The material cost price of Dabai is 100,000.

Counting transportation costs, labor costs, various taxes, miscellaneous expenses, etc… The cost of a big white is at least around 150,000!

Now people in the outside world are waiting for the official website of Fangshen Technology to release the pricing of Dabai, which is a very important thing for Dabai’s sales!

The price is high, and many people can only sigh, even if they want it in their hearts, they have more than enough energy.

But the price is low, but it does not meet the pressure of Dabai’s epoch-making product!

Fang Yan was also a little embarrassed.

“Forget it, there are still six days before the official website releases the price, let’s put this aside for the time being!”

“The right thing to do now is to complete the tasks of the system and get rewards!”

The task of the system is to successfully manufacture 1,000 Daibai.

One hundred thousand pieces of big white, 1,000 units is one hundred million!

Fang Yan had no money before, but now he has 500 million in his hands, 1,000 Dabai is not a matter of sprinkling?

“At my current speed, 1,000 Dabai can be done in one day!”

“But before that, I still have a series of preparations to do!”

“It’s going to be busy in the next few days!”

1,000 Dabai are manufactured, and he will definitely not be able to put this small villa alone, and he must find a warehouse that is large enough!


The next day, Fang Yan searched everywhere, and finally succeeded in renting an old warehouse in a nearby factory.

Seeing that it was Fang Yan, the director of the factory specially gave him a preferential price.

On the same day, a lot of materials were shipped one after another.

It takes time for these materials to be transported, and Fang Yan also began to vigorously develop his Fangshen Technology Company during this time.

He rented an entire floor in the most core office building of the royal capital as the office space of other Fangshen Technology!

At the same time, he began to openly recruit talents from the whole society!

It took only a day for the job posting to be sent, and the people who came to apply almost overcrowded the company!

But many people came to see Fang Yan’s true face.

In the end, it took two days for Fang Yan to select a group of people with rich experience, excellent qualifications, and a good impression on him, and officially launched Fangshen Technology!

Soon, all the pre-ordered materials arrived and piled up in the warehouse.

“All ready, next, it’s time to do a big job!”

Fang Yan didn’t say a word, and directly used the powerful power of his hundreds of millions of micro-robots and began to frantically assemble!

The assembly process is particularly boring, but Fang Yan can’t be distracted, after all, the micro-robot needs human consciousness to control, once distracted, maybe the micro-robot will run to do something else.

However, with Fang Yitong chatting with Fang Yan on the side, serving tea to Fang Yan and delivering water, taking good care of Fang Yan, Fang Yan was not very bored.

After nearly a day of busy work, finally, at dawn the next day, the 1,000th big white was assembled!

“Ding! Congratulations! Successfully completed the second scientific and technological mission! ”

“You’ve got a chance to unlock a technology at random!”

“Random unlock is being done for you, please later!”

The sweet and ethereal voice of the system suddenly popped up in his mind, which made Fang Yan’s spirit suddenly shocked.

Here it comes!

It’s finally coming!

“The first is a miniature robot, the second is Dabai, and both are technology from Super Marines… I don’t know which movie will be the technology this time? ”

Fang Yan’s eyes were full of expectation.

Soon, the system revealed the answer –

“Congratulations, you have successfully obtained the manufacturing technology of the steel suit in “Iron Man 3″!”

I’m Cao!

Iron Man?!

Fang Yan’s eyes widened all of a sudden, and his face was full of surprise.

How could Iron Man Fang Yan not know?

Even if Fang Yan was not a Marvel fan before and didn’t feel much about the superheroes in American blockbusters, he still knew how awesome Iron Man was!

And the reason why Iron Man can be so awesome is precisely because of those steel suits that hang the sky and pile up with money!

“Technical information is being transmitted for you!”

As the system’s prompt tone came, a huge flow of information rushed into Fang Yan’s head, and Fang Yan closed his eyes and received the baptism of technology from the super science fiction!

Fang Yan can now be regarded as a relatively accomplished scientist in science and technology, and the micro-robots and Dabai’s manufacturing technology are all scientific and technological achievements that have been leading the world for a hundred years!

For the steel suit manufacturing technology transmitted from the transmission, Fang Yan is naturally no longer in the state of ignorance before, and he can basically be regarded as very understanding.

Therefore, when all the technical information is transmitted, Fang Yan does not need to waste time digesting this information, and as soon as he opens his eyes, all the technologies are already clear and clear, without the slightest hindrance!

“Cool… It’s so cool! ”

“It turns out that this is how the steel suit is made!”

“The equation formula is so simple!”

“But the materials for this nuclear reactor are a bit hard to find… Moreover, the structure of the shock absorber in the steel suit is too complicated, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort to get it! ”


Fang Yan, who understood everything, seemed to have opened the door to a new world and saw more awesome technology!

However, Fang Yan, who had just become excited, suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly!

“I’m going… These materials… And these devices … It would cost a lot of money just to make a Jarvis! ”

“If you want to make this steel suit, you have to need at least 10 billion!”

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