Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 91 How Did Killian Manage To Melt The Steel Without Burning Himself?

Jiang Baiyan and Hela just flew to Shi Stark's house with a talking seafood in one hand, and saw it was playing Firework.

Two planes in the sky exploded violently, and the villas on the ground were rumbling non-stop.

"Your welcome ceremony, Stark, is very unique. Is there any other program?" Jiang Bai asked with a smile while still holding SpongeBob SquarePants on the ground.

Originally, they wanted to let the three seafoods come to find Shi Stark, but they didn't expect the thirteenth sister to find Pepper's location directly with her sharp nose.

Jiang Bai had no choice but to fly over with Yan and Hela carrying a seafood, otherwise keeping these three guys at the pier would only add to the chaos.

And looking at Shi Stark's house being bombed into such a bear, it seems that this time the enemy didn't even think about letting Shi Stark find it by himself, but came to provoke him on his own initiative.

In this way, the little yellow people's plan to confuse their sights failed for the first time. I hope that when they go back, these little yellow people have already gone home obediently.

"Thirteenth Sister has found Pepper's location, let's go there now." Shi Stark hugged Thirteenth Sister tightly and took the lead to fly towards Miami.

Jiang Bai had no choice but to pick up SpongeBob SquarePants again and fly with him.

Miami is a little more than 1,700 kilometers away. To be able to send armed planes to attack Stark from such a distance must be the military's weapons sponsor or a large consortium.

Otherwise, the plane would be shot down by anti-aircraft missiles as soon as it took off.

Along the way, Thirteenth Sister was so cold that her nose was running down her face, Jiang Bai hurriedly called Shi Stark to stop, and before she could find Pepper 11, Thirteenth Sister would have to fight to reduce her staff.

It is said that the system is not very powerful recently, and it does not give a teleportation skill. Although I can fly very fast and even reach the speed of light when I fly with all my strength, for a road idiot, flying fast is useless. It is better to give someone like Ancient One With the teleportation ability, as soon as the brain wants to open a space door, it will be there.

"Shi Stark! Shi Stark!! I know you are in a hurry, but you are going to freeze Thirteen Sister to death by flying so fast!!"

"Don't worry about Pepper's safety, these people are obviously coming for you, arresting Pepper will definitely not hurt her, you are the target of these people!!!"

Jiang Bai didn’t dare to let Stark fly so fast. He still remembered that there was a scene in the movie where Stark’s armor flew 850 miles in about 1 minute, which is more than 1,300 kilometers, and the speed was close to 66 times the speed of sound. If people fly like this, they will be frozen into ice sculptures, and they may be burned directly from the ice sculptures to ashes before flying to the place.

Now that Shi Stark is holding Thirteen Girls in his arms, he definitely can't fly that fast, but he has already surpassed the speed of sound. Thirteen Girls' complexion is getting paler and she is about to freeze.

When Shi Stark heard Jiang Bai's words, he slowed down a little and said: "I lost my mind, and they won't hurt Pepper if I don't show up. It's true that Thirteenth Sister should not suffer along with her."

"You give Thirteenth Sister to Yan, and ask Yan to protect Thirteenth Sister with a miniature wormhole, so that we can fly there at full speed and get there in less than two minutes." Jiang Bai reconsidered, Shi Stark is so anxious? He may not be allowed to run to rescue Pepper, but Thirteenth Sister can't help but ask Yan to do more.

Several people changed positions again, Yan was holding the thirteenth sister and SpongeBob SquarePants, and Jiang Bai was holding Shi Stark's armor.

Hela held Patrick and Squidward in her hands, and left her mark on everyone again.

Because Jiang Bai is the fastest flying among these people, in order to prevent Yan and Hela from being unable to keep up, Hela specially asked Hela to mark everyone, and the two of them will follow the mark to take pictures.

Jiang Bai dragged Shi Stark's armor to fly with all his strength, and Shi Stark was in charge of guiding the direction.

A deafening detonation sounded in an instant, Jiang Bai and Shi Stark disappeared, and the long-lasting sonic boom cloud in the sky could only drift slowly.

Jiang Bai pulled Shi Stark and appeared in the sky over Miami in an instant. If Shi Stark hadn't called to stop indefinitely, Jiang Bai would have flown directly over the place.

Stark looked at the rough dress with the mask lifted: "Can J.A.R.V.I.S locate Pepper's place?"

"Sir, before this, there was a person named Killian who sent you a video of a demonstration in the media, and his location has been located. On a cruise ship in a port in Miami, Pepper was probably killed. Locked up on a cruise ship."

"Killian? Who is Killian? I've never heard of it." Stark thought about it for a long time but couldn't think of such a person.

J.A.R.V.I.S said after a few seconds: "Sir, the data Curry records that you once met a doctor named Aldridge Killian in Switzerland in 1999, he was the boss of a company called Pioneer Technology, and on the same day you I spent a good night with a lady named Maya Hansen, and the information I found is that Pioneer Technology is now one of the military's weapon suppliers."

Stark was taken aback by what J.A.R.V.I.S said: "So what is that Killian, who has kept my grudge in his heart for more than ten years? What did I do to him?"

J.A.R.V.I.S said Killian, Jiang Bai didn't know who it was, but Jiang Bai knew who it was Maya Hansen.

This person is called a botanist by Stark, but he actually studies gene editing and created a thing called Extremis, which can greatly increase the defense of broken limb reborn, and even control the high temperature of 3000 degrees .

Because Jiang Bai always saw Maya Hansen when he was reading fan fiction, so he checked it specially, and can only say that Stark’s aesthetic vision is really not good, first Maya Hansen and then Pepper did not have a long It looks good.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai hurriedly said: "Let's go, let's go to the port to scout first, if it's convenient, we can rescue Pepper directly, if it's good for Fang Yin, we'll wait for them to arrive before we rescue them."

After speaking, let Shi Stark lead the way, and Jiang Bai followed behind. Jiang Bai didn't dare to lead the way for such a short distance, and accidentally flew over the head.

Two people found this pier, the whole pier was brightly lit but there were few people.

There is only one huge amounts of cruise ship with people on guard with guns in their hands, and it is immediately obvious that there is something wrong with these people.

"J.A.R.V.I.S scan!!" Shi Stark slapped his helmet, and immediately asked J.A.R.V.I.S to start a thermal imaging scan to check the situation.

"Sir, there are fifteen people in all, and it is impossible to determine which one is Ms. Pepper."

Jiang Bai patted Shi Stark on the shoulder, and when Shi Stark begged him, he couldn't help but exert his strength.

"In this way, Stark, you put two missiles at the sky to draw them out, I will fix them, and then Pepper will come out, how about you handle the rest?"

"Okay!!" Shi Stark agreed very simply, Jiang Bai has never offered to help him with anything, and usually applauds while watching him make a fool of himself.

"Then let's begin!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

As he spoke, Shi Stark aimed a few energy cannons at the cruise ship.

In an instant, all the guards outside ran out, pointing their guns at the sky.

Two minutes later, four people reappeared from the cabin, two men and two women, and one of them was Pepper.

A man with blond hair and a silver-gray suit pushed away the people around him and stepped forward, shouting, "Oh my God, isn't this our Iron Man? Have you received the gift I sent you?"

Shi Stark's first response was a 610 energy cannon.


Killian's eyes turned red, a scorching red light appeared from his hand, and he raised his hand to block the energy cannon.

"You are Killian, I'm here, you can let Pepper go." Shi Stark looked as if the one who attacked just now was not the same, and even Killian's body changes, Shi Stark didn't fluctuate at all.

Killian's whole body began to glow red, and the reddened arm that already felt like a transparent one kept turning back and forth in front of him.

Suddenly excitedly grabbing the side of the boat in front of him, he said: "So Stark still remembers me as a little guy, see? This is the project I asked you to do together, but you rejected me!! You rejected the future of mankind !!!!"

The ship's side made of metal instantly turned red, melting and dripping a little bit.

Jiang Bai suddenly asked curiously: "Shi Stark, it seems that his temperature is quite high, how did he not burn out his brain?"

This cannot be blamed on Jiang Bai. Jiang Bai is really curious. It stands to reason that people have protein and fat. A high fever of tens of degrees can burn people to death, so if a high fever exceeds 40 degrees, it will be life-threatening.

Although I know that this is the Marvel world, all kinds of strange things are nothing, but it takes at least a thousand degrees of high temperature to melt steel with bare hands, which is enough to burn people to ashes.

"I don't know either, why don't I catch him and study for you?" Stark opened his mask and said suddenly: "Do it!!"

"I declare..." Jiang Bai floated to Pepper while speaking and picked her out between several guards.

Going back to Stark, stretched out his left hand and made a gesture of please, indicating that the rest is your business.

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