Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 75 Why Did The Adventure Suddenly Become Popular Science?

Chapter 75 Why did it suddenly become popular science?

Hulk dealt with the big fish and hurriedly chased after Jiang Bai and the others in the water.

Jiang Bai himself flew in front angrily, followed by a group of guys covered in water, climbed ashore and covered in mud, supported each other and continued to move forward.

It is really not safe to be near the water. Animals will come to drink water at any time, and there are many big fish in the water that can snatch Hulk away.

The old boys' trip to the secret base was full of hardships, and the journey was worse than war.

Everyone, including Stark and Pepper, was exhausted.

The reason why he kept going forward was because Jiang Bai was floating in front, he didn't stop, and others didn't dare to stop.

Probably only Jiang Bai was secretly happy in his heart. After all, the map given by the system was the so-called little boy’s secret base map, not a real treasure hunt map. Encountering various monsters along the way was already a pleasant surprise for Jiang Bai.

Originally, I just thought that if I was idle, I would treat it as a tourist. I took a ride on the S.H.I.E.L.D plane at "273", but I didn't expect that there were surprises everywhere, such as 100-meter-long snakes, huge and ugly bugs, and all kinds of things. huge animal.

Walking around is like walking into the lost world in the movie. With the step-by-step exploration, this isolated world is gradually unveiled.

Hulk was running rumbling through the jungle to catch up with the people who had gone far ahead.

Suddenly there were huge amounts of tentacles in the puddle around him, and Hulk was dragged into the puddle with a swish.

Hulk was quickly tied up into a rice dumpling by several tentacles and kept struggling.

His hands and feet were bound and he couldn't use his strength at all.

At the same time, dozens of extremely long... maggots suddenly appeared in the puddle?

His whole body was squirming with viscous liquid, and there was only a huge amount of mouthparts on his head.

There are white sharp fangs in the mouthparts, and as the body of the maggot keeps shaking, it looks creepy.


Hulk roared, and bit down on the hand that kept dragging him towards the depths of the puddle.

Jiang Bai stopped when he heard Hulk's roar, and threw Tom off his shoulder.

"Go and see, is Hulk lost?"

Tom turned into a golden light and disappeared with a whoosh.

Hulk struggled, trying to bite off huge amounts of tentacles bite by bite.

Tentacles hurt, and a body suddenly emerged from the puddle.

This is something that looks like a hybrid of octopus and squid. It is huge. It is soft and curled up in a small puddle. The whole body leaks out and overturns the surrounding big maggots. The big maggots seem to have no feeling and are still growing. huge amounts of mouthparts baring sharp fangs and wriggling non-stop.


Tom suddenly appeared on top of the giant octopus.


Stepping on it, the whole puddle exploded, and the sewage inside mixed with the disgusting juice of the big maggots splashed everywhere.

huge amounts of octopus body suddenly collapsed into a sheet, and quickly returned to its original shape.

The other shot goes straight for Tom from deep.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Tom stretched out his claws to shine on the big octopus's forehead and slapped it randomly.

Hulk, who was wrapped by the octopus' claws, took the opportunity to break free quickly.

People walking on the ground felt the vibration of the ground and stopped to wait and see.

It must be no small reminder of something that can shake the ground that Tom hits.

Tom took a few shots and found that the big octopus was very tough, and it turned into a puddle when he took a few shots.

With the paw retracted, it climbed up again and continued to reach out to Tom.

Tom shook off the mucus on his paws in disgust, and grabbed Hulk who was still crawling out of the mud.


Hulk yelled in horror.




Puddles of mud that had turned into mires flew around.

Tom held the Hulk's thigh for the first time and thought it would be nice to have a weapon in his hand so the claws wouldn't get nasty stuff stuck to them.

Hulk was dizzy and scratched with his hands.

The tentacle that grabbed the big octopus was relentless, and would rather be entangled with the octopus and mud than be smashed by Tom as a hammer.

When Jiang Bai flew over, he saw Tom was beating Squidward, and Hulk was holding on to Squidward's paw tightly, as if Tom was bullying Hulk's siblings.

There are still a few wriggling maggots in the mud pit, maybe they leaked their fangs and took a bite of Hulk.

Watching Jiang Bai's scalp tingle.

"Step aside!"

Two red lasers suddenly appeared in Jiang Bai's eyes.

It cut it at the big octopus, and several huge and soft tentacles of the big octopus were instantly cut into two ends.

There was a slight burnt smell from the fracture, and the whole big octopus had only one body left.

Jiang Bai once again shifted his gaze to those wriggling maggots.


"Puff puff!!"

After a slight cracking sound, there was a disgusting viscous liquid all around.

Hulk quickly stepped on the octopus head and jumped onto the solid ground with a cleverness, with his head lowered like a stubborn brat who didn't want to admit his mistakes but was afraid of being beaten.

When Hulk and the people from S.H.I.E.L.D merged, these people found that Hulk's green skin was covered with mucus, which was very conspicuous and smelled disgusting.

As they walked, they dripped down their bodies, and everyone quickly backed away for fear of being covered by Hulk..

At this time Yan spoke: "Find a place to rest, they have been tossing all day, let them find some water to wash away the filth on their bodies and eat something."

Jiang Bai said pretentiously.

"Hey, since Miss and Sister let you rest, then find an open space ahead and set up camp for dinner."

"Otherwise, you are the embodiment of wisdom and beauty, you are kind, and you don't want to see others suffer. They are all agents except Shi Stark and Pepper, so you should exercise more

Stark interjected dissatisfied: "So you're going to turn me and Pepper into agents?"

"You?" Jiang Bai looked at Shi Stark with an exaggerated expression, as if he saw something extraordinary.

"If you don't move, your waist will be squeezed dry by Pepper. I am helping you. As a friend, it is my duty to help you become healthy again!"

"You just want to see me tired like a dead dog, and then beg for your help, don't you, I've seen through your conspiracy a long time ago!!!" Stark said triumphantly as if he had seen through everything.

In fact, Shi Stark's physical fitness is much stronger than those around him. After all, Shang has already transformed him into a super soldier's physical fitness.

As for why he looked so embarrassed along the way, he seemed to be exhausted at every turn.

Isn't this Pepper by the side?

As an old man who wanders among the flowers all year round, isn't it something he is particularly good at pleasing women?

Especially in front of a domineering president like Pepper, he showed his side that needs to be cared for.

This will make Pepper more protective, and never let go of 4.1 who has been holding on to Stark's arm, screaming from time to time as if he is in danger, and will hide his head in Stark's arms.

The two played with each other, and Jiang Bai didn't talk about it, and ate the dog food all the way.

Shi Stark's behavior is called the self-cultivation of a scumbag.

Pepper is called maternal compensation.

So why would an exceptionally beautiful woman marry an exceptionally poor, poor, and not so handsome man?

In everyone's mouth, this is called excessive maternal love, and in psychology it is called compensation.

So in the future, I met a very good-looking, gentle, virtuous and kind-hearted beauty, and saw her marry a man who was inferior to me in everything.

Don't be confused, there is no affection, it's like women like small animals, it's not unusual at all.

(I made it up, no one will really believe it?)

Jiang Bai complained fiercely in his heart, Stark and Pepper were playing together, and he also approached Yan with a playful smile. As expected, birds of a feather flock together, and Jiang Bai is not a good thing. .

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