Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 72 Jiang Bai Can Sing Little Love Songs

"System Sign-in"

"Congratulations on getting the Hawkeye set card without Hawkeye!"

Seeing Tom and Hulk having so much fun, Jiang Bai didn't want to disturb them, so he simply accepted today's sign-in.

"Hawkeye suit card without Hawkeye, which includes a black top hat with black feathers, a black coat with a red coat, a black long sword, a silver and white small sword, and Hawkeye's swordsmanship, skill and arrogance .”

After careful study, it turns out that it is not the Hawkeye from S.H.I.E.L.D, but the great swordsman Hawkeye from Pirates, and it is still a card. Anyway, no matter how powerful the Hawkeye is, it is definitely not as powerful as Jiang Bai. Let’s press the bottom of the box and see if Shi Stark begs me someday. , you can use it for him.

But will Hawkeye be domineering? Jiang Bai thought about it and wondered, he saw Pirates and saw the top war, and he never watched it again.

After studying the newly obtained card, Jiang Bai shouted at Tom: "Tom, hurry up, or how about you cross this lake with these people from S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"Meow meow meow!!!"

Tom immediately speeded up when he heard it, Hulk lying on the ground also started to play on the trampoline, bang bang bang bang bang․ Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom.

Finally, after the last horn was broken, the giant bull was dripping with blood and tears, unwilling to stop struggling.

Tom went up and kicked the back sheath, the giant bull struggled to stand up, lowered its head and waited for Tom to continue his education.

He hurriedly urged the people of S.H.I.E.L.D to get on the back of the bull, so that everyone could start again: "Okay, that's fine, everyone climb up quickly, we are going to cross the lake now.

Tom took the Hulk and threw it on the back of the bull, and everyone climbed onto the back of the bull one after another and started moving forward again.

The giant bull lowered its head and walked in front of Tom slowly. Jiang Bai stood on the bull's head, looking at the sparkling lake and mountains in front of him, he suddenly felt emotional.

Jiang Bai turned his head to look at Yan with a mean face and said, "Sister, how about singing a love song for you?"

Before Yan could start rolling his eyes, Jiang Bai opened his mouth and started singing in his own Mandarin.

"There is a winding river in front of the big brother, and my sister is singing a sweet song opposite, and the big brother's heart is full of waves, when will my sister let me cross your river......

"Hahahahaha!!!!" Stark hugged Pepper's shoulder and laughed until he couldn't straighten up.

"Although I don't understand what you are singing, but looking at Yan's face, I know that your love song is not very good!! Hahaha, hahaha!!"!"

Yan's face became more and more rigid. Was it because he didn't know how to complain about Jiang Bai's aesthetics, or was he kicked by Tom in the head while he was sleeping?

"Little boy, you you you!

You waited for a long time, Yan stopped to rethink how to complain about Jiang Bai.

"Don't you think you're singing me instead of singing a love song? And don't you know that you're tone deaf? I didn't hear any love songs at all, just annoying noises."

Just to put it bluntly, as an Angel, you have to maintain your identity at all times, even when you complain, you are so gentle.

Jiang Bai sighed, the confession failed, should he dig a hole to get in to avoid embarrassment.

"Miss, look how sincere and clear the feelings in this song are, how simple and easy to understand the rhythm is..."

"So you want to impress me with your noise?" Yan really couldn't figure out whether this guy Jiang Bai was poisoned by Morgana suddenly.

"clack cluck!!!"


Stark and Pepper hugged each other, laughing non-stop, tears streaming from the corners of Pepper's eyes.

Jiang Bai stared at Shi Stark and Pepper, these two guys, don't you see that my uncle is so old, and he still doesn't have a date?

"Xiaoxiaoxiao!! When the two of you laugh back again, just throw the two of you here and let the two of you multiply to form a race.

Stark smiled and squinted his eyes and said: "Little boys will take advantage of their mouths, do you want Uncle to teach you how to please your sister?"


Jiang Bai flicked his sleeves, turned around and ignored these bastards.

Hela also secretly stared at Jiang Bai's back, poked him with her hand, and couldn't hide her smiling expression.

The giant ox swayed across the lake, and after more than 30 minutes, everyone finally boarded the opposite bank.

Tom greeted the giant bull friendly, and pulled Hulk off the bull's back.

The giant bull seemed to be suddenly awakening its sprint ability. Seeing that Tom let him go, he charged and plunged into the lake.

On the opposite bank is a dense bamboo forest, each bamboo is as thick as a human arm, tall and dense, blocking out the sun, making it dark and gloomy when you walk in.

Hulk only took two steps before he got stuck in the middle of the bamboo.

Hulk raised his fist angrily and started hitting "Boom boom boom!!!"

The bamboo forest was broken and toppled one by one, but the tough bamboo fell together and blocked the road.

No way, Hulk had no choice but to change back into Dr. Banner and follow the crowd around the road with the big underpants that will never break.

"Miss sister, look at how beautiful this bamboo forest is. Picking chrysanthemums and seeing Nanshan leisurely under the eastern fence. The green mountains and lakes are peaceful and peaceful. At the moment, I have a feeling and I want to sing a song for you."

"You have to blow the wind gently, don't blow off my red rose, there is no way to get rid of this feeling, the frown is on my heart..."

Yan frowned and felt a headache, Jiang Bai's singing was really terrible, and he didn't know where he heard the songs.

"You'd better talk about earthy love stories. I really can't stand singing. It turns out that your most powerful thing is to torment people."

"Hahahahaha!!! Little boy, you will scare the girl away like this!!!" Stark laughed, because he couldn't stand Jiang Bai anymore, he had never seen such a scumbag voice, and his voice was like a magic voice brainwashing.

Jiang Bai suddenly turned his head and stared fiercely at Stark: "...if you laugh again, I'll introduce Pepper to Hawkeye."

"Um, Mr. Jiang Bai, I have a wife and children." Hawkeye hurriedly interrupted Jiang Bai's thoughts with a slightly cute look. He didn't want to be remembered by Shi Stark as an enemy.

Stark laughed loudly: "Hahahahahaha!!!! Boy your plan failed!!!"

Jiang Bai threatened fiercely: "Shut up, if you laugh again, I will marry Pepper and let you be the best man!!"

"Hicc!!!" Stark choked like a duck being choked by his neck.

But Shi Stark didn't dare to laugh at Jiang Bai anymore. Jiang Bai would definitely not marry Pepper and let him be the best man, but Jiang Bai would definitely do it if he came to the door every three days to let Yan or Hela beat him up.

Glaring at Shi Stark, Jiang Bai waved his hand: "Humph!"


A cry startled everyone.

A thick bamboo stuck through the top of Stark's head, directly piercing Tom lying on top of his head and nailing him to the ground.

Tom sticks out his tongue to his chest and rolls his eyes (well done) and plays dead.

Pepper's face was pale with fright, and he quickly backed away, only to remember that Tom couldn't be killed.

Jiang Bai stepped forward and kicked Tom: "Get up quickly, don't pretend to be dead, and deal with Shuai yourself. y

Tom got up quickly, his body split into several parts and reassembled in front of everyone.

Climbing up the bamboo pole, everyone looked in Tom's direction.

It turns out that this is not bamboo, but an extremely slender thigh, one of these thighs is taller than the bamboo forest, at least 30 to 40 meters high, and the strength of the leg is a huge spider covered in green and green, the size of a car. Move, you can't find it at all.

The huge amounts of spider missed a single hit, and then re-initiated its long legs to thrust towards others.

Everyone panicked and ran away.

"Why are you running, shoot, save the bullets and lay your cubs?" Jiang Bai looked at the panicked crowd and hurriedly called them to a stop. Although this spider is big, its body is only two or three meters long, and it can be shot with a gun. dead.

How come S.H.I.E.L.D's combat quality is not as good as the HYDRA Crossbones' combat squad?

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