dust on her hands, and waved to Loki and valkyrie playfully: "Let's-let's play!"

"Uh!! No, no, no, I'm good standing here." Loki waved his hands again and again, his heart was broken-hearted, and he was running away now, either waiting or waiting, he might be killed on both sides.

Watching the Flame Giant start to demolish his palace one by one, Hela let go of the Eternal Spear that had already been broken in two.

"Clang!" Two shots of the Eternal Gun fell on the Bifrost.

Loki and valkyrie swished the sweat off their faces.

The two of them thought that Hela had broken the Gun of Eternity angrily, but it was Odin's artifact.

It has been following Odin's wars and wars and has never been damaged. This is the most powerful weapon in Asgard except for Bifrost, and it is also the strongest weapon.

Hela shook her wrist and walked forward with her head held high.

The total length of Bifrost is more than a kilometer, with Flame Giant at the other end of Bifrost and Hela at this end.

Seen from a distance between the two, Hela is like a lonely warrior striding forward to a mountain, while Hela looks so small against the Flame Giant's huge height and figure, only equivalent to a - A black dot, with determination in his back moving forward.

Jiang Bai smiled and shook his head, expelling this thought from his mind. Although Hela may not be as big as a Flame Giant's fingernail, she is definitely not lonely and decisive, but confident.

The Flame Giant, who destroyed the entire palace, looked at the tiny Hela and shouted: "Odin!! I am here, and I am here with his fear-fear!! I am the dusk of the gods!! I am the Asgard End!! "!"

"Tremble-shock at my feet! Asgard!!! Meet your end!!!"

"Don't worry, I'll send you to Odin right now, remember to greet him for me and tell him that Loki and Thor will be there soon." Hela walked slowly, as if it wasn't her palace that was destroyed , Speaking without any emotional fluctuations, as if slowly narrating a fact.

"Hahahahaha!!!! Odin is dead? He is dead? He died too early!!!! Now it's your turn!!" Flame Giant swung his giant sword at Bifrost and slashed down-go .

"Boom!!! Crash!!"

In an instant Bifrost was cut in half by the great sword, and the shattered fragments fell into the waters that flowed into the unknown abyss.

Hela raised her head and shouted softly: "Die!!!"

With a swish sound, a huge black spike suddenly pierced the Flame Giant's chest from the billowing waves of the Bifrost.

The sound of "Poof!" directly penetrated the Flame Giant.

"You are Ragnarök of Asgard, but I am not just a god of Asgard!! Surturt, your strength is still too weak!"

Flame Giant Sutert's orange-red-like magma-like body began to be gradually affected by Hela's spikes, and began to turn black from the chest-chest.

The raging flames-burning eye sockets began to gradually go out, and the flaming giant sword in his hand began to disintegrate little by little.


Suterte's huge body collapsed suddenly, like a hill made of stones. The most important stone was taken away, and his whole body was scattered into warm stones, directly crushing Asgard's body. Ruins buried.

Hela lightly squatted down and pressed his hands on the Bifrost to start mobilizing his own magic power to restore Bifrost.

As for the palace of Asgard, you can only ask Tom for help. Bifrost is actually an entity composed of magic. It looks like a bridge like a glass plate flowing with colorful rainbow lights. Odin can use his power to repair Bifrost, and Hela can use his own power to repair it.

The palace of Asgard is built of huge stones, and it can only be repaired with other huge stones.

Jiang Bai gently-nudged Wanda, who was still in a silly mood, and said: "Don't be silly, go help, we can go home when we recover."

Wanda pursed her lips and walked up to Hela with a face full of reluctance. A thick red mist emanated from her whole body, gradually spreading from Bifrost to the entire Asgard palace. The red light in her eyes flickered like waves in her hands. Turn like a disc.

Everything that was destroyed began to gradually reappear in the red mist, gradually returning to its original appearance.

Wanda's magic can Alter Reality, the achieved effect looks similar to that of Time Gem, but in fact Wanda's Ability is far above one or two Time Gem.

"Stand still, Loki, if you run now, I will send you to Odin immediately!"

When Jiang Bai turned around, he saw Loki tiptoeing to run, but Jiang Bai immediately froze in embarrassment when he was called out.

At this moment, Loki was thinking crazily - to vent his anger and fear - and Hela made it so clear. After finishing the Flame Giant, Sutert will send me and Thor to see Odin. If I don't run, am I waiting for you to kill me? me?

"Well, I'm actually adopted, and I'm an Asgard diplomat appointed by the queen!"

Suddenly Loki grabbed the Casket of Ancient Winters ruthlessly, and the skin all over his body turned dark blue in an instant and restored the original appearance of the Giants of Jotunheim.

The Casket of Ancient Winters emitted an endless chill in an instant, freezing the valkyrie Tolkaido stone men beside Loki directly into ice sculptures.

The corners of Jiang Bai's mouth were slightly upturned, and he raised his head at a forty-five degree angle with his hands behind his back and sighed lightly: "...the power of Frost, you are still delusional!"


Jiang Bai exhaled a bitter cold air, directly freezing Loki in the same way.

Walked up to Loki's side and knocked, clicked and squeezed Loki's hand to put the Casket of Ancient Winters into the system space: "If you don't come back, we won't go after you to kill them all, sometimes some people are too tall When you look at yourself, you always feel that you are too important, and others will always try to harm you."

"Actually, there is no difference between you people and bugs. However, you have such a big head and don't think carefully. The bugs still know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but you will only die!"

"Slap!!" Jiang Bai slapped Loki on the shoulder with a slap.

"Crack! Crack!!" Cracks began to appear on Loki's ice sculpture, and fine pieces of ice began to fall.


Jiang Bai took a slap on everyone.

Loki, Thor, Golem, valkyrie, Kaido.

Every ice sculpture opened (Zhao Qianzhao) - cracks appeared non-stop and began to disintegrate with a crackling sound.

With a slight blow, the shards of ice scattered all over the place into the flowing water below the Bifrost.

Since then, there will be no more Thor and no more evil god Loki in the world.

"Bang!" Hulk threw Stark to the ground dejectedly.

All the enemies turned into shattered ice and were blown away by Jiang Bai, and it was over before Hulk hit enough.

Stark quickly stood up and kicked Hulk directly, kicking Hulk to the ground.

The two directly wrestled together and presented the final performance for everyone.

Wanda pouted and walked back, Jiang Bai stretched out his hand and patted his head: "Stop pouting, there is a reward, you go and separate Hulk and Stark, we will give you a reward when we go back!"

Wanda happily ran to Shi Stark and Hulk tied up by magic and returned to Jiang Bai to wait for the reward Jiang Bai said.

"I'll give it to you when I get home."

As if nothing happened in the whole Asgard, Tamiya was still resplendent and shining with golden light.

Bifrost still waits for Asgard quietly and brilliantly.

"System check-in!"

"Congratulations, DC tour group!!".

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