Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 94 The Forgotten Minions Are Already Occupying New York! !

Only Stark and Killian were left present to continue their friendly exchanges.

Shi Stark, who had been punched countless times, finally realized that his battle armor not only has the power to propel his limbs, but also can be split into dozens of individual flight armor fragments to reassemble.


With Killian's hard punch back on Stark's visor.

Stark's battle armor suddenly split into several pieces, and flew directly to Killian to wrap him up. Killian struggled hard but couldn't break free from the restraint of the battle armor.

Stark kicked Killian over and got up from the ground, took off his visor and put it on Killian's face.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, detonate the armor!!"

As he spoke, he turned around and patted the non-existing dust on his body in fear, and walked towards the oil tanker with big holes in it with a pace of disbelief.


The violent explosion even produced an echo, and the entire armor instantly turned into a huge amount of fireball. Fragments of the armor flew all over the sky, and there were tinkling sounds everywhere.

Huge amounts of firelight lit up the night sky against the stars.

With his back to the explosion, Stark walked towards him like a hero under the flames.

"Hi! Pepper, by the look of your face, you don't want to shine, do you?" Stark waved at Pepper as he walked.

Pepper, who was covered in red light and looked like he was about to explode, now leaned against Yan's shoulder, clutching his stomach and turning pale.

He didn't feel the idea of ​​getting hot all over his body and wanting to explode at all. He was only thinking about when he could go home, and Pepper felt his stomach was about to vomit.

Pepper trembled and said in a weak tone: "Can we go home? I feel that I may not be well."

Jiang Bai picked up SpongeBob SquarePants who was still standing on the pier in a daze, savoring the taste of what Pai Daxing had in his mouth, and pinned down Pai Daxing who had already fallen asleep stuck to the iron sheet of the cabin.

Several people discussed the itinerary. The main reason was that Shi Stark blew up his battle armor in order to pretend to be chic and couldn’t go back. I'm in Miami, and I'm going to fly home tomorrow morning.

On the other side, New York is now in a carnival, with countless little yellow men running around and having fun without anyone watching them.

It ran all over the streets of New York, shouting Ulla and curiously rushing into every shop to rummage.

The reporter who followed at the New York pier was broadcasting live while dodging the minions running around under their feet.

"It's been less than a day since Iron Man announced that Hotel Transylvania had a new addition, and it's been less than a day since New Yorkers were amazed by these running bananas."

"They are extremely curious and highly mobile, and they even rushed into every open shop while shouting the slogan of bear charge!!!"

While the reporter was hiding and reporting, a group of black uncles followed behind the minions. This group of little guys rushed into several shops, and rushed out again when the shopkeepers screamed.

And the black uncle who followed behind them bared his big white teeth, greeted the shopkeeper who fell on the ground, grabbed the things and ran away.

The entire bustling area of ​​New York is now in chaos, and black uncles and homeless men can be seen everywhere following the little yellow man, following the little yellow man to rob every shop.

But the group of little yellow men happily saw that someone was following them, and they became more confused, scrambling to rush into every shop, and even the doors and windows of the shops that had been tightly closed were pried open one by one by the little yellow men.




Originally, this group of minions liked to recognize those who did bad things as the boss, but suddenly others began to follow in their footsteps and do bad things, which immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the minions.

If there is a helicopter shooting down in the sky, you can see a yellow torrent on the street, rushing here and there, everywhere it passes is a mess.

A daring shopkeeper drove away with a long gun, and was quickly overwhelmed by a group of minions jumping on him.

He snatched the long gun in his hand and kept shooting, shouting Ula!!!

The surrounding police officers immediately took out their guns and shouted to put down their weapons.

Now the crowd around is really scared. Although these little guys shouted scary slogans in unison, they were just making trouble and didn't have weapons or hurt anyone.

The crowd is just watching the excitement in a carnival.

A lot of people gathered around took out their mobile phones to take pictures of these villains and broadcast them live. Many people even thought that this was some kind of program such as the Hotel Elf Gala hosted by Shi Stark, and happily followed the minions.

The crowd who hadn't seen the situation at the New York pier even had the guts to shout Ulla along with them.

But when the little yellow man started to pick up his weapon and aimed a magazine at the sky, with bullet casings jumping all over his body, the crowd finally panicked.

"Ah~~~~ Big Bear sent their bananas here!!!"

"Fight back!! Fight back!!!"

"Shoot!! Shoot!!!"

"Get rid of them!!!!"

"Bang bang bang!!"

"Da da da!!!"

All of a sudden, the whole street became noisy, and the sound of various pistols and assault rifles firing could be heard endlessly.

The crowd ran away while screaming, and while running, they also snatched things from the people around them to help them reduce their burdens.

The little yellow people grinned wide and exposed their white teeth, staring wide-eyed and looking for the target, and from time to time they even fired back at the shooters.

Fortunately, the people in New York were well-trained, and most of them lay on the ground with their heads in their hands and chanted God's blessings when the gunshot was fired, while waiting for an opportunity to hide behind a car or in a flower bed.

Jiang Bai and the others were still flying in the sky to find their way. Although Stark strongly requested to live in Miami tonight, but the pier was still some distance from the city, Stark had no choice but to hold SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick reluctantly. He was carried by Jiang Bai and flew into the sky to find his way.

Ask for flowers......

In the early morning of the next day, everyone in Jiang Bai also learned about the actions of the minions on the TV news.

Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D specifically called Stark to go to the police station to collect someone.

The entire New York Police Department house, courtyard, and even the streets are full of minions, so dense that no one can stand there.

The entire police station is like a group of isolated islands in the yellow sea, surrounded by dense bananas.

Back in New York, Stark sent Pepper to his studio first, and asked Yan to help him study how to prevent Pepper from being so excited and letting himself be Firework.

And Jiang Bai is still watching the news and reporting everywhere, the economic losses caused by the minions, 67 people were injured, no one was injured for the time being, the shops in Qitiao Street were looted, especially the luxury shops, even the carpets on the ground Snatched away.

Hundreds of cars were damaged, fires were caused, fire hydrants burst, and a stampede occurred.

Jiang Bai smiled and said to Hela: "Why don't you send these little guys to hell, anyway, hell is full of all kinds of demons and the souls of bad guys, these little guys must have a good time there From raw water, like a fish in water!!”

On the other side, he silently received today's sign-in in his heart.

"Congratulations, the artifact Frostmourne!!"

Hela replied angrily: "I don't like bananas, especially bananas that are loud and noisy!"

If Jiang Bai is not in a hurry to return to Hela, he hasten to see if it is the Frostmourne he knows.

That is the legendary sword to kill father.

Lying quietly in the system space is a big sword, the whole body exudes a faint blue light, and the hilt is a skeleton sheep's head, and the two eyes of the skeleton are still exuding a faint blue mist. .

There were incomprehensible runes engraved on the body of the sword, and the blade was cold and sharp. It looked like the Lich King sword that Jiang Bai was familiar with.

Just about to take out Frostmourne and throw it to Hela, this sword is so suitable for Hela, she is talking about killing Odin all the time.

Suddenly, the TV screen changed.

The little yellow men on the screen seemed to have discovered something new, and they took off their handcuffs and ropes one after another.

Well, just take your hands out of the handcuffs, and then help the companion next to you to untie the rope. After all, the handcuffs are designed for human body size, and these minions are not as tall as ten two-year-old children.

The police officers didn't really treat these little guys as criminals. Anyway, Stark has money, so he will come to bail out these running bananas and pay for the losses caused by the riot. There is no need to really guard them. so strict.

The little yellow man's small arms were smaller than sugar cane, and he took them out of the handcuffs as soon as he shrank his hands. A large group of hulas ran towards the outside, and the TV screen shook rapidly.

It can be clearly felt that the photographer did not shake on purpose, but seemed to be afraid of something.

Jiang Bai frowned slightly, the camera shaking made him feel like he was seasick, he couldn't see anything clearly, he could only see pieces of yellow|yellow things floating around. .

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