Wu Yuyu immediately snapped his fingers.

This is what Tony wanted to say.

"I'll find a way to get someone here, and I'll leave the rest to you. After all, this is not your area of expertise, do you want to find an expert to help you?"

Tony's eyes widened when he heard what Wu Yuyu said.

What are you talking about!

What are you talking about!

Isn't this pointing at him and saying that he is not good enough?

Tony has never been questioned so much! He patted his chest and snorted disdainfully.

"Expert? What expert can compare to me, Tony Stark? Just bring her here, I promise to make her sober again!"

Isn't it just another field?

At worst, he can go back and read more books, and then he will be an expert in that field!

At this time, Ethan on the side also raised his hand.

"Well, I have studied medicine, maybe I can help a little."

Tony's eyes lit up when he saw this.

Now he was more confident.

Although he didn't know how good Ethan's medical skills were, he still trusted his brain.

He had verified this before Wu Yuyu came.

If he hadn't been interrupted by Wu Yuyu, he should have extended a recruitment branch to Ethan.

He waved his hand impatiently, urging Wu Yuyu to leave quickly.

"You hurry up and take the person to... my house. Don't disturb me and Ethan while we discuss the treatment plan!"

The plan worked!"

Fireworks were secretly set off in Wu Yuyu's heart.

He had said that on purpose to provoke Tony.

Now not only does he have Tony, but he also has Ethan as a bonus.

A great harvest! A great harvest!

Before leaving, Wu Yuyu raised his hand and waved it in front of Tony

's eyes. An image appeared in front of him.

Tony, who was a little impatient at first, couldn't take his eyes off the image when he saw it.

This color scheme, this appearance.

It's his favorite one no matter how you look at it.

Coupled with the glowing object on the chest of the image...

It should be confirmed for the time being that magic can predict the future...

The appearance of this image made Tony have many speculations in his mind.

At least there is no doubt about one thing.

That is He will wear the armor in front of him in the future.

I just don't know why he came up with this idea?

Or maybe, the fuse that gave rise to this idea can no longer appear in front of him?

That's why Wu Yudama chose to take this as a thank you to him.

Thinking of Wu Yudama's previous words that caused him to misunderstanding, Tony felt that he seemed to have seen the truth...

Wu Yudama didn't expect that such a simple action would make Tony have so many associations.

The combined length is almost as long as half of his personal movie.

Unfortunately, Wu Yudama can't read minds.

Nodding to Ethan who was a little confused, Wu Yudama opened the portal again and turned to walk in.

He was left with only a back view and a sentence.........

"I'll help you solve your trouble. That's what he said, right?"

Ethan nodded in confusion. He didn't encounter any trouble, so he had no idea what Wu Yuyu was referring to.

Tony looked out the window.

He guessed what the trouble was that Wu Yuyu was talking about.

It was nothing more than the terrorists nearby, which was why he was here.

First there was the image of the armor, and then he took the initiative to deal with the terrorists.

It seems that this person hypnotized by drugs is an extraordinary character...

If Wu Yuyu knew what Tony was thinking, he would definitely give him a thumbs up.

Smart people think a lot!

If you take a reading comprehension test, you will definitely get a high score...

With his hands behind his back, he looked at the town below that had not yet experienced the war.

Wu Yuyu turned slightly, stepped on the metal disc, and slowly flew away...

(Magneto: Have you paid me? I'll use my creativity!)

Neither the residents of the town nor the troops that came to encircle and suppress the terrorists noticed that Wu Yuyu had left.

In a certain valley, there were several simple shacks made of wood and rope nets.

Several figures with guns kept walking around these shacks, doing patrol work on the surface. They had no idea what kind of existence they would welcome in their camp.

"It should be here, right?"

Above these terrorists, Wu Yuyu slowly lowered his head and stared at the figures coming and going below.

It was not until a bald man and a big beard appeared in front of him that he was sure that this camp was the target he was looking for.

Just as he was about to take action, an interesting idea came to his mind.

Perhaps, he could play cosplay...

As soon as he said it, Wu Yuyu turned his body and the whole person instantly changed into another look.

The black robe swayed slowly in the wind, dotted with some red clouds.

The figure covered by the robe had short orange hair and a few ripples in his eyes as if he was wearing beauty contact lenses.

On his face, he wore nose studs and ear studs that would be kicked out of the house by his old father-in-law.

But it was this figure like a ghost fire yellow hair that almost destroyed an extremely powerful village.

That's right, Wu Yuyu's image at this moment was exactly the rice carrier who asked people every day to which floor to carry the rice - Tiandao Pain.

After covering this valley with a mirror space, Wu Yuyu's figure slowly appeared in front of the terrorists.

"Hey, look, is there someone in the sky?……"

A patrolling minion happened to notice the appearance of Wu Yuyu, and quickly pulled his companion over and pointed his head in the direction of Wu Yuyu.

"How could there be someone in the sky... There really is someone!"

The two looked at each other to make sure they were not dazzled. They raised their guns hastily and shouted loudly:"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The camp was instantly in chaos.

Countless guns were pointed at the black feather jade in the sky.

""Friend, what are you doing here?"

The bald man raised his hand and did not let his men attack immediately.

He was a little unsure of the origin of the man in front of him.

"How many floors does it take to carry a bag of rice?"


Seeing that his boss didn't understand what he said, the bearded man beside him quickly leaned over to the bald man's ear and said,

"This should be the language of that island country, and it seems to mean to feel pain."

The bald man looked at his subordinate beside him with some surprise. He didn't expect that he could understand the language of that country. Could he secretly watch the teaching video?

But... feeling pain means that the person in front of him is an enemy.

Turning the ring on his finger, the bald man slowly turned around.

"Fire! Shoot down that guy who is playing tricks on me!"

The bearded man instantly understood what his boss meant.

He waved his arm and took the lead in attacking Wu Yuyu.

Amidst the sound of gunfire, the position where Wu Yuyu was was instantly replaced by a ball of blazing fire...

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