Next, no matter whether Wu Yuyu threatened or begged, the movement of closing the laboratory door did not slow down at all.


The two researchers inside really did not intend to let him participate in the experiment.

After all, no matter what.

It is very inconsistent to see a metaphysical person in a scientific experiment.

The same is true in reverse.

For example, when Tony was punishing evil, he raised his hand, but what shot out was not a missile, but a magic attack.

Well... that picture was a little strange.

As for why it was not very strange?

That's because there is such a person in a parallel world.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Wu Yuyu.

No matter how reasonable the reason is, it can't alleviate the damage to his young heart!

At least a month of delicious food.

Otherwise, be prepared to face his"wrath".

"When the time comes, I will turn you into grasshoppers and spidermen, and then build a bonfire next to you.……"

Thinking of the delicacies that he had only heard of before.

Wu Yuyu took a final glance at the laboratory in front of him, turned around and left with a strange laugh.

This time, if they don't pay for their lives with delicacies, then he'll just have to try those delicacies reluctantly...

I just don't know if this mutation is edible.

If it's roasted a little longer, it should... be fine.........

At this moment, the two people in the laboratory did not know that they were already on Wu Yuyu's menu.

"Start the instrument over there and observe the parameters."

Tony instructed Peter while continuously collecting parameters with the instrument in his hand.

Learning new knowledge or something like that, it was enough to have a break, and he didn't need to spend extra time

"There are parameters……"Peter began to operate on the screen,"What we did just now, will it really not make Mr. Wu Yudama angry?" Although it was very cool when he threw it, he couldn't help but feel scared after he came to his senses.

"What is there to be angry about?"

Tony paused for a moment.

Apparently, Peter was not the only one who was both inexperienced and playful.

He was very familiar with Wu Yuyu's character. He had no doubt that as long as there was a chance, they would be retaliated by a petty person.

Even if there was no chance, that person would create it.

But... it was already fun, so it didn't matter if they were retaliated, right?

"Keep going, forget about that guy for now."

Tony continued what he was doing.

Perhaps with the results of the experiment, a petty person would not retaliate against them.

Thinking of this,

Tony became more determined to complete the experiment.

It is just like the old saying - pressure brings motivation.........

In the distant Asgard, Odin's health seems to be getting worse day by day.

Moreover, he is now very sleepy. He sleeps much longer every day than before.

"There shouldn't be any problem. Maybe it's just a reminder that it's time for me to retire."

Odin didn't take this situation to heart. Under the worried eyes of Frigga and Thor, he showed a relaxed smile on his face.

"Don't worry, father. I will protect this country and will never let it be invaded by any country."

He said this as if he couldn't wait for Odin to retire.

In other words, Odin and Frigga knew his mind better.

If it were a more suspicious king, he would have arrested Thor long ago and tortured him to confirm whether he was poisoned.

Odin glanced at Frigga, then turned to look at Thor and said very seriously:"I'm waiting to see your next move."

In other words, as long as Thor doesn't cause any accidents in the next period of time, then the next God King of Asgard will definitely be him.

But... if there are no accidents, is he still Thor?

Even if it is really a coincidence that Thor didn't cause any accidents, as his younger brother, Loki would naturally"accidentally" create some accidents.

Although Loki didn't hear the conversation in the room at this time, Odin's thoughts were very easy to guess.

There was no other option.

"So, you will definitely choose Thor, and you can only choose Thor."

Loki strolled around Asgard with a relaxed and comfortable look in his eyes.

It was as if he had successfully taken charge of the country and was inspecting his territory.........

"Thanos, how long do you say it will take? I can't wait any longer.……"

Deep in the universe, a hoarse voice suddenly appeared beside a big purple potato.

The big purple potato, that is, Thanos in the voice, slowly opened his eyes from the throne.

"The most perfect fruit always needs time to grow. Haste will result in the fruit not tasting so good."

After talking for a long time, Big Purple Potato did not respond directly.

And that voice did not seem to have the idea of continuing to ask questions, and did not say a second sentence.

This space fell into deathly silence again.

Big Purple Potato's eyes flashed a strange light, but it was quickly covered by the drooping eyelids.

It seemed that he did not really regard the person just now as an ally.........

"Can't you go out for a walk? What's it like to stay in my office every day!"

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Lu Dan has almost become the 'Fuck Man'.

Since Carol came back, he has stayed in his office almost every day.

That's fine, it's not a big deal.

The most important thing is that she always likes to hold a ginger cat in her arms.

Whenever Fury raises his head, he subconsciously touches his eyes covered by the eye patch.

"The technology here is too backward, there is nothing to see, why not play with Mimi, don't you think~"

The last sentence was obviously not said to Lu Dan.

She was called back early, but she was not allowed to kill the enemy.

There was no other way, she could only use this method to take a small revenge on a certain Lu Dan.

And Fury was also very clear about Carol's thoughts.

But he knew it clearly.

He really couldn't allow Carol to break into the enemy's base alone.

""Tsk~ Go play with uncle, he will buy you some dried fish~"

In front of her old friend, Carol was very relaxed, otherwise she wouldn't have made such a joke.

Looking at Fury's gesture of both resistance and welcome,

Carol's mouth corners slightly raised.

She was not a reckless man, how could she not see Fury's thoughts.

But this did not affect her"revenge" on Fury, right?........

"Tsk~ What a pity."

After returning to Kamar-Taj, Wu Yuyu was surprised to find that Strange was already able to use the portal.

This made him very sad~

How could Strange become a qualified wizard without experiencing the baptism of cold and snow?

Looking at Strange who was excitedly drawing one portal after another,

Wu Yuyu secretly thought.

Should he"help" him with the baptism?

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