Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 52 He Is A Warrior (Subscribe)

Thirteen sisters took Shi Stark and the others to dig Captain America.

Finally, no one bothered Jiang Bai, and he continued to salt fish at home.

Yan was still holding the book and floating in the air while flapping his wings while reading.

Hela was painting her super ugly smoked eye makeup, and kept flipping through the computer, not knowing what she was doing.

Two guys, Tom and Jiang Bai, snuggled up on the couch, eating snacks and watching TV.

Two days later, Stark sent news that Captain America had been dug up and was still alive.

After being frozen for seventy years, he is still alive.

"Well, then, live as long as you live, why are you so excited?"

Shi Stark shouted very excitedly: "Alive, do you understand, you are illiterate, this shows that if the freezing technology is mature, people can really be frozen until they are resurrected in the future.

Jiang Bai hurriedly took the phone away: "I'm illiterate, who do you want to freeze, I can help you, anyway, it's all about me blowing my breath, is it Pepper? You can bring her here now .”

Shi Stark, who was still very excited at first, gradually calmed down when he heard Jiang Bai say so casually to freeze Pepper.

No matter how easy the cryogenic technology is, what is the significance of 11 to gods like Jiang Bai, Yan, and Hela who basically have no concept of death?

And as long as Shi Stark provides enough resources, he can transform Shi Stark or Pepper into a more powerful super soldier, and it will be no problem to live for thousands of years.

Stark suddenly realized that the world is different from before. There are gods and spirits in this world, there is an existence like Tom who doesn't need to obey any laws of physics at all, and there is even the existence of Ancient One who can play with time and space in the palm of his hand. .

What frozen resurrection technology is like a joke to these people.

Suddenly, Shi Stark thought that he should ask Jiang Bai to help transform Pepper into a super soldier, so that at least he can live for a long time without aging. Women should not be able to resist the temptation of permanent youth, right?

Stark sighed and continued: "I find that you are right, the freezing technology is nothing to be concerned about, unless it can freeze the entire universe."

Stark turned off the phone dejectedly.

"System check-in!"

Jiang Bai has been idle for the past two days and has nothing to do every day, except for signing in and watching TV, hoping that something exciting will happen soon so that he can watch the excitement.

"Congratulations, he is a War King Summoning Card!"

"Then what? What kind of fighter is he?"

Jiang Bai took the card out of the system space and observed it for himself, but there was no useful information at all.

It's just an ordinary card, without even a picture, just a few words written on it.

I crushed the card in my hand and waited for a few minutes, but there was no reaction around me.

"System? Did you make a mistake, why didn't you respond?"


The system resumes pretending to be dead.

Just when Jiang Bai gave up searching, where did this warrior go after being summoned.

A tall man with silver-white hair and a black windbreaker suddenly appeared on the streets of New York with only half a black wing.

Holding an extremely slender silver-white long knife in his hand, the entire blade is even more than two meters long.

The man who suddenly appeared in mid-air immediately attracted attention.

People stared blankly at the sky, and suddenly panicked and started running around.

"Heaven Fallen Angel?"

"Fallen Angel!!!!"

"Everyone run!!!"

It's no wonder these people reacted so quickly. In recent months, it has been Hulk, Behemoth and Angel.

The people of New York said that we are well-trained onlookers, we will run away as soon as we encounter danger, and when the superhero or gods come to solve the problem, we will naturally appear again quietly.

Standing in the air, Sephiroth looked at the fleeing crowd below, not knowing what emotion he felt for a while.

Originally, his memory had already died under the sword of Claude, could someone revive him again?

"Urgent news!!"

"A man suddenly appeared in the sky in New York City, with a black wing, suspected to be a fallen Angel."

"Reporters in front will continue to follow up and report."

"Male Angel?" Yan suddenly appeared in front of the TV and looked at Sephiroth standing in the air.

"Sit down, sit down, the future Queen Angel should pay attention to her manners, a male Angel, just sit down." Jiang Bai quickly pushed Yan on the sofa and sat down.

In Yan's world, Kaisa, Morgana, and Hexi led the female Angel to defeat the male Angel and re-established justice and order.

So Yan knew that there was a male Angel appearing to have such a big reaction.

But Jiang Bai knows that no matter what characters or monsters appear, he just needs to think about the system first.

Because there are no Angels in Marvel movies, any Angels that appear must be the fault of the system.

"Sit quietly, let me see who it is, and see if I know you."

Jiang Bai took a closer look, the one in the picture has half a black wing and holds a slender long knife in his hand.

If you just look at the face, Jiang Bai can't remember the memory of this person at all, but looking at the outfit, weapons, and the color of the clothes, isn't this Sephiroth, who is nicknamed the King of Killing?

This guy Sephiroth has a brain problem. Ever since he knew his own life experience, the inexplicable Blacken wants to destroy human beings.

"Don't worry, it's just wings, it's not a male Angel. Be good, baby, go back to read quietly, and maintain your future queen's demeanor. I'll call and tell Shi Stark to let him handle it."

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Jiang Bai immediately took out his mobile phone and called Shi Stark.

Although Sephiroth is very handsome, but his fighting power is so-so, he can only bully those stupid monsters on the island of the Elf Inn, and he is enough to deal with it in the past.

"Stark, Iron Man, it's time for you to go to work!!"

"What's wrong? You're out of money again?" Shi Stark immediately retorted when he heard Jiang Bai's words.

"Let J.A.R.V.I.S transfer the TV signal to you, and a guy who pretends to be a fallen Angel runs out of your territory, don't you care??"

"J.A.R.V.I.S Projection!"

On the screen, there is a handsome man with silver-white hair, a long knife and half a wing standing in the air on the streets of New York.

At this time, a man wearing a strange tights, a mask like a hood, and a shield riding a motorcycle appeared below the man.

Seeing this man, Stark frowned: "Nick083 Fury released him so soon to join the battle?"

This man is none other than the captain of the country, Steve Luo Jies, who was found by Thirteen Sister's nose.

Knowing that he was still alive before finding him, Stark modified some equipment and thawed him out in a few hours.

After that, SHIELD Director Nick Fury came on the scene to solve all the questions of Captain Fuguo.

In just two days, the captain of the country was fooled into running out to save the world.

In the picture, Captain America stopped the motorcycle and took off the shield from behind. He didn't know what he said to the people in the air.

At the moment, Sephiroth didn't know what the person under his feet was talking to him, he couldn't understand it at all, not any language he was familiar with.

In Sephiroth's world, there is actually only Shinra Company and no country at all. They all speak the same language, and the language English does not exist in his world at all.

Sephiroth pointed his long knife at Captain America and said, "Are you here to stop me too?"

If Jiang Bai is here, he will definitely feel how important it is to know a foreign language, but how important it is not to make aggressive actions if he doesn't know a foreign language.

Captain America standing below couldn't understand what Sephiroth said, but he could understand what it meant to be pointed at by a long knife.

Captain America instantly took the shield from behind and threw it at Sephiroth.

Shield drew an arc in the air and went straight to Sephiroth's head.

Sephiroth swung his long knife and slashed the flying shield lightly.

The shield actually drew another arc and flew back to the hand of the person below. .

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