'Is it daybreak already? This visualization method is really magical. Although I haven't slept all night, I feel more energetic than if I had slept! And……’

As if sensing something, Wu Yuyu closed his eyes again. He carefully recalled the fleeting feeling just now.

With his efforts, the surrounding environment slowly emerged in his mind.

‘It's only the first day, and you can already explore the surrounding environment? This visualization method must have evolved to the ultimate level! '

Although the picture in his mind is still very blurry, and the range is only one meter in radius.

But Wu Yuyu is very excited. As long as he can see the results of his hard work, then the rest is just a matter of hard work. Who is not a hard worker?

"It's almost time to study."

The reminder from outside the door interrupted Wu Yuyu's thoughts of continuing to study.

The person who came was Mordo. He looked at Wu Yuyu who pushed the door open, especially around his eyes, and did not see any dark circles.

"It seems that knowing the existence of magic has not affected your rest."

After Wu Yuyu walked out of the room, he stretched his arms and kicked his legs. He was quite surprised that he could still walk after sitting cross-legged all night. I think it was also the credit of the golden finger.

Then he heard Mordo's somewhat obscure ridicule, and curled his lips in disdain.

"It's just magic."

Well... if he was cremated, his mouth would definitely be the last thing besides the ashes.

If it weren't for the book in his mind, how could he have rested so well.

But Mordo, who didn't know the truth, really believed in Wu Yuyu's evil, thinking that he was a big-hearted person.........

As they talked, the two came to the square where Strange practiced magic in the play.

Wu Yuyu waved to Mordo and walked towards the group of apprentices in the square.

"Mysticism has existed since the birth of civilization. Long ago, the venerables called this language mantra.……"

As Ancient One explained, Wu Yuyu gradually understood the principle of Kamar-Taj magic.

Simply put, Kamar-Taj magic is to borrow energy from other dimensions, and then use the borrowed energy through spells.

But this raises the first problem. Let's not talk about whether an outsider like him can borrow energy from the local"gangs".

What if when he borrows energy, those local"gangs" use him to locate the little broken ball...

That scene is too bad.

Thinking of this, Wu Yuyu decided……

‘Wai wai wai, is my dear author here? '

Yes, Wu Yudama, who was undecided, decided to throw out the question directly.

Since someone had a way to send him here, he must be able to answer his doubts.

Not long after, a familiar will came again...

After understanding Wu Yudama's concerns, he said that these were not a problem, and he could just do it without worry.

‘Then I feel relieved... So, what is the purpose of sending me here? Wrong? Wrong?! Are you pretending to be dead again! '

Feeling the sudden disappearance of the will in his mind, Wu Yuyu's head was full of black lines.

It seems that he can't know the truth for the time being, but... he will know it eventually, right?........

While the others were practicing magic, Ancient One walked towards Wu Yuyu.

His eyes swept over many apprentices, and finally stopped at Wu Yuyu thoughtfully, as if he had sensed something.

"Looks like you had a lot of fun last night."

‘Sure enough, none of these big guys are easy to fool……’

Wu Yuyu did not deliberately hide it, and showed Gu Yi what he had gained last night.

"After a whole night of contemplation, I discovered this morning that I can use my mind to perceive the world. As for other uses, the time is too short and I haven't had time to try them out."

Gu Yi felt the mental fluctuations emanating from Wu Yuyu……

"Why not try to change the world in other people's eyes?"

Thinking about Gu Yi's words, which seemed to be a suggestion and hinted at something else,

Wu Yuyu's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had thought of something, and began to try.

‘Illusion? It really is true that an old man in the family is like a treasure. '

Looking at the Eye of Agamotto gradually appearing in his hand, Wu Yuyu's mind instantly appeared many interesting ways to play.

COS Loki stabbing Thor, or COS Carol appearing in front of a jerk.

Just thinking about that scene makes people excited!

"You can't fool everyone."

Looking at Wu Yuyu's eyes that kept rolling, Gu Yi didn't need to think about it. This guy must be thinking of something crooked again.

After pointing out the weakness of his illusion, he turned around and went to instruct other apprentices.

"Magic resist?"

"It seems that the Ancient One has taught you some new knowledge."

Mordo's arrival interrupted Wu Yuyu's thoughts.

He noticed that Mordo's eyes were fixed on the Eye of Agamotto....

Wu Yuyu casually threw the imitation to Mordo.

Looking at Mordo who was motionless and letting the Eye of Agamotto pass through him, Wu Yuyu silently rolled his eyes and turned to walk towards his room.

The good news is that he successfully tapped into the wonderful use of his mental power. The bad news is that his ability is illusion, and he lives in the wizard's nest.

Wu Yuyu:(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

In this situation, it is difficult to find someone to practice (catching) hands (playing) with!........

Two and a half months later

"Shatter, flowers in the mirror and moon in the water!"

As the blade in his hand shattered, Wu Yuyu looked at the few old men who were trapped in the illusion and nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, people with low magic resistance are much easier to control.

During this period of study, Wu Yuyu already knew that he was in 2005 and the Marvel event had not yet gone wild.

In order to survive better in future dangers, after the magic portal was modified, he shamelessly dragged Mordo to find someone to practice in the alleys of New York. That

's how today's action came about.

After taking over all their belongings from the hands of several people.

Under Wu Yuyu's control, several people walked towards the nearest police station.

Mordo, who was on the side, watched Wu Yuyu's operation, came to his side, and looked at Wu Yuyu who was observing the situation in the police station. He turned his head to the other side.

"Your illusion is becoming more and more real. If I don't observe carefully, I will be fooled by you."

As Mordo spoke, in his sight, a ripple suddenly appeared in the empty place.

Another Wu Yuyu slowly appeared in front of him along with the ripples.

Then the two Wu Yuyu came together, looking at the flawless self in front of them, Wu Yuyu casually waved it away.

"No matter how real it is, it can't be hidden from your eyes. Let's go, let's stop here today."

Sensing the resentment hidden in Wu Yuyu's words, Mordo shrugged helplessly.

Wasn't it him who asked to find the flaw?

Now he looks full of resentment, it's really not fun...

Wu Yuyu, who had already walked into the portal, turned around and looked at Mordo behind him with an impatient look.

"If you don't leave, open the portal yourself!"

Hearing Wu Yuyu's urging, Mo Du silently quickened his pace and also walked into the portal with golden sparks.

"Come on, come on, next time I'll pretend I didn't see it……"

Halfway through his words, Mordo suddenly felt a little out of place. Kamar-Taj seemed a little too quiet now. He slowly took off the Living Tribunal Scepter from behind, walked quickly to Wu Yuyu's side, and quietly reminded her.

"I feel something is not right here, be careful."

After a while, Mordo, who did not get a response, felt that something was wrong. He quickly jumped away from the spot and aimed the magic weapon in his hand at Wu Yu Yu, who was still motionless.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Do you need help?"

At this moment, Mordo suddenly froze and slowly lowered his head to look down.

He saw that a dagger had been inserted into his chest at some point...

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