Fury held a small pistol and walked around the door of the secret passage for a few times.

He did not find any signs of fighting.

Did the wizard do something?

Fury was sure that Natasha and Barton would not send false information, so the only variable was the Wu Yuyu mentioned in the information.

Not knowing what Wu Yuyu's methods were, Fury did not dare to rush into the passage. He lurked quietly outside the door, waiting for Wu Yuyu and the others to end the battle.

At this moment, a rotating spark suddenly appeared in front of him.

The portal to the mirror space appeared in front of him.

In the portal.

Gun smoke, craters, corpses... all proved the fierceness of the battle.

It was simply impossible to connect with what he had just seen.


Or a parallel space?

Fury was about to step into it when he ran into Barton carrying Rumlow.

It seems to be a parallel space.

‘These wizards are really powerful.

Fury looked at the portal in front of him, his eyes deep, and he was thinking about something.

Maybe he was thinking about how to get Wu Yuyu into his Avengers plan.~


Throwing Rumlow to the ground, Barton pounded his shoulder.

"It's all done. Natasha is copying information inside, but there is no identity information of these people."

Fury was not surprised by this.

How could these people be lurking under his nose for so long, so how could they reveal their identities so easily.

However, he remembered that this location was a laboratory set up when Pierce was in office.

It had been abandoned due to problems with the experiment.

Now it seems that it has not been abandoned, but has been in use.

While Fury was lost in thought, Natasha had completed the information copying.

She dragged Sylvie's foot and pulled him out of the portal.

Of course, Wu Yuyu followed closely behind.

Throwing a small fireball, she came in front of Fury

"l... Director Fury, this seems to be our first formal meeting, but this occasion doesn't seem to be suitable for a conversation." l?

Fury noticed the turning point in Wu Yuyu's words and silently memorized this syllable in his heart.

And, a formal meeting?

It seems that his secret observation last time was discovered.

In his heart, he raised Wu Yuyu's rating again.

Looking at the small fireball in Wu Yuyu's hand.

Fury still had a calm attitude and said in a steady tone:"Nice to meet you, Master Wu Yuyu."

His eyes swept over the two people on the ground,"I hope these people won't leave you with a bad impression of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Wu Yuyu caught the small fireball, held it in front of his eyes, and admired the changes in the flames inside. He didn't pay any attention to the two pieces of fire on the ground.

"They won't make me change my opinion of SHIELD. After all, they are SHIELD, right?"

Fury's eyes suddenly became serious.

This sentence revealed a lot of information!

It seems that the problem of SHIELD is much more serious than he speculated...

Glancing at Fury's reaction, Wu Yuyu continued to play with the little fireball.

"It seems that Director Fury has guessed something."

Fury nodded slightly, his eyes focused on the hand of Wu Yuyu holding the fireball.

""It's just a part of it. Master, would you mind revealing more information?"

He paused.

Wu Yuyu slowly raised his head and suddenly grinned.

"Of course, no problem, but let me take a little revenge first."

Under Fury's gaze, he threw the small fireball into the portal.


Like the roar of the god of death, the scene in the portal instantly turned into a ruin.

A strong wind caused by the explosion gushed out of the portal.

Except for the four people of Wu Yuyu who had already dodged, the remaining two groups turned over several times in this strong wind.

This intensity of explosion...

Fury looked at Wu Yuyu who seemed to be fine, and instantly raised his danger rating to the highest level in his heart.

Unrestrained, vengeful, and powerful.

Three consecutive labels were attached to Wu Yuyu, and Fury subconsciously touched his chest.

Wu Yuyu stretched lazily.

As if with a hint of meaning,"Don't touch her, she is not the strongest on earth, why are you touching her!"

As soon as these words came out, Fury's poker face could no longer be maintained.

Carol's existence gave him the confidence to face all situations.

Now this trump card was directly revealed by Wu Yuyu, and he looked indifferent.

How could he stay calm?

Glancing at Fury,"Don't ask, I won't tell you even if you ask."

This sentence choked Fury, and the color of his face darkened a little.

After unlocking the mirror space, Fury looked at the delta-wing building as if nothing had happened, and his expression returned to calm again.

As for whether his heart was calm, he had to ask himself...

However, such a violent explosion should not have been noticed by no one.

Fury looked around and found that some lines could be vaguely seen in the sky, like pieces of broken glass being pieced together.

Another parallel space?

Fury affirmed Wu Yuyu's cautiousness and said that he was a good candidate for the Avengers.

However, whether his Avengers plan could be successful was another matter.

After all... his background was almost dug up by Wu Yuyu~

Kicking the two lumps on the ground and seeing that they were still breathing, Wu Yuyu turned and looked at Natasha.

"I'm not very good at interrogation.……"

Natasha touched her hair. It was rare that there was something that Wu Yuyu was not good at.

She almost thought that Wu Yuyu was omnipotent.……

"Leave it to Barton and me, we will make him tell us everything about how old he was when he wet the bed and how old he was when he peeped at his neighbor taking a bath."

Wu Yuyu nodded in agreement.

Thinking of Yelena who was still with Tony, he gave Natasha a mysterious smile.

"When this is over, I will give you a gift that will satisfy you!"


Natasha raised her eyebrows in surprise. Is this a gift that satisfies her?

"Then I will keep my expectations~"

At this time, Barton came forward.

With an expectant expression, he looked at Wu Yuyu.

"What about me? Do I have a present too?"


He was ruthless and directly rejected Barton's expectations.

Of course, this was just a joke. Natasha had a gift, so he certainly wouldn't forget to prepare one for Barton.

"You value women over friendship!"

"Don't ruin my reputation. If I say no, it means no!"

"How about I prepare a gift for you?~?"

"No! Karayuki! You better be lying to me!"


The scene of the three people quarreling made Fury feel desolate, and he couldn't fit in with their atmosphere at all.

It was as if he was the outsider...

At this moment, Fury suddenly felt that he shouldn't be here.

He should stay in the office!

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