Faced with Jin Bing's generosity,

Wu Yudama was unable to refuse the kindness, so he had to let Jin Bing transfer a large sum of money to his bank card with great difficulty.

Looking at the several digits in the bank card that suddenly increased,

Wu Yudama patted his chest, saying that Jin Bing would be one of his many good brothers from now on!

(Many good brothers on the streets of New York: Yes, yes, your good brothers are there to"borrow" money, right!)

At the same time, he told Jin Bing that if he encountered any difficulties in the future, he could just tell him without worry.

Well... he listened, but he didn't say that he would help Jin Bing solve it.

Jin Bing also heard this.

Holding a cigar in his mouth, he looked out the window, not knowing what he was thinking...

Seeing that Jin Bing didn't want to pay any attention to him at all,

Wu Yudama shrugged.

"Thank you for your generosity. I will leave now. Don't miss me too much~"

After saying that, he picked up the mirror flower and water moon from the ground and carried it on his shoulder, then walked downstairs in a swagger.

Soon he disappeared.

"Sir, do you want to find some superpowers?……"

After Wu Yuyu completely disappeared,

Wesley, who had been"invisible" beside him, took two steps forward and stood behind Kingpin.

Although he didn't finish his words, his meaning was very clear.

He wanted to hire a superpower to get rid of Wu Yuyu...

Kingpin exhaled a long breath and blew away the smoke in front of his face.

He wanted to do so.

But as for Wu Yuyu, he really couldn't figure out where this person came from.

"This matter ends here. Don't provoke this person for the time being."

Jin Bing turned around and looked at the bruises on Wesley's throat.

He waved his hand and asked him to deal with his injuries first.

Hearing Jin Bing's words, Wesley subconsciously reached out and touched his throat


At this time, in a coffee shop outside the Fisk Building,

Wu Yuyu looked at the coffee cup in his hand. He frowned and put it on the table.

He really couldn't enjoy the taste of pure coffee. He turned his head to look at the busy streets outside, put the money under the coffee cup, stood up and walked out of the coffee shop.

"He is indeed my good brother.……"

Jin Bing might never think of it.

Everything he just saw was just an illusion created by Wu Yuyu for him...

Well... maybe he has already guessed it?

He casually opened a portal.

Jin Bing had already seen this side, so he had to meet the protagonist on the other side.........

With the ringing of the welcome bell on the door,

Karen looked at Wu Yuyu who came in from outside the door and stood up to greet her.

"Hello, welcome to the law firm of Nelson and Murdoch. Do you have an appointment?"

Wu Yuyu looked around the law firm in front of him, which was not very big but decorated very warmly. He told Karen that he came to see Attorney Matt and did not make an appointment.

Hearing that Wu Yuyu did not have an appointment, Karen spread her hands and said,"I'm so sorry. Attorney Matt is currently participating in a case in court. If you don't mind, you can leave your contact information and I'll contact you when he comes back?"

Wu Yuyu certainly knew that Matt was not in the law firm now.

According to his detection, Matt and his partner Nelson were still on their way back to the law firm.

Looking at Karen who was still waiting for his reply,

Wu Yuyu smiled politely.

"Lawyer Matt will be back soon. Do you mind if I wait for him here for a while?"

Although it was unclear why the man in front of him knew that Matt was about to return,

Karen, who knew that the customer was God, responded quickly.

She swung her arm horizontally and guided Wu Yuyu to sit at the reception table.

After asking Wu Yuyu's preferences, she quickly brought a glass of water.


Just at this moment, the welcome bell at the door rang again.

Wu Yuyu looked at Karen in front of her with a smile,"It seems that our lawyer Matt has returned."

Karen saw that it was Matt who walked in from outside the door. She looked at Wu Yuyu with a strange look.

Then she walked quickly towards Matt.

Ignoring Nelson's strange look, she put her head close to Matt's ear and whispered,"Matt, there's a strange guest in the law firm.……"

After listening to Karen's description,

Matt patted her shoulder comfortingly, and then, under her guidance, came to Wu Yuyu's side. His strong skills gave him the confidence to face any situation.

Let him see how strange the strange guest Karen mentioned was!

"Hello, I'm Matt. How can I help you?"

Looking at Matt who stretched out his right hand to him,

Wu Yuyu felt a little proud in his heart.

No wonder he could attract so many young ladies.

His appearance was only a little worse than his.~

︿( ̄︶ ̄)~

He stretched out his right hand and shook Matt's hand.

He said meaningfully,"It's our first meeting. Nice to meet you, Attorney Matt."

Hearing this voice,

Matt's hand shook unconsciously, which was just noticed by Wu Yuyu.

He knew that Matt had recognized him.

Wu Yuyu smiled and stretched out his hand to help Matt pull the chair away.

"Please take a seat. Don't feel awkward. Just treat this place as your own home!"

This move of turning the tables really made Matt and the other two feel like they were in trouble.


If you didn't know, you would think that Wu Yuyu in front of them was the owner of the law firm, and they were here to do business! He sorted out his emotions.

Then he stretched out his hand and waved it back.

After Karen and the other two walked away, Matt 'looked' at Wu Yuyu. He lowered his voice and said,"Sir, why are you here?"

Looking at Matt's cautious and tentative look,

Wu Yuyu took a sip of water.

"I just came to see you. Did you encounter any danger after I sent you away last night?"

Sure enough!

Matt knew that the mysterious man in front of him had seen through his hidden identity, so he no longer thought about hiding it.

"Thanks to your help yesterday, we were all relatively safe."

"When I sent them to a safe place and rushed back to the scene, I found that the scene was surrounded by police cars. In the end, the case was also closed as a car accident.……"

Hearing this result, Wu Yudama nodded without surprise.

It can be seen from the fact that Bullseye's ward was not blocked by the police... It is impossible for ordinary police officers to find out the truth of a case involving Jin Bing. It would be almost the same if it was a certain logistics support bureau.

"Um...Excuse me, do you know who sent the assassin yesterday?"

Matt's question interrupted his train of thought.

It seems that Natsios did not tell the truth.

Thinking of this, Wu Yuyu couldn't help but show an interested look...

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