Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 69 Must Not Trust Jiang Bai

Everyone in Jiang Bai could only feel the rumbling rumbling of the ground in the cave, and the rocks that could fall from the cave had almost fallen off.

The ground is full of gravel, which is inconvenient to walk on, and the cave shakes from time to time.

Finally, after more than two hours of hard work, a light appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone suddenly discovered that they were actually standing at the entrance of a cliff~.

Outside the entrance of the cave, it seems that the sun is shining and the air is fresh. From a distance, there are pterosaur-like animals flying in the sky. These creatures that seem to have come out of ancient times have colorful colors.

Below the cliff is a huge river that is constantly rushing, and in the distance of the river are mountains and peaks that rise and fall one after another.

All kinds of dinosaur-like animals are running around in the forest. There is Diplodocus, which is more than 40 meters long, which only appeared in documentaries. There is a Velociraptor, which is only half a person tall, stealing things everywhere, and even a huge dragon with a length of more than 10 meters. The crocodile is basking in the sun lying on the river bank with its mouth open.

It is simply a paradise in fairy tales.

Pepper let out an exclamation and quickly covered her mouth. Everything in front of her eyes seemed to have returned to the ancient times after thousands of years or even hundreds of millions of years.

"Here!! This is actually an underground world? But how can there be a sun here?"

Phil Coulson immediately ordered that all information be recorded.

Stark stood on the edge of the cliff and carefully looked down: "Could this be the place where the dinosaurs that ran around the New York City last time were?"

"I don't know, I knew this would be my resort from now on!" Jiang Bai waved his hand, as if to say that this is my country.

Jiang Bai definitely knows that this place is not the same as those dinosaur-like monsters that appeared last time, but it doesn’t matter, let these people guess wildly, monsters can’t appear out of thin air, they have to give a source to convince these S.H.I.E.L.D people There are monsters in the world.

An agent stepped forward and said to Phil Coulson.

"Sir, we don't have ropes and climbing equipment in our gear, and it's no longer enough to get down to the bottom of the cliff.

"If you want to go down, you can only stick a dagger on the cliff to see if you can go down.

Jiang Bai smiled: "It's okay, I have a way to ensure your safety going down, but you have to rely on yourself to get up."

Jiang Baiyan Hela stepped out of the cave on the cliff first and stood in the air.

"You all come forward and stand up. I say one, two, three and jump out." Jiang Bai ordered them to line up again and stand neatly, otherwise he would not care about those who fell first .

"Prepare now, 2.3!"

"I declare!"

Everyone flew out of the cave and was nailed in the sky out of thin air, just like the bullet time in the movie, everyone kept the leaping posture and froze in the air, only their thoughts could move.

Jiang Bai flew directly to the ground, thirty seconds later.


"Jiang Bai Jiang Bai Jiang Bai, save me save me save me!!"


Thirty seconds later, a group of people in the sky began to fall at the same time, and their hair and clothes were blown upside down by the wind.

This cliff is quite high, and it took more than ten seconds to fall to the bottom.

"I declare!!"

The terrified shouts stopped abruptly.

The people who fell from the sky were instantly fixed at a place more than one meter above the ground and then stopped moving again.



After the skill time I announced, everyone fell on the grass and didn't get up for a long time.

Shi Stark lay motionless on the ground, his eyes glazed over, his hair stood on end, and then he said tremblingly after a long while.

"So this is your method?"

"I'm starting to regret trusting you!"

"Look, Shi Stark, isn't this very safe? And you guys even got a haircut for free!" Jiang Bai looked at the people with upside-down hair on the ground, and couldn't help not laughing, but the upward angle of his mouth gave him away.

"And you're very disrespectful when you call for help, Mr. Iron Man."

Stark struggled to get up and helped Pepper, who was still lying on the ground motionless: "I think I will wear a battle armor wherever I go in the future, otherwise I will definitely be played to death by you.

Phil Coulson struggled several times before getting up and said: "Mr. Jiang, I think you can communicate with us in advance, we can actually try to climb down with a dagger."

Phil Coulson felt that he was just an ordinary person and couldn't stand such a toss. He tried his best to press his bristling hair and rubbed his trembling thighs, and began to help the S.H.I.E.L.D personnel who were lying on the ground one by one.

"Hahahahaha!!!" Jiang Bai burst out laughing suddenly, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes as he leaned back and forth.

The image of Phil Coulson is too funny.

It is obviously a Mediterranean hairstyle, but now it has turned into a potted plant with bushy sides and a bald head in the middle, and it can't be pressed down even after pressing it several times.

The stubborn hair standing on end tells Jiang Bai's cruelty.


Just when Jiang Bai was laughing, Tom felt that it was almost time to warm up and it was time to work.

The golden light bursting out of his body instantly condensed, forming a 360-degree spherical protective shield with no dead ends.

"Meow meow meow!!!!"

Ask for flowers………………

Huge amounts of the cat's claws were clenched, and they all aimed at the huge amounts of the head of the rushing black giant snake, and smashed it down severely.


The giant black snake rushing over was like a piece of tofu hit by a hammer.

This time, the huge amounts of black snake didn't get up again, but the huge amounts of head instantly turned into blood foam, and the huge amounts of body suddenly lost its head as if it had been cut by a laser, and fell to the ground with a bang.

The white giant snake rushing over from the other side was directly blown away by the Shockwave, rolling and crashing into the depths of the island.

The huge amounts of golden Shockwave swept across the entire island, and all the trees in its path were instantly shattered, the island shook violently, and there was a muffled sound.


The island beneath Tom's feet began to crack little by little.

"Ka Ka Ka!! Boom Boom Boom!!"

The cracks continued to extend outward along Tom's feet,

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and the cracks on the ground that can only be seen gradually expand and become larger. In the blink of an eye, the tiny cracks grow rapidly and cover the whole island and gradually extend into a bottomless canyon.


The whole island seemed to be cast delay magic.

When huge amounts of canyons cover the entire island.


Tom blew lightly.

The entire island sank suddenly, collapsed into powder, and was blown by the sea wind and the dust swept across the sky and covered the sky, and the turbulent seawater crazily poured into the disappearing position of the island, forming huge amounts of whirlpools

In a short while, the entire island has disappeared, only a huge boulder still leaking out of the sea can be seen in the distance, and all other places have turned into sea water.

The huge white snake that flew out rushed out of the sea, turned around and ran away.

Tom appeared on the back of the white snake in a flash.

Raise the sharp claws and press down gently.


The sea water within a few kilometers of the entire sea surface rushes towards the periphery like a squeezed sea surface.

From the sky, it seems that the entire sea suddenly lacks a huge amounts of circular position.

Before the giant white snake could struggle, it turned into a blood mist and spread away with the seawater rushing madly outwards.

Tom patted his paws to find the direction, and ran towards the boulder in the distance.

He rushed into the big hole in the boulder and chased after Jiang Bai and the others.

Thirty to forty seconds later, the irresistible aura of the turbulent sea water covered up the gap of several kilometers around again, and the turbulent waves seemed to tell that there might have been an island here.

Now there is only one boulder with this cave standing silently here to prove the existence of the island.


Tom's triumphant cry came indistinctly, covered by the sound of rumbling and turbulent waves. .

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