Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 88: Pepper Disappeared Without Showing Up

Stark's eyes hurt from looking at the lights above his head, he coughed and said: "I'm going to arrange a press conference now, and I happened to talk about the opening of the underground world adventure and the new group of bananas that can run at the Elf Hotel."

After finishing speaking, Stark ran out like being chased by a dog.

Hela said with a smirk: "Go ahead, call me after you eat!!"

After speaking, he ran away quickly, leaving Jiang Bai and Yan staring at each other.

Yan looked at Jiang Bai angrily and said nothing.

Jiang Bai had no choice but to open his mouth and let out a smile: "Miss sister, you see they all ran away, how about I keep hugging and make sure they won't dare to keep disturbing!!!"

"You laugh so ugly, eat!!" Yan broke away from Jiang Bai's hand, retracted the flaming long sword, patted the clothes on his body, turned and left the room.

Jiang Bai smiled and followed Zai Yan out of the room.

In the morning of the next day, the entire Elf Hotel island was full of notes, and each note was accompanied by two dutiful little yellow men, watching Stark on the stage talking, chatting with each other and saying that they couldn't hear each other at all understand the language.

At a glance, there are moving bananas all over the ground. Did you jump out and say a few words to show your sense of existence?

"Everyone, everyone in the Bald Eagle must know the existence of the Elven Hotel. There are any kind of legendary monsters here, including werewolves, vampires, nine-headed dragons, and the most popular green slime at the Elf Inn.

"Today I will announce some new members. They are the 033 little banana-like villains around you. They are lively and active. They are the best companions for children. Anyone who doesn't want to take care of their own children, think twice People in the world, you can safely hand over your children to the little yellow people around you!!"

"In addition, I will introduce a few new security guards, and now I invite them to come on stage!!"

Shi Stark waved his hand, and the firework started to fire from the temporary podium.

The dazzling light dissipated, and seven figures appeared on the podium.

It is the three seafood generals and the four brothers of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"These three are SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick and Squidward, and each of them has a coveted Ability.

SpongeBob SquarePants and Pai Daxing cheered and shouted to the audience while jumping: "Look here!! Look inside!!"

But Brother Octopus slowly raised a paw with drooping eyelids as if he hadn't woken up: "Hi!!"

Stark continued to introduce: "These four tortoises are huge amounts of Asgardians in the dark, they are kind and innocent, and their thick tortoise shells are full of security."

Shi Stark doesn't know how to introduce these big tortoises, anyway, it's hard-coded, today's theme is the opening of the underground world, and the introduction of the new clusters of the Elf Hotel is just incidental.

"Okay, now that you all know them, let me announce the next news."

"Just the other day, I, Stark, the richest man in the world, the most talented inventor, Iron Man, built an underground world that will be an adventurer's paradise!! It will be a scientist's dream world!!!"

Stark waved his hand, and J.A.R.V.I.S immediately projected the projection of the underground world in front of everyone.

huge amounts of cliffs, surging waterfalls.

Vast forests and swamps, all kinds of huge and ferocious insects and strange-looking monsters, as well as various ancient creatures such as dinosaurs and pterosaurs, as well as temple-sized cows and King Kong.

Jiang Bai hurriedly complained below: "Who made up those words for him? The one that introduces himself is what Shi Stark wants to say, right?"

The reporters below also whispered to each other, and the cameraman hurriedly aimed the lens at the projection.

"Is there really an underground world?"

"Look at that gorilla bigger than the one that wrecked the Hudson!!"

"Ah~~~~ What a disgusting bug!!"

"Look at those dinosaurs, they look so similar to the monsters that attacked the city last time, so they can't be the military's experimental field, right?

The scene was buzzing with an inexplicable remark from the little yellow man.

"Everyone is quiet!!" Shi Stark pressed his hands down again and continued.

"This underground world is full of dangers, but..." Shi Stark pointed to King Kong who was lying on the ground sleeping on the screen and said: "This is the security guard of the underground world, please don't provoke him, or you will bear the consequences. You can go back and report!! Now the meeting is adjourned!!”

The reporters started running one after another, taking out their mobile phones and contacting the station to prepare a press release.

Stark's press conference was really casual, and he dismissed all these reporters with a few words.

The bad-headed Hammer even blew it at the development conference, and Stark didn't even bother to blow it.

The noisy group of people (bbbg) dispersed quickly, and within two hours, major TV stations released the news that Stark announced the opening of an underground world.

The entire bald eagle was in an uproar.

Although they have been monsters and gods in recent months, the Bald Eagles have developed a certain immunity to any novelty.

And the so-called monsters and gods are actually relatively easy to understand, just treat them as biological experiments of aliens and the military. Isn’t that how the Hulk came out?

So ever since I knew that there is a god in the world, a period of time inspired an upsurge of belief, but it quickly faded. After all, in a free country, eating, drinking and having fun is the theme. I have been praying to her for so long whether there is a god or not. None of them appeared, so it must not be a true god.

But the underground world is not within the scope of immunity, which means that human beings do not understand their own world at all, and even the theory of underground voids that was proposed before has been confirmed.

The Bald Eagles are much more interested in aliens and conspiracy theories than monsters and gods.

Suddenly various media networks, conspiracy theories everywhere.

At the beginning, it was introduced that human beings are slaves left by aliens like Arunaki to mine on the earth, and the underground world is the former residence of these aliens.

And human beings were actually created by the Atlanteans to explore the surface environment.

It is also said that the underground world is the place where the lizardmen dug out, and all the leaders of human beings have been replaced by the lizardmen.

Jiang Bai smiled while reading posts with his mobile phone in his arms, which reminded him of the flat horizon theory and the Feitian Noodle Sect in his original world.

No matter how absurd things are, the people of Bald Eagle have a large number of fans to believe, but when they tell the truth, these people will only panic and parade accusations.

All in all, the bald eagle people are simply a model of anti-intellectuality. At present, no country on the earth can find so many fools.

"Yan, you see that your heat has been overwhelmed by the heat of the underground world!!"

"Do you want to send down the thunder to punish these people who easily forget you?"

Yan glared at Jiang Bai fiercely: "Then can you not put your hands on my lap when you talk?"

"Why don't you just stand there and let me strike with a thunderbolt?"

"Ah, really? I didn't realize it myself at all, oh! There's something wrong with my hand, and I don't feel at ease if I don't touch it." Jiang Bai was shocked and ruthlessly pinched Yan's thigh Get up and run quickly.


A thunderbolt struck Jiang Bai's forehead directly, and white smoke rose from his hair immediately.

Jiang Bai lay straight on the ground with a bang.

Hela covered her mouth and snickered: "You guys can't pay attention to the occasion, if the house is damaged again, we will sleep on the street!!"

Yan gave Hela a hard look, stood up and raised his leg to kick Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai lay on the ground and stared at Yan's lower body without blinking: "Miss, you're gone!!"


Suddenly a thunder struck Jiang Bai's forehead again.

Just when Jiang Bai was still preparing to pretend to be crazy and foolishly pass the test.

Stark burst in.

"Pepper, gone!!!".

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