After watching the drama, Wu Yuyu stayed quietly in Kamar-Taj for a long time.

Mordo felt quite strange about his sudden silence, wondering what had stimulated him.

In fact, Wu Yuyu just felt that he was a little bit floating.

Before he had a reliable way to save his life, he actually followed Daredevil to watch the fun.

Although everyone present was covered by his illusion at that time, he could not guarantee that stray bullets would not hit him. The more he thought about it, the more scared he became.

Finally, he made up his mind that he would not step out of Kamar-Taj again before the development of"Izanagi" was completed!........

After a while, Casillas, who had been missing for a long time, finally walked out of the room.

After Wu Yuyu officially joined Kamar-Taj, he wanted to meet this great man who killed the Ancient One.

But he learned from Mordo that Casillas was developing a magic and rarely walked out of the room.

(A certain author: Look at him, then look at you, he is a qualified developer!

Wu Yuyu: Don't come on, do you think I don't know that the plot is arranged by you?)

Wu Yuyu, since coming to Kamar-Taj, has not only been busy learning new knowledge, but also dragged Mordo to actual combat tests from time to time, which led to the fact that the two have never met.

Here, Casillas, who has completed the development of"Space Blade", found Mordo.

Prepare to test his magic through competition.

(I couldn't find the information, so I made up a name and said it was Casillas's unique magic. If it's not written correctly, I will change it.)

Casillas' invitation to compete is exactly what Mordo wants.

He has been practicing hard for a while, and he was still struggling to find someone to verify the results.

Casillas happened to be here.

The two of them hit it off and immediately opened the mirror space, ready to let go and have a fight.

""Hey, hey, hey, how can you not invite me to such an interesting event?"

A voice from the side instantly crushed the fighting spirit that had just risen in the two men.

Mordo waved his hand impatiently.

"Please stand away, this onlooker!"

Casillas looked at the strange figure with popcorn in one hand and Coke in the other.

He was sure that he had never seen this person before.

And there was no such unreliable person in Kamar-Taj!

But looking at Mordo's reaction, even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to face the fact that this person had become a member of Kamar-Taj.

Seeing that Mordo had already made his stance, Casillas no longer hesitated.

Everything would be clear after the battle.

He put his hands together and pulled, and an illusory blade appeared in his hands.

"Good magic!"

Modu's mouth was full of praise as a magic circle began to light up in his hand.

"This is mine... what are you doing!"

Casillas was about to introduce his masterpiece when Mordo suddenly swung a whip at him.

Mordo swung it hard and threw Casillas into the sky. He chuckled.

He meant that he was teaching him that in a real battle, no one would shout start before attacking.

He casually drew out the magic weapon behind him and jumped above Casillas in a few steps.

He chopped down Casillas with a heavy stick from top to bottom.

"Not slow in reaction."

Seeing that his stick was caught by Casillas with the space blade, Mordo couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

In response to his admiration, Casillas responded with the weapon in his hand.

After dodging the oncoming knife, Mordo also closed his mouth and concentrated on dealing with the attack launched by Casillas.

"Tsk tsk tsk……"

Watching the two fighting back and forth, Wu Yuyu shook his head.

No matter how you look at it, these two people don't look like magicians. If they change their weapons, it doesn't seem to be out of place to shoot a fighting video.

Obviously a magician, but he chose to fight...

The style is really weird.


I stuffed a handful of popcorn into my mouth

"You know what (chew chew chew)... Although (chew chew chew)... it doesn't look like a magician (swallow), it's still pretty good to watch (slurp...gulp gulp), hiccup~~~"

Just as he was about to show off his popcorn, Wu Yuyu was attracted by Mordo's change of tactics.

In his sight,

Casillas was originally preparing to use weapons to catch weapons as before.

Unexpectedly, while Mordo swung the magic weapon, his other hand opened a portal in front of the magic weapon.

This made the attack hit Casillas' back directly instead of being caught by him.


Don't get me wrong, this breath of cold air was not inhaled by Casillas.

There is a kind of pain that hurts just by looking at it.

So, when Casillas was knocked to the ground, Wu Yuyu, who was watching on the side, took a breath of cold air.

I didn't expect that Mordo, who usually keeps quiet, actually has such a trick up his sleeve.

It seems that there is no suspense about the result of this competition.

The fact is just as Wu Yuyu thought.

Casillas, who could originally fight back and forth with Mordo.

Under Mordo's current irregular attack, he was caught off guard and ended the competition in a mess.

Looking at Mordo, who didn't change much after the battle.

Casillas, who was supported by him, couldn't help but doubt his life.

Is the outside world changing so fast?

He just hasn't been out for a while...

And, can such a weird trick really come up with Mordo, a stubborn person?

He doesn't believe it!

Casillas' suspicion is indeed correct.

This trick was actually inspired by Mordo from Wu Yuyu.

Every time he had something delicious or fun, there would always be a dirty little hand reaching out quietly.

When he was discovered one time, an inspiration came to his mind.

If the portal is used in conjunction with other magic, the attack can be thrown directly at the enemy's face...

Especially at Wu Yuyu's face!

Thinking of that picture, Mordo was immediately motivated.

With unremitting efforts, he can now open the portal with one hand to cooperate with other means of attack.

Just when he wanted to find someone to practice with, the unlucky Casillas bumped into him.

Of course, he would not miss this excellent opportunity to practice.~

︿( ̄︶ ̄)~

Judging from the results, his idea was indeed correct.

When the enemy is caught off guard, this kind of attack will have a miraculous effect!........

"What? If you dare to eat secretly again, be careful to be hit by a club when you sleep!"

Looking at Mordo who looked like a villain, Wu Yuyu held his forehead, who could return him to the honest Mordo before.

Waving his hand, Wu Yuyu said that he was too lazy to pay attention to him now.

Turning his head to look at Casillas, who was not yet to the point where no one liked him after putting on eye shadow

"Hello, Wu Yuyu"


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