
Looking at the crowd surrounding him, Loki slowly took two steps back.

Before he could turn around and run, a fist appeared in his face, knocking him several meters away. He fell to the ground, bounced up, and slid to the corner of the wall.

"With a"bang", it hit the wall hard before finally stopping.

The one who did it was Thor.

Wu Yuyu looked at the two brothers who had already started to communicate with each other, clapped his hands, and turned to look at everyone.

"Let them play first. These Chitauri are not very strong, use them to familiarize yourself with the future legion operations."


Loki, who was being beaten left and right by Thor, felt endless distress in his heart.

Since when can being beaten be called playing!

Tony and others on the other side also had complicated feelings.

Legions continued to emerge from the wormhole.

The weapons and vehicles on them represented a technological level far higher than the average of this planet.

And this was still evaluated by Wu Yuyu as not very strong.

It's hard to evaluate...

Looking at the Chitauri who were wantonly destroying in the mirror space, they have been beaten to the doorstep by the enemy. What's the point of thinking about those?

Then fight!

With the sound of the jet, Tony rushed out first.

Micro missiles, hand cannons, energy rays, one after another, fired at the Chitauri.

"Hey, they're not that strong!"

Without any effort, the Chitauri's vanguard was killed one after another in his hands and fell to the ground.

Tony looked at the damage he had caused and proudly showed off in the communication channel.

"Tony...I suggest you look behind you."

Hearing Natasha's voice, Tony turned around disapprovingly.

"What's happening behind me?……"

A huge figure slowly emerged from the wormhole behind him.

Tony looked at the Chitauri monster and widened his eyes in disbelief. He quickly called Wu Yuyu on the communication.

"Hey, hey, hey, is this what you mean by not being strong?"

"Is he very strong?"

Wu Yuyu patted Banner's shoulder and stretched out his hand to draw a portal.

"Let Hulk come out."

Banner shook his head helplessly. He was here to help find the Cosmic Cube, so why did he have to participate in the battle?

However... looking at the giant beast on the other side of the portal, a fire ignited in his heart.

Giant beast? Come and compete with Hulk!

He took off his coat and nodded to Wu Yuyu.

Then, a hint of green appeared on his face, and the whole person jumped into the portal in front of him.

""Roar! Hulk! Smash!"

When Banner landed behind the beast, he had already transformed into the Hulk.

He grabbed the protrusion behind the beast and climbed to the top of the beast's head.

He punched down hard.


With a huge wail, the beast died instantly and fell to the ground.

Hulk took the opportunity to jump onto the flying machines of other Chitauri.

Jump, punch, jump... Repeatedly, each jump means that an unlucky guy is going to lose his life.

"Guys, it's time for us to perform, we can't let the big guy steal the limelight!"

Tony blew the whistle and moved to Wu Yuyu's side.

"Please help me open the door."

"Of course, no problem."

Uroyu stretched out his hand and many portals appeared in an instant.

In one of the portals, the armors placed in Tony's house rushed out one after another, directly forming an army of one person, covering with firepower, and clearing out the Chitauri minnows.

In the other portals.

The combat team led by Yelena and Antonia appeared on the battlefield.

With the help of spider silk, they came to the Chitauri single-person aircraft and cleared the Chitauri soldiers in the air in the same way as Hulk.

When another giant beast appeared.

In the portal next to Uroyu, several magic whips appeared and tightly wrapped around it.

Then, Wanda's hands glowed red and squeezed hard.

The giant beast was killed instantly.

"Where did you find a target for training? He's quite suitable as an opponent for a magic apprentice."

Modo led a large number of apprentices out of the portal.

Without his command, many apprentices gathered in twos and threes and attacked the Chitauri in the sky.

At the same time, a phantom passed by Wanda. All the Chitauri on the phantom's route were killed by unknown attacks. Until they died, they didn't see who killed them.

Wu Yuyu shrugged, and his mental power covered the entire field, so that if someone on their side made a serious mistake, they could immediately launch support.

"Now, that reindeer with the stick in the back. He recruited these people, Thanos's men."

"Thanos? The Mad Titan?"

Mordo threw out a magic gear and cut the third beast in the sky in half.

Hearing Thanos' name, he immediately became alert.

"Is he here too?"

Wu Yuyu launched several attacks and saved the magic apprentice who didn't pay attention to his back.

In their grateful eyes, he turned his head and looked to the other side.

"With the Venerable and the God King here, he dared not come here in person. These minions were just his tests."

Poor Loki still thought Thanos was so powerful.

He never thought that if he was really that powerful, why didn't he dare to come through the wormhole?

He stretched out his hand and pinched it.

The giant beast that rushed to Natasha turned into a pile of debris.

For those of them who didn't have strong means of attack, it was obviously difficult for them to deal with the giant beast.

"That's right, the Mad Titan can't cause any trouble here."

Thinking of the existence of Ancient One, Mordo no longer worried about the existence of Thanos, and concentrated on clearing the enemies in the sky.........

"Loki! Is this what you wanted?

Thor knocked Loki to the ground with a punch, lifted his head, and pointed his hammer at the Chitauri army that was constantly destroying the city.

"Under their destruction, even if you can control this planet, all you get is a ruin. Is that really what you want?"

Loki's pupils shrank for a while, but he quickly regained his composure.

A disdainful smile appeared on his face.

"Although what you said makes sense, it's too late..."


A knife stabbed Thor's kidney.

I don't know why Loki always likes to stab people's kidneys. He did it before in Jotunheim, and now he does it when facing Thor. He is always trying to stab people's kidneys.

He doesn't have the demeanor of a wizard at all.

The severe pain made Thor loosen the hand that restrained Loki and pushed him away.

Loki jumped and landed on the Chitauri aircraft that passed by them.

He disappeared in front of Thor in an instant.


Thor pulled out the knife stuck in his waist, covered the wound, and looked helplessly at the direction where Loki left.

He held the Meowth Hammer in his hand, swung it, and the whole person instantly soared into the sky.

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