Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 284 Thanos Sends Firework Across The Universe

At the same time, major observatories around the world also issued early warnings to their respective countries.

It shows that there is an unknown spaceship in the solar system, and it is rushing towards the earth at an extremely fast speed. After calculation, there are at least tens of thousands of spaceships and they will reach the unknown place on the earth within 20 minutes.

Tens of thousands of spaceships doesn't sound like a lot, and it is completely impossible to imagine how it is possible to have the effect of covering the sky and the sun in such an empty place in the universe.

But each spaceship is at least a few hundred meters long, and at most thousands or even tens of thousands of meters long. A spaceship is a mobile planet in the universe or a base, and some spaceships can even reach the level of a small celestial body. If Still relatively difficult to understand.

Then take Nayan’s Tianren No. 7 as an example. The length of Tianren No. 7 is more than ten kilometers, that is, more than 10,000 meters, and the width is slightly lower than ten kilometers. Ten kilometers, 12 kilometers at the widest point from east to west, and 7 kilometers at the narrowest place.

That is to say, if the entire Tianren No. 7 is lowered from the air while lying flat, it will almost be stuck on the Dianchi Lake.

A lake as large as Dianchi Lake is even called a sea in some places.

Then what if tens of thousands of spaceships as big as Tianren 7 or even bigger than Tianren 7 are lined up together? This effect is equivalent to the east-west flying in space with an area as large as a country. If you fly any closer, you might be able to see it with the naked eye.

All TV channels and Internet channels are taken over urgently.

All began to issue emergency evacuation mobilization. The rich and powerful rushed to the doomsday fortress that had been prepared as soon as they got the news, and the impoverished people had to hug each other and tremble.

"Jiang Bai, did you see the news! Strange himself can't stand up to so many spaceships! This time, I'm afraid we need to go to space to intercept these spaceships first, and if there are more enemies, we will directly destroy them in space !!"

Stark called again, but this time he directly invited Jiang Bai to help. Although Strange had learned a lot of Ancient One magician's skills, his original strength was not enough to face him directly. There are tens of thousands of spaceships, maybe a star destroyer will come down before he can stop them.

"Let's go, let's watch the Firework!!!" Jiang Bai's mind circled a few times, but he still didn't expect that anyone in the entire universe could dispatch so many spaceships.

Everyone took the lead to meet Stark and Strange.

Fly into the sky and release Tianren No. 7.

The moment Tianren 7 appeared, satellites all over the world fixed their perspectives on it.

The news media of various TV stations immediately began to report.

"Our god has appeared!! She has come to save us!!!"

"The appearance of Tianren No. 7 indicates that Thunder God of War has already known the situation of the earth and is ready to save us!!!"

"Hope!! Hope comes!! We shall win!!"

Various media began to cheer people up crazily, encouraging people not to be afraid and not to panic, we have the protection of the true God.

In this silence of all the panicked crowd, the panic and uneasiness began to gradually subside.

In people's consciousness, gods are omnipotent, as long as Yan and Hela don't abandon them, no matter what crisis they can overcome.

Only the scientists and leaders of the various countries understand that previous crises were at best regional battles.

Being able to destroy a small country is enough to shock the whole world for a hundred years, but this time it is a spaceship that blocks the sky and the sun. Haven’t you seen the movie? Star destroyer, super technology, any earth can be protected no-stop.

Even if the Kiritas came to invade the earth, their space battleships were only more than a hundred meters long, and a dozen of them appeared to destroy New York into a mess.

And the Kiritas just came with a spaceship, and those huge monster battleships with a length of more than 100 meters are just fighter jets in the spaceship.

What appeared in the universe this time was tens of thousands or even more spaceships, and there were countless space battleships that could be carried. Even with the defense force of the earth, they could only struggle a bit.

The power of Yan and Hela is already earth-shattering for ordinary people, but at the national level, they have not reached the point where they can easily destroy the planet like in the myth.

Definitely the main reason is that no one really understands the abilities of Hela Kazuhiko, including I Carlos who blown up a small country and pushed it to the Apocalypse who is the incarnation of J.A.R.V.I.S, so no one knows about Jiang Bai and the others real fighting power.

Because of this, the world was divided, and the gods in the hearts of the people were invincible. They began to gradually calm down from fear and anxiety, waiting for further news reports.

Those with more sources of information hurriedly hid in the doomsday underground fortress that was built early in response to the crisis.

Tianren No. 7 appeared in space in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Jiang Bai discovered a very important problem. There were quite a few people who came this time, but few of them were able to fight. For example, Wanda's combat power is obviously very high, but there is a fatal flaw. She needs to inhale oxygen.

For example, Diana and Strange, the two of them not only need to breathe, but their original combat power is more like an assassin. They are single-point damage, and they are helpless in the face of a large number of enemies.

And although Hulk is not worried about survival in the universe, he can't fly and can't move in the universe.

This-here is not the earth, he just needs to jump over as far away as possible, and just jump after killing an enemy. This-here is space, and it seems that the densely-packed east-west is likely to be separated by more than a few Tens of hundreds of kilometers, and may even exceed the width of the Earth originally.

Even if Hulk can jump over it, because there is no gravity to pull him down, he will fly upwards and fly down forever.

In fact, only Jiang Bai, Yan, Hela, Natasha Romanoff, and Shi Stark were able to participate in the battle, and the others could only stand on the Tianren Seven and call 666.

The moment Tianren 7 took off, the spaceship covering the sky and the sun has already appeared near Mars, and it will directly reach the earth in a moment.

The moment Tianren No. 7 appeared, all spaceships began to slow down, and slowly stopped near Mars.

"Looks like they found us, let's welcome them to Earth for a visit!!"

Jiang Bai flew out of Tianren No. 7 first, and the others followed closely behind.

"These should be the superheroes of Earth that Gamora said?" Thanos said slowly while sitting on his throne.

Under Thanos' sad eyes, Gamora was thrown off a cliff in exchange for the Soul Gem.

Originally, they still needed to jump through space for a few months before they could appear on the periphery of the earth, but at this time, the palace demon stood up and directly tore off the dimension shield, and the entire fleet of spaceships crossed ten different dimensions and directly appeared on the earth. The edge of the solar system in real dimension.

This kind of Ability has surpassed the power of Space gems, and Space gems can only span space in the real universe, but Sangongmo directly tore apart the universe dimension and entered other universes before jumping back from other universes.

It looks like it is giving way, but it is actually very fast.

Part of the entire space fleet is under Thanos, and more of that part is under General Darkseid and Zod.

Thanos felt the insignificance of his own power for the first time, but he still firmly believed that when he collected the other five Infinite Gems, it was time to rule the universe.

Jiang Bai directly dragged Shi Stark's armor and flew in front of many space battleships.

Shi Stark shouted embarrassingly in the battle armor: "I will definitely improve the propulsion system when I go back this time. I never thought of flying to Mars. My battle armor will fly to me and I will be old!!"

If it weren't for the independent oxygen supply system in Shi Stark's home, Jiang Bai wouldn't even know that Shi Stark had spoken.

But Jiang Bai didn't answer, but saw something very familiar, purple potato!

Jiang Bai smiled in his heart. It turned out to be Thanos. Thanos actually has so many spaceships, which were not shown in the movie.

Thanos stood up from his throne and shouted: "You are the one who has five Infinite Gems!"

The sound-sound spread strangely in the empty universe.

"Yeah! You are Thanos, right? Where's your daughter? Didn't come with you?" Jiang Bai joked with a smile, why don't you think Gamora didn't come? It must be used to exchange Soul Gem

"Attack!!" Thanos ordered the attack immediately after confirming that Jiang Bai was the one with the Infinite Gems

Thanos has no idea of ​​going up-to-try-to-test Jiang Bai’s level by himself at all. If so many younger brothers don’t use it, isn’t there something wrong with my brain?

In an instant, tens of thousands of guns were fired, and streaks of dark blue energy flashed across the universe, flashing across the dark sky, as if streaks of blue meteors were eliminated from the sky.

All the spaceships fired their main guns immediately, and huge pillars of blue energy streaked across the pitch-black space, making the entire space look like daylight.

Every energy is greater than Jiang Bai's by an unknown number of laps.

At first glance, it really looks like a cannon hitting mosquitoes, there are faint blue energy columns flying everywhere in the space, and Jiang Bai's volume is really too small, and it is impossible to see where it is against the blue light .

"Shi Stark, look how enthusiastic he is, and how dazzled he is to welcome us!!" Jiang Bai threw Shi Stark out with a swish.

Shi Stark directly turned into a black shadow and hit a blue energy column directly.

Seeing that Jiang Bai made a move, the others began to attack one after another, and Natasha Romanoff swept wildly with red-colored rays of light from his eyes.

Two beams of red light cut several spaceships directly across a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

The spaceship flashed orange-red light suddenly, and then went out in an instant. The scene where the spaceship was killed was not the same as Jiang Bai imagined. There was no explosion, no flames, just torn apart. It was completely different from what was shown on TV. , The scene where the rumbling explosions shook the sky, and then the debris flew around.

...ask for flowers...

Yan wears Kaisa Silver Wings with shapeshifting armor, his eyes glow with white light, and he mutters to himself: "Connect to Angel Yan and connect to Tianren No. 7, prepare for the Tianren trial!!"

Holding high the flaming sword in his hand, the Fire ignited in the universe out of thin air.

Suddenly, an orange-red beam of light the thickness of a basketball rushed towards Thanos' fleet.


The orange-red beam of light in the dark cosmic deep space passed through a blue energy ocean, and directly hit Thanos' holy place No. 2 flagship.

A silent explosion happened instantly.

Tens of thousands of spaceships in the surroundings instantly turned into a ball of orange-red energy, and the spaceships covering the sky and the sun were swept away in an instant.

Humans on the earth can only see a flash of blue light in space through astronomical telescopes, and then another flash of orange-red light.

When the dazzling light dissipated, the cosmic fleet that covered the sky and covered the sun like a heavy burden had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a trace of energy explosion in space

A brilliant orange-red light flashed across the entire space, and Thanos' fleet only had one Holy Place No. 2 flagship left.

Jiang Bai smashed it and smiled: "I just said that Thanos is very enthusiastic, he gave away so many Firework

come over!!"

In fact, Jiang Bai also doesn't understand what is the use of Thanos, a cosmic overlord, to build so many spaceships? Why not learn from Asgard's establishment of Bifrost, and see who doesn't like it

Just take the Bifrost attack and wipe out his planet.


Having more spaceships looks shocking and intimidating, but apart from hitting a dozen natives without Super strength, which level of civilization in the universe doesn’t

What kind of star destroyer, energy shield and so on, and all kinds of strange super weapons.

The Nova Corps that Jiang Bai met last time all have energy shields, and they can still protect the energy shields of the entire planet.

No, it is impossible to be broken by Ronan.

If you use Yan's Tianren 7 or Kaisha's knowledge treasure house as the mastermind of the base to calculate the energy that needs to be allocated by the energy shield, let alone Ronan's flagship.

Even if the entire Destroyer Fleet that has already disappeared is attacked together, it will be impossible to break through.

A crimson-colored ripple appeared on Holy Place No. 2, and the Sangong Mo put away his power and said: "It seems that no matter which world the Earth is in, it's not easy to deal with!!"

Darkseid and General Zod stood up from their seats: "It's time for us to go, let's try-to see if this Earth has Superman like our Earth!!

Steppenwolf followed closely behind, and the three of them flew out of holy place No. 2 and flew straight to Jiang Bai.

Thanos fumbled for the Infinity Gauntlet with a piece of Infinite Gems inlaid in his hand and thought that it is not so easy to deal with people who have unrestricted Infinite Gems, but those who die are just cannon fodder,

My hole card this time is Sangongmo.

Shi Stark, who was thrown out by Jiang Bai as a shield, finally stopped in the universe after experiencing two energy baptisms.

Just transformed into the strongest form, holding a laser sword in his hand, and posing.

A sound of "Boom!!" came from Stark's ear.

General Zod flew to Shi Stark at the fastest speed and punched him on the neck of the battle armor.

Feel - feel yourself being attacked.

General Zod went first, followed by Darkseid and Steppenwolf.

Darkseid's eyes lit up, and two bright, high-temperature energy of indistinguishable colors appeared, directly hitting Stark's armor.

A crack appeared in Stark's armor with a squeak.

Steppenwolf followed closely behind and slashed at the crack with a giant ax in his hand.

"St-Stark's armor can't hold up!! Natasha Romanoff it's up to you to help your ex-boss!!"

Jiang Bai clearly felt a wave of heat coming from a distance, this place is space, and the sound of temperature cannot be transmitted, unless it is a special ability like Jiang Bai and the others

People, otherwise they would be frozen to death in space.

However, Jiang Bai felt a wave of heat coming, which obviously exceeded the range of normal energy attacks.

Natasha Romanoff rushed towards Stark with red eyes.

General Zod saw the red light and immediately stopped attacking: "Buster?" Natasha Romanoff was stopped with a whoosh.

"Busters? Where are the other Busters?"

The one who answered General Zod was Natasha Romanoff, who punched General Zod with all his strength, and hit General Zod in the chest.

When he came back, he punched Natasha Romanoff's nose, which was not very straight. .

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