As the dust cleared, the shadow's full appearance was revealed to Wanda and the other three people.

"What is this...?!"

Accompanied by the exclamations of the crowd, a long sword with a mainly golden color and a little black was slowly raised.

The red cloak fluttered in the wind.

The main color is black, with a little golden lines on the edges.

There are two golden tiger claw-like decorations on the left and right shoulders.

Sword King Dragon God - come on!

Looking at the huge mecha in front of her, the red light on Wanda's hand flashed.

Obviously, there was a huge fluctuation in her heart.

Who is a good person who can drive a mecha to spar with others!!!

Look at the knife in the mecha's hand, it is almost 4 or 5 Wandas long!

Let someone run 30 meters first.

Weighing the size difference between herself and the mecha, Wanda suddenly felt that it would be good to end the sparring here.

However, Wu Yuyu, who was in an excited period after finally driving the mecha, how could he let Wanda in front of him go.

Imitating Xiaodu, he held the dragon horn in front of him with both hands.

He operated the Dragon God and waved to Wanda and the three people in the audience.

"Come on, come on, play with me!"

From Wu Yuyu's words, several people felt his excitement.

They knew that this fight had to happen.

Without hesitation, Pietro appeared beside Wanda in an instant, turned his head and asked Wanda beside him

"I didn't expect that we would be fighting side by side now. How do you feel?"

Beside the two of them, a portal slowly opened, and Mordo and the other two walked out of it.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Wanda's light in her hand lit up again, and her body slowly floated into the air.

"How does it feel? You'll know after you fight!"

Wanda took the lead and attacked Wu Yuyu first.

"You're so quick to act, you didn't even wait for me."

Pietro shook his head and disappeared instantly. Before Wanda's attack arrived, he suddenly jumped up and punched... the knee of the Dragon God?

With a"duang" sound, Pietro's body stopped instantly.

Wu Yuyu in the Dragon God helplessly supported his forehead.

This guy is really reckless, now he knows the pain.

He casually dispersed the energy ball shot by Wanda, and then hooked Pietro with his toes.


With a"xiu" sound, Pietro, who was hanging on the toes of the Dragon God, was thrown out directly.

"I will definitely be back!!!"

"Where are you going back to?"

Pietro was flying in the air, and before he could finish his words, he felt that he was caught by someone.

In addition, a voice came to his ear, which made him shudder.


He looked up and saw that it was Casillas with a gloomy face.

This was the third time today that Pietro was defeated because of carelessness.

Even if Mordo was excusable that time, he still had to be taught a lesson for the other two times!

"Practice more! Double!"

Listening to the voice squeezed out of Casillas's teeth, Pietro felt his eyes go dark, and the whole world lost its color.

He casually threw Pietro, who was like a dead fish, to the ground.

Casillas and Mordo looked at each other and drew their weapons at the same time.

After a burst of"ding ding dong dong", the two looked at the intact Dragon God and couldn't help but feel a headache. They couldn't find any flaws at all.

Wanda's situation was similar to theirs. She circled around the Dragon God and didn't cause any effective damage.

Slowly fell beside Mordo and the others.

The three looked at each other, ignoring Wu Yuyu's retention, leaving him with only three indifferent backs.

Determined not to give Wu Yuyu a chance to enjoy!

Wu Yuyu inside the Dragon God slowly retracted Erkang's hand.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't enjoy it!

Anyway, he has already tested the defense of the Dragon God.

Wanda and the other two could only break the skin, which was repaired by him in an instant.

This led them to think that they did not cause any damage.

As for the attack power...

Wu Yuyu's idea moved, and the Dragon God began to move

"Good chance Xiaodu!"


The movement here at Wu Yuyu attracted the attention of Mordo and others.

Looking at the Dragon God behind him, Mordo sighed.

"He didn't take his medicine today?"

Casillas looked at him as if he was an idiot."When did he ever take medicine ?""

"Right, what is he doing, split personality?"

Some people who have not watched this anime did not get the point of Wu Yuyu's conversation at all. They just thought he was doing some new performance art.

Without hearing the conversation, Wu Yuyu transformed the mirror flower and water moon into the shape of the light dragon sword, and then slowly raised it above his head.

Following his action, the Dragon God also raised the sword in his hand above his head.

"Must win!"

""Sword King Ascends the Dragon Sword!"

Wu Yuyu's eyes flashed with excitement. When he was watching this anime, he had imagined the scene of driving the Dragon God.

Although this is just a fake he made, it also satisfied one of his wishes.

One person and one mecha, swung the sword forward in synchronization.

Mordo and others only felt a flash of sword light in front of their eyes, and a sword mark appeared on the ground next to them, extending to the building behind them, dividing it in two.

Then they felt a strong wind pressure coming, blowing them back a few steps.

In a burst of rumbling, the building that was split in two The building slowly collapsed.

Several people looked at the wreckage on the ground, and simultaneously imagined the result of this knife hitting themselves.

It should be bruises all over, right...?

After posing a handsome knife-sheathing posture, the Sword King Dragon God slowly dissipated, revealing the figure of Wu Yuyu.

Feeling the consumption of mental power,

Wu Yuyu nodded with satisfaction. He could release the attack just now for 2 and a half minutes continuously.

In addition to recovery, he can continue to fight for a whole day~!

He cheered himself up a little, and then came to the few people who were staring at the wreckage of the building stupidly.

He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of them.

"Wrong? Come back to your senses!"

The eyes of several people slowly shifted from the wreckage to Wu Yuyu.

Wanda and Pietro were fine, but Mordo and the others were in a complicated mood.

Although they were always teased by Wu Yuyu's illusions before, they didn't have a specific concept of Wu Yuyu's strength.

Today, they felt very intuitively that the ordinary person who knew nothing at the beginning was far more powerful than them.

After unlocking the mirror space, the two looked at each other and left the training ground expressionlessly.

More practice!

Don't let Wu Yuyu fall too far behind!

Pietro looked at the backs of the two inexplicably.

Scratching his head, just about to ask Wu Yuyu what was going on, he felt a hand grabbing his collar from behind.

Disappeared in the portal instantly.

Only Wu Yuyu and Wanda were left staring at each other in bewilderment...

And the one who dragged Pietro away was no one else.

It was Casillas.

His master had to practice more, and Pietro wanted to run away?

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