The three stood above the accident scene, looking down at the chaos below.

"This DJ is pretty exciting. Are all assassins like this now? They even play background music while working."

After hearing Wu Yuyu's complaints,

Mordo and the other two on the side glanced at him speechlessly. They didn't understand why his perspective was always so strange....It's hard to judge.

Shouldn't the focus now be on the killer?

This is a killer!

"Another protagonist is coming!"

After hearing what Wu Yuyu said, the two turned their attention back to the scene.

They just happened to see Daredevil jumping down from the opposite building.

"Isn't this from last time?"

"Do you know him? Do you need help?"

Seeing that Mordo seemed to know the strange guy wearing a mask.

Casillas' palm began to flash.

He was ready to take action to get rid of the guy on the motorcycle.

He had never seen such a strange person who killed people and listened to the BGM!

Mordo shook his head.

"I don't know him, but I saw him committing a crime last time with Wu Yuyu. He is a vigilante."

Wu Yuyu nodded.

It means that Mordo is right. It is also the second time he has seen this person.

Hearing what the two said,

Casillas immediately lost interest in attacking. He is not someone he knows.

He is not that kind-hearted...

During the conversation between the three, the situation in the field began to change.

Seeing that the dart he threw was easily dodged by Daredevil,

"Missed? I never miss!"

Bullseye couldn't accept this result.

In previous operations, no matter it was a writing pen, a paper clip, or even a playing card, anything that flew out of his hand would hit the target accurately.

Without exception!

But now, an exception appeared.

Looking at Daredevil in front of him, Bullseye's expression gradually became ferocious.

He twisted the accelerator hard.

With a violent roar, he drove the motorcycle towards Daredevil... and then was kicked to the ground by Daredevil.

What's more, he was able to take Daredevil's"crutch" into his hand while flying backwards.

"That's so sloppy.……"

Although I have seen this scene before.

But when I saw it again in real life, I couldn't help showing an expression of subway, old people, and mobile phones.

A shooter who insisted on close combat with the enemy.

An Asura whose weapon could be stolen by others. Even if the operation of the bullseye was planned by him, it was a bit too funny for a"little superman" with enhanced five senses, oh, four senses, to have his weapon stolen by others...

Looking at Mordo and the other person beside him, he found that their expressions were not much different from his own. Obviously, he was also"shocked" by the scene in front of him.

"I'll join in the fun!"

Wu Yuyu, who hadn't asked his brothers to borrow money for a long time, was a little itchy by the battle scene in front of him.

He said something casually and rushed to the battlefield...

At this time, Daredevil, who saw his weapon flying in front of him and failed to stop it in time, could only watch it gradually approach his father-in-law.


In the eyes of Bullseye, Erica helpless, Daredevil, well Daredevil 'has no' eyes.

(Natsios: Well, I don't deserve a name.)

A flash of light passed.

The weapon flying towards Natsios disappeared instantly.

""Puff!" Bullseye groaned as he felt the pain in his shoulder. He turned his head stiffly. His eyes were full of disbelief. He didn't understand how this thing could appear behind him.

"Bingo! Bullseye!"

In the eyes of everyone, Wu Yuyu said the classic quote of Bullseye.

Looking at this mysterious figure,

Bullseye's eyes were full of fear.

He didn't notice when this person appeared in front of him.

Daredevil struggled to get up.

"Were you from that time?"

"It seems you heard it. Yes, it was me. I said we would meet again."

His eyes were fixed on Bullseye, and then he waved his hand casually.

""Okay, let's go, it's my turn next!"

After saying that, he drew a circle and sent Daredevil and the father and daughter on the other side away.

He didn't give them a chance to speak.

Compared with Matt, a disabled person, Bullseye on the opposite side attracted his interest more.

Although he said so much in a long-winded way.

But the actual time was only a few seconds.

Looking at Bullseye who seemed particularly irritable because all the targets of the action had disappeared,

Wu Yuyu tapped his forehead.

"I heard that your darts never miss. How about it? Want to try aiming here?"

Wu Yuyu's mocking face made Bullseye forget his fear of him instantly.

He endured the pain in his shoulder, straightened a paper clip and threw it at Wu Yuyu's forehead.


The familiar pain...

Bullseye looked at the paper clip stuck in his other shoulder, and without any hesitation, he turned around and ran!

""Tsk tsk."

Looking at Bullseye who turned back from time to time to check his position,

Wu Yudama smacked his lips.

Today he wanted to try something different.

"Shatter it, mirror flower and water moon!"

Be careful! Don't forget the signature move!

Then, swing the blade in your hand towards the figure fleeing at the target's eye.

"One of the five senses, touch!"

Accompanied by Wu Yuyu's action,

Bullseye's sense of touch disappeared instantly.

This also caused his fleeing figure to suddenly stagnate and fall heavily on the road!


Wu Yuyu came closer and took a deep breath when he saw the miserable state of Bullseye. He closed his eyes reluctantly.

Under the friction of the road, the skin and flesh of Bullseye's knees, palms, cheeks and other parts had been worn away.

Bone spurs were seen on his elbows that were trying to relieve the force.

Not to mention the two shoulders that were already injured.

This tragic scene was indeed beyond Wu Yuyu's expectations.

He didn't expect that the disappearance of a single sense could cause such a big chain reaction.

"What on earth did you do to me!"

Seeing Bullseye still yelling at him with full energy.

Wu Yuyu blinked and sighed in his heart.

Marvel people's physique is really good!

Not afraid of pain at all!

Then he swung the blade in his hand again

"The second of the five senses is sight!"...

""The fifth of the five senses, taste!"

As all five senses disappeared, Bullseye felt that he had fallen into a void.

He could only feel his own existence, and nothing else.

I don't know how long it took.……

"devil...He is the devil..."

The police officer next to him felt a headache as he looked at Bullseye, who was hiding in the corner and acting nervous.

He was the only one at the scene of the accident.

But in this situation, he couldn't conduct any questioning at all...

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