After a"satisfactory" dinner, Thor carried Loki in one hand and the equipment containing the Cosmic Cube in the other hand and came to a remote corner.

"See you next time, buddy."

He waved to Wu Yuyu and the others, recalled his beloved Meow Hammer, and twisted the device in his hand at the same time as Loki.

With a flash of light, the two of them disappeared in an instant.

"Just let them take the Cosmic Cube away like this?"

Wu Yuyu retracted his gaze towards the sky, turned his head to look at Fury beside him, and raised his eyebrows.

"What? Want to make a wormhole to welcome other troops again?"

Fury's face darkened.

It sounded like he was a traitor. He took a deep breath to calm his depression.

It seemed that he couldn't get the Cosmic Cube back...

His eyes were fixed on the staff in Wu Yuyu's hand. He didn't need to have any illusions about it, because Wu Yuyu would not give it to him.

It must be said that Fury had a very clear understanding of Wu Yuyu's temperament.

He didn't even mention the idea of wanting the Mind Gem Scepter.

This also successfully allowed him to avoid a wave of verbal attacks.

No ideas = no need to suffer verbal attacks = no discomfort = no life loss ≈ life extension.

The equation was established. Fury, who didn't propose any ideas, successfully extended his life by a few years.

Fury should be happy!

Wu Yuyu, who was standing in front of him, saw that he had not responded to his inquiries, but had been staring at the scepter in his hand.

"Don't think about it."With a flip of his hand, the scepter disappeared instantly.

"I won't give it to you, and I won't lend it to you, lest you come up with something weird again."

Turning to Tony, he looked at the harmonious city.

"How does it feel to successfully protect this planet?"

Hearing this question, everyone turned their heads and followed Wu Yuyu's gaze.

Looking at the traffic coming and going on the street, and the people on both sides of the street filled with smiles……

"Very good."

It is undeniable that although they have experienced a 'difficult' battle, looking at the harmonious city at this moment, they really feel healed in their hearts.

Especially Natasha, her eyes are hazy at this moment, and I don't know what she is thinking.……........

A few days later, in the Kamar-Taj library,

Wu Yuyu was reading the information about the Reality Stone when she suddenly received a call.

"Two Steves?"

Wu Yuyu was stunned. Just as he was about to say something, a portal opened in front of him.

Looking at the Ancient One on the other side of the portal, and Banner's soul

"I think I know what you're talking about. Wait a minute.……"

Asking Natasha on the other end of the phone to wait for a moment, Wu Yuyu stepped through the portal and came to the side of the Ancient One.

The New York Temple, the Ancient One, Banner's soul, and the Hulk's body.

These four are connected together, and Wu Yuyu's heart is filled with infinite complaints.

Did they come at the wrong time?

Or did the butterfly's wings flutter, causing the battle to end a little earlier.

Not surprisingly, it should be the latter.

And... they should not be the Avengers on his timeline.

Looking at Banner's unfamiliar eyes, Wu Yuyu made this judgment in his heart.

""Your Excellency."

He bowed to Gu Yi, stretched out his hand, and pushed.

Banner returned to his body instantly.

Ignoring Banner's confused expression, he stretched out his hand to draw a portal and walked straight in.

"Hello, can you tell me what's going on?……"

Banner looked at Ancient One, then at the portal that was about to close. He hurriedly nodded goodbye to Ancient One, and then successfully entered the portal at the last second before it closed.

Ancient One put his hands behind his back, his eyes lingered on the place where the two disappeared, and he didn't know what he was thinking.........

A few minutes later, in Tony's villa, two Tonys, two Banners, two Steves and one Scott sat face to face.

To be honest, this scene reminded Wu Yuyu of a game called Lianliankan.

Except for Scott, the other three pairs should be connected in the middle and eliminated directly!

Unfortunately, he was not in the game world.

"Are you really back from the future?"

Tony, who looked much older than himself, felt a headache. He hadn't figured out the Chitauri's technology yet, and now his future self was in front of him again. Why were there more and more messed up things?

(To distinguish them, Tony, who came back from Avengers 4, was renamed Stark.)

Stark leaned back on the familiar sofa and glanced at Wu Yuyu.

"I was sure we were from the future, but now... I'm not sure anymore."

The disappearance of Strange, the New York that had not experienced the Chitauri invasion, and the disappearance of Hydra.

All of this reminded them that the world they were in now was not the past they thought it was.

"I may be able to give you an explanation for this."

Wu Yuyu stopped playing connect-the-dots, clapped his hands, and drew everyone's attention to himself.

He drew a thick line from the void.

Pointing at the line, he looked at everyone,"You can think of this line as the timeline of this world. Then……"

From this thick line, several thin lines were pulled out.

While operating, he explained to everyone

"For example, after Thanos had the idea of collecting gems, many possibilities would arise - he was beaten to death after collecting some, he was beaten to death before he collected all, he was beaten to death after snapping his fingers... and so on."

Why were they all beaten to death?"

Everyone listened to Wu Yuyu's narration, and their mouths twitched constantly.

However, they understood Wu Yuyu's words.

It was nothing more than saying that the emergence of each key idea might lead to the emergence of different timelines.

And they were just one of the many timelines.……

"Ok, let's put aside the timeline for now. Can you lend us the time, space, and mind gems?"

Scott didn't want to hear about the timeline anymore. Now he just wanted to take the three gems back to their world, and then... save all the people who left!

Wu Yuyu smiled, and suddenly retracted his smile as their eyes gradually brightened.

"No way."

After hearing Wu Yuyu's response, Scott instantly wanted to grow bigger and beat him to death.

"Calm down if you don't want to swim in the lava."

Before Scott could launch his attack, Wu Yudama stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, Scott was hung above the lava, and the atmosphere in the room instantly became tense.

It can be seen from the fully armed Stark and the future Captain America holding the shield.

"Why are you so nervous? Sit down first."

Wu Yuyu looked at the two people's actions and stretched out his hand to press them lightly.

In an instant, the two felt a strong pressure, forcing them to sit back on the sofa.

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