Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 61 Hulk Has Grown Up (Please Subscribe, Please Subscribe, Please Subscribe)

A puddle of meat sauce squirmed non-stop on the ground.

It gradually changes from red to skin-like white.

Bulge one undulating fullness, one two three more and more more and more.

The entire ground seemed to have been casted by magic, and countless naked women full of temptation grew out.

The skin is delicate, the thighs are white, and the flesh of the whole body trembles slightly.

Looking at it, Jiang Bai couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Gradually integrate huge amounts of forehead body, dense plumpness and thighs, so white that people can't close their eyes.

With this huge amounts of body movement, the ups and downs come and go.


Jiang Bai punched Shi Stark, who was staring straight-eyed, into the air.

"You are cheating object phobia and can't read it."

Hulk stared at the huge Luo girl who was several times taller than him in front of him, and was stunned.

I'm just a jackass kid why put me through this?

Jiang Bai turned his head to look at the captain of the country wearing tights: "Hey, why do you have a nosebleed? Did you receive any stimulation?"

The nose under Captain America's mask was bleeding continuously, and he bowed his waist and used a shield to block his vital parts 11th.

"Here's a pervert in tights!!" Stark flew back and quickly teased Steve.

Jiang Bai immediately teased: "Shi Stark, why did you fly back, you can't watch such dense things, if you spit out your waist, Pepper can only cry and find a new boyfriend


The stupefied Hulk finally reacted, jumped up angrily and punched the front armor of that huge body, the front armor shook flickeringly after being hit.

On the other side, the reporter who was finally rescued by the photographer quickly picked up the microphone again.

"Now a new situation has happened, and the photographer hastened to take a close-up."

All those who were watching the Battle of New York couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

It turns out that there are still such intruders, please give me a reinforcement company.

"Hahahaha!!!" Jiang Bai quickly covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing so wildly.

Unexpectedly, Hulk is also an old man, who specially greets the vitals.

As far as Hulk's strength is concerned, not to mention that he will shake one after another when he hits his body, he can blow up this huge amounts of woman with a single punch.

This giant female monster exuding a seductive aura was punched on the headlight by Hulk, and immediately covered her face and made a whining sound as if she was crying.

The nearby S.H.I.E.L.D agent and the citizens who came back to join in the fun all praised Hulk's behavior and applauded.

Hulk's green skin has become his protective color, and anyone else must have been completely red.

"Okay!! Come on, Hulk!! Another punch!!" Shi Stark was delighted to see the excitement, and quickly cheered loudly, telling Hulk to give another punch quickly.

Yan frowned and looked at everything in front of him. As an Angel, such filthy things are not allowed to exist.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a blast of thunder sounded in the sky, and it was hitting the giantess who was still pretending to be crying.

In an instant, a familiar smell of barbecue spread across the audience.

Jiang Bai said meanly to Yan: "Yan, if you are hungry, you can actually roast Tom.


Amidst all the moans, the giantess instantly turned into ashes.

The coke squirmed non-stop, and dozens of slender hands gradually went deep, making the scalp numb to the people who watched it, it was so disgusting.


Suddenly, out of the charcoal, a huge slender arm with spines and spines sprang out...

Before Jiang Bai could see clearly, Hulk roared angrily.



Hulk punched this thing that everyone hadn't seen clearly, and it turned into a puddle of flesh with a bang.

The meat paste started to squirm again, as if something was about to appear again.

Everyone at the scene, including everyone in front of the TV and computer, began to look forward to it, maybe the reappearing monster just grew on their own aesthetics.

"Shui Piao is really better than you?" Jiang Bai couldn't help but asked Xue Ji, this little old man was like a joker from the factory, but when he came up, he was trampled into mud by Hulk's foot, and he changed his body to respond to those present Everyone, transformed again and was smashed by Hulk's punch before seeing what it looked like.

The reason why this slippery ladle is called the general is not because he can transform forever, and the person who killed him is really impatient, so give up?

Xue Ji looked at Hua Piao who was punched by Hulk and was speechless.

Slider may not be the most powerful monster, but it's not enough to be punched by that green giant!

"Yes, the concubine is not the opponent." Xue Ji thought for a while, and she was sure that she really couldn't defeat Hua Piao, but she didn't know what Hua Piao was planning now, why didn't she launch a ten-point attack?

The meat paste kept wriggling, and suddenly a round sphere sprang out.

Bang bang bang, the sphere suddenly exploded, and red balls the size of marbles only flew out of the sky.

Hitting an object starts a chain explosion.

Fortunately, Jiang Bai is far away, and there is a huge amounts of tiankeng in the middle, but the reporters and photographers on the edge of the pit, and those who watched the excitement nearby suffered.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

One by one, they were instantly pierced and exploded by small balls, and there were pieces of crushed meat everywhere, and suddenly the scene became tragic.

After a burst of dense explosions, a bald old man with a naked body and muscles appeared in front of Hulk, a head taller than Hulk.

The muscular bald old man looked up to the sky and smiled.

"Hahahahaha!! A grand welcome ceremony!!!"


Hulk punched the laughing bald old man in the face.

The old man flew out with a whoosh.


This time Hulk's voice was extremely angry, and I don't know if it was because of being blown up by those small balls or because the woman who couldn't bear to blink her eyes no longer appeared.

The muscular old man turned into a slippery ladle turned over and stood still, with a fighting posture in his hand and threw a cock at Hulk.


How could Hulk accept such a provocation from others, and jumped into the air with a big jump.

"Hulk chop!!!"


Huge amounts of fists clenched tightly and smashed on the ground, the whole ground seemed to jump suddenly, the gravel and dust paused in the white air for a moment and started to fall again.

But Hua Piao appeared behind Hulk073 unharmed.

"Hulk doesn't react as fast as he does!" Steve grabbed his shield and jumped several meters away, sprinting around the sinkhole to help Hulk in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Bai curiously asked Shi Stark, Thor Natasha Romanoff Hawkeye and others around him: "Aren't you going to help?"

"I'm a support!" Natasha Romanoff spread her hands.

Here, as long as she and Hawkeye are counted as normal people, and Hulk is a non-human battle, Natasha Romanoff thinks that she must only see Shi Shichuo not being killed by that slippery scoop in the past, but being smashed to death by Hulk?

Stark shrugged and said, "I've used up all the weapons on my body. I really can't think of anything I can do to help except for running over and being grabbed by Hulk as a weapon."

Jiang Bai looked at Hawkeye and Thor, one looked down at the bow and arrow in his hand, and the other stared at Hela.

Only Captain America ran up to support Hulk as a comrade in arms.


Hulk yelled again, dirty.

Slider leaps back slightly to avoid the Hulk's attack.


Captain America's shield took the opportunity to hit Slider in the crotch.

"Hulk keep attacking!!" Steve yelled, caught the shield and threw it out.


The shield hit Hua Piao directly on the face.

Hulk took the opportunity to grab the sliding goblet that he couldn't dodge and slam it on the ground.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The smashed ground, gravel, and dust flew up, and Steve was so frightened that he quickly blocked himself with a shield.

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