Seeing the two of them gritting their teeth,

Wu Yuyu moved slightly, hiding himself behind Ancient One, and then stuck his head out to observe the reactions of Mordo and the others.……


As for Wu Yuyu's operation, it was obviously beyond the comprehension of Mordo and the others.

What's the difference between him and a child!?

But they really had no way to deal with it. They couldn't just pull him out from behind Ancient One and beat him up, right?

Obviously, with their current moral integrity, they couldn't do that.

They still suffered from their high moral integrity!

In desperation, the two had to choose to ignore him for the time being.

"Your Excellency, I suggest that you add mental defense magic to the curriculum so that you won't be caught off guard when you encounter similar enemies in the future.……"

After listening to Mordo's proposal, Ancient One turned his gaze to Wu Yudama behind him and asked him if he had any opinion on this.

"What can I think? You are the Supreme Mage!"

Wu Yuyu waved her hand quickly, indicating that everything was up to Gu Yi.

Gu Yi looked at Wu Yuyu, who looked like she was not going to get close to him, and shook his head.

He left a sentence to let Mordo take care of the arrangements, then dispersed the mirror space, turned around and left here, leaving the three people looking at each other in bewilderment.

For this guy with a very high magical talent and a flexible mind, she really wanted to pass the Supreme position to him so that she could enjoy her retirement time.

But obviously it is not the time yet...

As Gu Yi's figure disappeared from sight,

Wu Yuyu looked at the two people beside him who were rubbing their hands and approaching him, and smiled awkwardly twice.

"Hehe... I suddenly remembered that my moral integrity fell, I have to pick it up, I'll go first!"

Looking at Wu Yuyu's figure running away.

Modu scratched his head,"What did he say was lost?"

"You know him, so instead of thinking so much, you might as well think about what to eat in the evening."

"Yes, I told you, I found a really delicious shop.……"........

Seeing that there was no one chasing behind him, Wu Yuyu slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"How stingy! Do you have to get beaten for telling the truth these days?"

He rubbed his rumbling stomach.

After practicing with his sparring partner for so long, he was a little hungry.

Mordo Laoden didn't even offer to treat him to something to eat...

Looking up at the sunset in the sky, Wu Yuyu began to think about where he should go to reward himself.

Got it!

Wu Yuyu thought of a place.

If nothing unexpected happened, he would not only be able to experience unfamiliar food there, but he might also see two familiar faces.

Thinking of this, Wu Yuyu no longer hesitated and stepped directly into the portal to Sokovia.

"Oh, is it such a coincidence?"

Walking out of the alley, Wu Yuyu saw the Pietro brothers and sisters in the shop across the street.

Looking at the busy figures of the two, there was no trace of future superpowers.

They were just two workers who were forced to make a living.

Wanda in the shop seemed to have noticed something.

She turned around and made eye contact with a"pervert" across the street.

"What's wrong?"

Noticing Wanda's abnormality, Pietro put down his work.

He followed her gaze but saw nothing.

Looking at the empty alley, Wanda shook her head.

"Nothing, keep working.……"

Wanda, who was busy again, did not take the previous sight to heart.

She thought that Wu Yuyu was just passing by and accidentally looked at their store.

It is said that reality is a society of appearance. If Wu Yuyu was not so good-looking, and if he was replaced by a sloppy homeless man, Wanda would definitely not have the same idea now...

On the other hand, Wu Yuyu stopped observing after knowing the work place of the two.

People can be seen at any time.

If you are hungry, you are really hungry.

It is more important to fill your stomach first!

If he had not happened to run into them, he would have planned to fill his stomach first. As soon as the thought came to his mind, the picture of the whole Sokovia appeared in his mind.

Feeling that the place was not even one-third the size of New York, Wu Yuyu shook his head.

He set off for a restaurant with a relatively large flow of people.

"The food at home is still better……"

After tasting the local specialties,

Wu Yuyu couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Why did he suddenly have the idea to eat something different?

No wonder so many foreigners complained online! There are indeed few foods that suit the taste of domestic babies...

After a few bites of the food in front of him,

Wu Yuyu paid the bill and left.

Don't ask where the money came from!

It's just the donation from"kind people". o(^▽^)o........

As time passed, the sky gradually darkened.

Under the gaze of Wu Yuyu, after collecting the wages for today's work, the Pietro brothers and sisters went straight back to their temporary home.

Looking at the lights on in the room, Wu Yuyu's eyes turned and a fun idea came to his mind...

Wait until the moon is high in the sky.

Wanda, who was about to go to bed, suddenly heard a knocking sound outside the window.

"Knock knock knock…knock knock knock……"

She picked up a stick and approached the window carefully.

When she found out that it was an owl knocking on the window, Wanda was relieved.

They were in a place that was not as good as Wu Yuyu's hometown, so it was understandable that they were a little more vigilant.

As the owl kept pecking,

Wanda opened the window helplessly.

"I don't have anything to eat for you... What is this?"

Looking at the sheepskin envelope on the owl's claws,

Wanda's delicate eyebrows could not help but slightly frown.

(Wanda is probably only fifteen or sixteen years old now, so it's not wrong to say that she is delicate~)

Then she looked around through the window.

Not seeing any suspicious figures, she quickly closed the window.

With the envelope in her hand, she found Pietro next door.

【……(Dozens of words omitted here)...Dear Wanda Django Maximoff: We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Kamar-Taj School of Magic and Sorcerer's Witchcraft and Wizardry. The admissions officer, Wu Yuyu, will explain the details to you in 5 minutes. Please listen in the company of your family.】

"Magic school? Who would believe such a childish prank! But this envelope is quite retro!"

Pietro sneered at the content of the letter.

It's already the 21st century, we have to believe in science!

He wanted to see, 5 minutes, oh no, now there is only 1 minute.

Does the prankster dare to knock on their door?

While the two were waiting, 1 minute passed in a flash.

"Du...Knock knock, Ms. Wanda, I am the admissions officer of Kamar-Taj, please open the door."

Looking at the door being knocked on time.

Pietro widened his eyes in disbelief.

He didn't expect that this prankster would actually dare to come.

He took out the American Iai weapon from the drawer beside him and signaled Wanda to call the police.

"Wanda is not here, leave quickly or I will call the police!"

"Isn't Ms. Wanda here? Please don't call the police. Wasting police force is not what a legal resident should do~"

Hearing the strange voice coming from behind him,

Pietro's body froze in place.

Thinking of Wanda still behind him, he was anxious.

He quickly turned his body and pointed the gun behind him.……

"Please calm down, I didn't enter your room."

Looking at Pietro who pointed the gun at him,

Wu Yuyu on the other side of the portal raised his hand to indicate that he had not stepped into the door.

Anyway, this is not his real body, you can point it however you want.

If it doesn't work, just shoot a few shots~

He looked at Wanda who was safe and sound beside him, and then looked at the portal that obviously violated the scientific theorem.

After confirming that he was not wrong, there was a plop.

Pietro knelt down on the ground and asked Wu Yuyu to forgive his offense just now. Just looking at Wu Yuyu who hasn't stepped into their room yet, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that the magic school he is in should not be a cult.

Pushing away Wanda who wanted to help him up, Pietro didn't want Wanda to miss such a good opportunity because of his previous actions! Pietro's decisive move made Wu Yuyu raise his eyebrows. Although he didn't care much, Pietro's move undoubtedly made Wu Yuyu look at him with a higher opinion.

"I forgive you, may I come in please? It always feels bad to communicate outside the door……"........

Wu Yudama finally entered the room and sat opposite the Pietro siblings.


First of all , I want to make one thing clear. We don't have admission notices in Kamar-Taj.���Pietro, who was a little anxious, waved his hand and signaled him to be patient.

"Although we don't have this statement, Ms. Wanda does have a talent for magic, I can guarantee this. As long as she can get the approval of the Ancient One, she will be able to enter Kamar-Taj to study."

After hearing what Wu Yuyu said, the brother and sister couldn't help but fall into silence.

"I want to ask, if I succeed in getting recognition, can Pietro accompany me?"

Pressing down Pietro who wanted to say something, Wanda looked at Wu Yuyu with serious eyes.

The two siblings only had each other.

It seemed that Pietro could kneel down decisively for her future.

Of course, she couldn't just abandon Pietro to find her own future.

"I said, did you misunderstand something? We are not savages! We live among people too. Why don't you let Pietro find a job there? It's no different from now."

After listening to Wu Yuyu's words, Pietro and his sister looked at each other.

They both saw the embarrassment in each other's eyes.

Wu Yuyu didn't seem to say that they would be isolated from the world after joining them.

They misunderstood...

Looking at the embarrassed reactions of the two, Wu Yuyu rolled his eyes helplessly.

I don't know where they heard this from.

If they knew that there was WIFI in Kamar-Taj, would they be shocked?

"Let's stop here today. I will come again tomorrow. If you want to go with me, pack your luggage in advance."

Looking at the brother and sister who stood up to see him off,

Wu Yuyu waved his hand and told them not to bother.

He didn't need anyone to see him off as he had already reached his destination in one step!

"Oh, yes, Pietro also has a talent, although it is not a magical talent.……"

After leaving these words, the portal behind Wu Yuyu disappeared instantly, leaving only the brother and sister staring at each other in bewilderment.

"Did he just say... I have talent too?"

"good...It seems so, it's really great!"

After learning that both of them have extraordinary talents, a huge feeling of joy suddenly enveloped them.

After being excited for a while, the two couldn't help but think of their bombed home.

Stark Industries!

Tony Stark!

If it weren't for him, they should have a very happy family now.

Instead of being like now, they can only tell their brother/sister about any happy or sad things.

Thinking of Tony Stark, Wanda's expression became a little hesitant.

I don't know if their act of revenge will bring any trouble to Kamar-Taj.

After listening to Wanda's concerns,

Pietro gritted his teeth.

"Don't worry about revenge, lest it affect Kamar-Taj. Anyway, Mr. Wu Yuyu said that I also have talent. As long as I find the right method, it won't be easy to kill Tony Stark!"

Suddenly knowing that there are superhumans in the world, and even they may become one of them, made the two brothers and sisters���He lost his composure at the time.

His heart was filled with the fire of revenge against Tony Stark.........

At the party on the other side, Tony, who attracted everyone's attention, suddenly sneezed loudly.

He rubbed his nose with his hand.

"I'm a little drunk... Let's drink this glass of wine and have fun!" Tony nodded with satisfaction as he watched the atmosphere become more lively. Then, amid the envious gazes of many ladies, he hugged the girl in his arms and came to his beachside villa.

...(A large plot is omitted here)...

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