
“What is that?!”

“How did you drop an iron man from the sky?!”

“Isn’t this the Iron Man I just saw on Weibo?!”


Fang Yan’s appearance seemed to startle the police, robbers, and onlookers.

Even Song Miaomiao, who was a hostage, was frightened, and looked at the red and gold, rather cool steel robot in front of him.


“Did it just say it surrounded us?”

“This steel pimple can even speak?”

“What nonsense?! Shoot! Shoot him! ”

The robbers were also quite flustered at this time, and the robbers led by them gave an order, and the five people immediately poured fire towards the uninvited guest in front of them!


However, their bullets hit the steel suits, and they could do nothing but splash a little spark and scrape off a little paint!

“Lean! How is this iron man so hard! ”

“It’s useless for a bullet to hit him!”

“Made! It’s hard enough! What the hell is this?! ”

The robbers were scolding their mother.

At this time, the iron man moved.

I saw Fang Yan raise his hand, a light suddenly burst out of his palm, and the strong impact beam instantly knocked one of them out, and the whole person crashed on the bank counter, vomiting blood on the spot and falling unconscious!


Seeing this scene, the other robbers were all stunned.

The police officers were all confused.

This raise of hand can knock people away, it’s too exaggerated, right?!

If they hadn’t really felt these gunshots, they would have thought they were watching a science fiction movie!

Fang Yan did not stop there, and his other hand was also raised, and the impact beam solved one person again!

Just when Fang Yan was about to solve the third person, the robber led by him directly held a gun against Song Miaomiao’s head!

“Put it down! Dare to shoot again, believe it or not, I will kill her now?! ”

The robber led by him roared, causing Fang Yan’s raised palm to hesitate a little, and the light of his palm dimmed sharply.

Seeing this, the other robbers also turned their guns one after another and aimed at Song Miaomiao!

“Back off! Back off to Lao Tzu! ”

The robbers at the head continued to order angrily, “If you dare to hesitate, I will slaughter her now!” ”

“Don’t be impulsive! Don’t be impulsive! ”

Director Song quickly took the horn and shouted, “Steel man over there, leave quickly!” Don’t provoke the robbers! Leave! ”

At this moment, all the policemen’s hearts were raised to the throat eye.

They were afraid that the robbers would make some radical moves, and once they killed Song Miaomiao, or strafed the hostages in the bank, then their operation would be a complete failure!

“Didn’t you hear me?”

“Good! Awesome! You’re awesome, aren’t you? Lao Tzu will kill her now! ”

The robbers led by him were very fierce, seeing that Fang Yan did not have the slightest intention of retreating, he immediately prepared to pull the trigger, kill Song Miaomiao, and fiercely shock those policemen!

Song Miaomiao also closed her eyes at this time, quietly waiting for death to come, as a policeman, she has long done this kind of sacrifice consciousness!

Director Song’s pupils dilated all of a sudden, and the whole person showed a terrified expression, shouting out in his mouth: “No!!!! ”

At this moment-

Suddenly, a row of small cannon ports appeared on Fang Yan’s shoulder.


The three tracking bullets directly hit the eyebrows of the three robbers, the three figures froze, their eyes instantly dimmed, and their bodies fell directly to the ground, and they couldn’t die anymore!

The whole process was silent, and the three of them fell to the ground abruptly like a machine that suddenly lost electricity, so that everyone around could not react.

Song Miaomiao realized that the gun against her head was gone all of a sudden, and only then did she open her eyes and find that the three robbers around her were all shot in the eyebrows, and the corpse was on the spot!

Her beautiful eyes showed surprise, looked up at Fang Yan, wanted to thank Fang Yan, and by the way, wanted to know who this suddenly appeared steel man was… However, white qi had already appeared under Fang Yan’s feet, and he took his steel body directly into the air and left in style!

“The Iron Man flew away!”

“What’s going on with those robbers? Why did they all suddenly fall?! ”

“Sniper, confirm the status of the robbers!”

Seeing this scene, the policemen quickly asked.

A moment later.

“Number one confirms that the danger is lifted! Three robbers are dead! ”

“Number two confirms that the danger is lifted! Three robbers are dead! ”

“Number three confirms that the danger is lifted! There are also two robbers in the bank who are unconscious and alive! ”

As the snipers confirmed the robber’s death, the police officers all had a look of disbelief on their faces.

They didn’t even see how the iron man made a move, and suddenly they all fell to the ground at once… What is this means? That’s awesome!

But surprised by surprise, they did not stop in their footsteps, and quickly rushed up.


Director Song also hurriedly ran over, and when he saw that his daughter was okay, his heart that had been hanging all this time fell.

“That thing, what the hell is…”

While rejoicing in relief, Director Song also looked at the direction Fang Yan left, revealing a thoughtful look.

After suddenly appearing at the crime scene and solving the tricky robbers by unimaginable means, he left without saying a word.

But this incident in front of him at least shows that the steel man has no malice, and this time he also did their police a big favor!


“No wonder those superheroes like to punish evil and promote good, and clean up all those evil people, it’s so cool!”

Fang Yan was still reminiscing about the “battle” he had just experienced.

“By the way, Jarvis, turn on my phone, I’ve been closed for so many days, the company should have piled up a lot of things, right?”

“Sir, you finally remember that you still have a company!”

Jarvis complained, “There are currently 452 unread emails, 539 missed calls, and 1,892 unread text messages!” ”

“I know!”

Fang Yan knew that he was busy next, “Help me screen, who contacts me most often, and calls me so many times, it must be a very important thing.” ”

“The most incoming call is ‘Lin Miaozhi’!”

“Lin Miaozhi? What is she calling me so much for… Oh! It should be a divorce thing! ”

Only then did Fang Yan finally remember that he and Lin Miaozhi still had a divorce agreement.

“With six days to go before the National Day Ceremony, she announced her divorce… I’ll be embarrassed then! ”

“But… If I declare that I am Iron Man in front of 500 million people, then the result may not be! ”

Fang Yan’s eyes lit up.

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