Although he felt that his ability to choose delicious food was questioned, the next second, seeing Barton taking down two more spaceships, Tony gave up the idea of arguing and turned to another direction.

It would not be too late to prove himself after the battle.

He casually shot out two rays and caught up with the number of kills that Barton had pulled away.

"Three, four……"

"Four, five……"

The number of kills by the two began to rise alternately.

Wu Yuyu listened to the alternating counting sounds in his ears, and his hands were ready to move.

"Or... take me with you?"


Just as she made a suggestion, it was ruthlessly rejected by the two contestants in the next second.

What's the point of competing if Wu Yuyu gets involved? It's better to just admit defeat.

Natasha couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth when she heard the two people speaking in unison.

After dodging the attack of the enemy spacecraft, she shot down the spacecraft that attacked her with a series of"da da da".

"Go and deal with Ronan. Aren’t you bullying them by participating in this kind of competition?"


Although what Natasha said was correct, Tony and the others did not want to get involved in this topic.

The communication channel fell silent for a moment.

"All right, you guys play, I'll go check on Ronan."

Wu Yuyu felt that he was being excluded, and he 'grieved' and swept away a large number of spaceships, then snorted and set off to the largest spaceship.

"……Fortunately, I didn't agree to let him participate."

Tony looked at the large gap created by Wu Yuyu and was very grateful.

And Patton, taking advantage of the moment when Tony was stunned, secretly added two to his kill count, and then said:"Indeed... twelve, thirteen."


Turning his head to look at Patton who was still"secretly" increasing the points, he was immediately furious.

"Hey, sneaking away is not what a superhero should do!"

As he said this, he increased the output power and destroyed four spaceships in one breath.


Then, their communication channel fell silent again. Apart from the occasional voices of the two counting, there was no other sound.……........

"Wow, is that also Nova Corps equipment? It looks pretty good. I'll grab it from him when I get a chance!"


"Yes, yes! I know we are in a battle now, and I don't need you to remind me."

Rocket looked at Tony and the other two who were killing people everywhere, moved the joystick, shot down the spaceship that wanted to attack him, and then set off for Ronan's spaceship.

Although he didn't have time now, and it was not convenient to backstab his comrades.

But... who said that you can't knock a comrade after the battle?

What bad thoughts could a little raccoon have? He just wanted to enrich his arsenal.

Tony, who was in the battle, felt a chill on his back, as if something bad was going to happen.

He looked around.

There was nothing he found.

So he continued to compete with Patton.........

"Hey, who are you?"

As soon as Rocket and his crew arrived at the spaceship, they saw a smiling Wu Yuyu.

Without saying anything, he picked up the bazooka.

If Wu Yuyu didn't explain in time, he would take a few rockets from him!

"Tsk tsk, it's better not to point such a dangerous thing at others easily."

Wu Yuyu took a step forward, instantly passed Quill and others, and came to the front of the rocket.

Ignoring his angry eyes, he stretched out his hand and gently pressed the rocket launcher down.

"Damn it, what on earth did you do to me! And you guys, what are you doing standing there!?"

Looking at the nearby Wu Yudama, Rocket was so anxious that his hair almost exploded.

No matter how hard he tried, the finger on the trigger could not exert force.

To be precise, except for the head, all other parts of his body were out of his control.


After hearing Rocket's command, Groot tilted his head, came to the front of the black feather jade, stretched out his hand, and a small flower slowly bloomed.

Gamora on the side also stopped the others who wanted to take action.

"Groot... Mmmmm!"

Feeling that Rocket was a little noisy, Wu Yuyu pinched Rocket's mouthpiece and manually muted his microphone.

Feeling her ears quiet, Wu Yuyu looked at the small flower Groot handed her,"Is this for me? Thank you.""


After receiving a positive answer, Wu Yuyu took the flower.

He added countless magics to it and put it in his arms solemnly.

Then he looked down at Rocket.

"I will let you go, no swearing, no violence, it's a deal~"

After accepting the gift, he couldn't hold Rocket's mouth tightly.

He made three rules.

All restrictions on Rocket were lifted.

"You and I……"

Through the communication between Groot and the man in front of him, Rocket could also feel that the man in front of him had no ill intentions.

But that didn't mean that he could pinch his mouthpiece at will!

He! Was! Not! A! Pet!

After grinding his teeth, Rocket became more and more angry. He jumped and pounced on Wu Yudama.

If he didn't curse or use violence, he could at least use his mouth.

The next second...

In full view of everyone, a little raccoon died quietly.

The way of death was - social death


Looking at Rocket, who was hanging in the air with his limbs struggling while being pinched by the back of his neck by Uroyuki,

Quill couldn't help but make a sound that would kill Rocket.

His limbs and tail all hung down, as if his throat was being strangled by fate.

Looking at Quill, whose shoulders were shaking even though he turned around, Gamora, who was trying hard to control the corners of her mouth, and the other two guys with thick nerves,

Rocket suddenly felt that it would be nice to die like this... No way!

"You bastard! I want to fight you in a duel!"

After another round of fierce struggle, after Wu Yuyu let go of his hand, Rocket quickly picked up his weapon and prepared to fight Wu Yuyu to the death.’

"Someone is here to welcome us. Let's fight after we get this spaceship. OK~"

Wu Yuyu looked at the nebula getting closer and closer, and soothed Rocket's emotions like coaxing a child.

"……All right then."

Rocket seemed to feel that his response was too weak, and bared his teeth,"After we kill these people, prepare to be blown to pieces by me!"

"Yes, yes~"

Karayu stood up straight and turned to look at Gamora.

"Your sister is here, can you handle it?"

"Don't worry." Gamora confidently pulled out her gun.

"That's good."

Uroyuki nodded and patted Groot on the shoulder.

Then they could go find Ronan without any worries.

The fact was just as she said.

Under the watch of several of them.

In the 1v1 situation, although Gamora spent some effort, she still solved Nebula.

And then, it was their real goal.

The door to the main cabin of the spacecraft opened, and Quill and Drax took action directly to solve the soldiers standing next to Ronan.

As for Ronan...

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