After Fang Yan performed the painting, he did not stop there.

In front of everyone, he disassembled a intact Apple phone into countless parts in one second, and then reassembled it in one second!

There are also computers, one second they are instantly “unloaded” by micro-robots, and the next second they are assembled and restored to their original state… The whole process is like magic!

However, the most surprising thing is the process of disassembling and assembling the watch!

The parts that are smaller than the miniature robot, even the world’s top watch craftsmen have to be carefully disassembled and restored, but in Fang Yan’s hands, it only takes one breath of effort, the watch instantly disintegrates, and then with a breath of effort, the watch is instantly pieced together!

The perfect and wonderful performance made the onlookers around him once again send him a warm applause, as well as an overwhelming shout!

At this time, the square around Fang Yan was completely overcrowded.

Some of them are the technology enthusiasts who came to participate in the science and technology exhibition, the media in the technology circle, and the other part is the passers-by who are attracted by this huge array to join in the excitement… But regardless of whether they understand science and technology or not, after seeing Fang Yan’s magical performance, there is no one who does not feel wonderful, and there is not a single one who does not applaud loudly!

“…… Guys, this is the first technology I’m going to show today! ”

Fang Yan said, and the miniature robot under his feet changed into the original cylindrical stage.

“The advanced and powerful degree of this technology is obvious to everyone! It can make a big difference in the world, and I don’t need to say more! ”

“But if you want to experience these changes, I’m afraid you will have to wait a long time!”

“But next, the second technology I am about to show is to let you intuitively and directly feel the changes brought by technology!”

“And all the answers are in this red box in my hand!”

Fang Yan raised the red box in his hand, and suddenly the expectant eyes of the audience converged, and countless flashing lights reflected this piece into daylight!

“Before unveiling my second invention, I would like to say in advance that this second invention, in many functions and applications, may not be comparable to microrobots… However, it also has many advantages that micro-robots do not have! ”

“Come on, let’s witness the true face of my second technology!”

Fang Yan put the red box down, and then smiled and shouted to everyone, “Dabai, it’s time for you to appear!” ”


A pair of black eyes on the red box suddenly flickered, as if he had received an order, and opened automatically!

Under the expectant gaze, a cute, fat white was presented in front of everyone!

“Hello, I’m your personal health assistant, Dabai!”

“Is there anything I can do to help you?”

Da Bai took a chubby little short leg and walked in front of Fang Yan dumbly, his cute and cute appearance, coupled with its simple and innocent voice, instantly poked into the hearts of countless people


“What a cute robot!”

“It’s so nice!”

“Chubby, I like it!!”


Perhaps for men, Dabai’s lethality is not so strong, but for women who are born without any resistance to cute things, Dabai is undoubtedly the most powerful “girl killer”, as soon as it appeared, it immediately attracted the screams of countless girls in the audience!

The flash intensified again, and many people all looked at this chubby inflatable robot, revealing a fresh and curious look.

It’s not that they haven’t seen robots, but it’s the first time they’ve seen a fat cute guy!

And still see it in reality!

“Boom! This scream! ”

Fang Yan was also frightened by this sudden scream, and he now finally appreciated the lethality of a woman’s throat.

“Everyone, this one standing next to me now is my second technology, human personal health assistant, Dabai!”

Fang Yanlang said, “Inside it, I implanted the most advanced intelligent system, and its intelligence level is more developed and more humane than the intelligent system of any technology company in the advanced world!” ”

“Because I positioned it as a personal health assistant, the big white eyes added a hyperspectral lens, which can emit harmless X-rays, see~see organisms, and diagnose diseases for you!”

“Of course, in order to achieve the best diagnostic results, all known diseases in the world today, whether most diseases or extremely rare diseases, are written into its program!”

“Having it is equivalent to having a doctor who escorts your health anytime, anywhere, and any disease can be detected in the first time, greatly reducing the chance of serious patients!”

As soon as Fang Yan’s words came out, they immediately made the eyes of countless people in the audience brighten!

“We all know that in this day and age, all kinds of serious diseases are emerging… Many people unknowingly, inexplicably have some bad symptoms, wait for the hospital to check, only to know that they don’t know when they have cancer, and it is already very serious! ”

“It is precisely because of this that many people now hear that such and such a food will cause cancer, or that something can prevent cancer, they will carry out various retweets and spreads on Weibo in the circle of friends!”

“Everyone is desperate for their lives, and they don’t want to be invaded by the disease without knowing it, but it’s too troublesome to run to the hospital and do a full body examination!” Time-consuming, laborious and costly! But when you have Dabai, these concerns will all be left behind, it is your health at any time monitor, any little hidden dangers and problems, can not escape its eyes! ”

“With it, it is no exaggeration to say that your life expectancy can be at least twenty years longer than before!”

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