Having experienced the armor's amplification firsthand,

Yelena immediately fell into the law of true fragrance, and no longer felt embarrassed about shouting"arm" before a battle. She directly pulled Antonia and practiced crazily in the training room.

In the envious eyes of others, she even designed her own transformation moves.

There was no feeling of digging her toes into the ground at all.……........

On the other side, Wu Yuyu had just returned to Kamar-Taj when he received an invitation from Tony.

He had designed a new version of the MARK armor. He was ready to show it off in front of Wu Yuyu.

Under the oppression brought by the alien invaders, Tony's MARK armor directly skipped many versions in between.

What appeared in front of Wu Yuyu was a gold-based armor with red as the secondary color.

"I added flight and navigation modules to every part of this armor, so they can quickly get to me and put me on wherever I am."

Tony pointed at the latest work in front of him, and his eyebrows were almost flying to the sky.

He didn't notice the strange expression on Wu Yuyu's face at all.


Wu Yuyu opened his mouth.

The armor in front of him looked familiar. The only armor that could leave such a deep impression on him... must be that armor.

"prodigal son……"

"Hmm? A good name. I've decided. Let's call it the Prodigal Son. I'll carve the name on it later. As for now, let's test its performance first."Jarvis!"

Very hastily, he directly named the name from Wu Yuyu's mouth as the name of this armor.

Then he stretched out his hand and prepared to show off his skills in front of Wu Yuyu, and make a handsome armor combination.

Wu Yuyu wanted to reach out to stop him but it was too late.

He could only pray for Tony silently in his heart, hoping that this armor would not be the same as MARK-42...

Thinking of the various cheating behaviors of No. 42 in the play.

Wu Yuyu had a bad feeling in his heart. He silently took two steps back and took out his mobile phone

"Don't splatter my blood."

(Prodigal: Also known as the anti-Tony armor, the weapon jams, breaks at the touch, and most importantly, almost made Tony childless.)

In fact, Wu Yudama's premonition was indeed correct.

Although the timeline is inconsistent, the prodigal is still the prodigal.

It completely reproduced the famous scene where Tony almost had no children.

It also made Tony's equipment explode all over the floor.

"So, you asked me to come here just to invite me to watch a comedy? I didn't expect you to have a talent for comedy."

Avoiding the equipment that Tony exploded,

Wu Yuyu stretched out his hand and pulled it up from the ground.

He did not hide the arc of his mouth.

"This was an accident. There must be something wrong with Jarvis's operation."

How could Tony admit that there was something wrong with his design in front of Wu Yuyu? He just put the blame on Jarvis.


"Shut up!"

Suppressing Jarvis's excuses, Tony turned his head and looked at Wu Yuyu whose shoulders were shaking, and sighed.

"Okay, I admit that there are some problems with the positioning system I designed."

Tony looked like he was saying,"You can laugh if you want to laugh," which made Wu Yuyu unable to hold back.

A burst of laughter appeared in this underground laboratory.

Tony laughed so hard that several black lines hung down his head.

He kept rolling his eyes at Wu Yuyu.

"I made a bad friend...Shouldn't you hold back your smile and comfort me and tell me not to take it seriously?"

Wu Yuyu waved her hand and smiled for a while.

"I don't know where you heard that from. Just focus on developing the next generation of armor. Forget about comforting you. You're not a beautiful woman, why do you need comfort!"

Rubbing his cheeks and stomach that were a little sore from laughing,

Wu Yuyu turned around and prepared to return to Kamar-Taj.

This trip was not in vain. The scene just now would make him happy for at least three days.

Behind him, Tony rolled his eyes silently.

However, seeing the"equipment" on the ground reminded him of the thrilling scene just now.

Glancing at his lower body, his body shuddered uncontrollably.

"It's time to develop the next generation……"

"I suggest you study it later. You have a 'friend' coming."


What friend?

He didn't call anyone except Wu Yuyu...

Without waiting for Tony to ask, Wu Yuyu asked Jarvis to turn on the surveillance outside the villa.

A sturdy figure with a long whip flashing with electricity in each hand and a toothpick in his mouth appeared in front of the two.

It was Ivan Vanko who came here for revenge.

He did not hide his goal at all and walked straight towards Tony's villa.

Tony slapped his forehead. There was no doubt that he was coming for him.……

"Who is this guy? I don't remember offending him before."

Tony complained while putting on the armor quickly with the help of Jarvis.

‘He didn't dare to use the 'prodigal son'.

If he lost a piece of equipment to the opponent during the fight, his reputation as Iron Man would be ruined!

Wu Yuyu recognized Ivan's identity, but time was running out and he was too lazy to explain to Tony.

Let them solve the troubles between their fathers themselves...

He opened the mirror space casually. He took out a can of Coke from Tony's wine cabinet.

Wu Yuyu sat leisurely on the roof, ready to enjoy the next exciting battle.

His figure sitting on the roof naturally did not escape Ivan's eyes.

""Where's Tony Stark?"

He cracked his whip.

Now he only wanted to seek revenge on Tony.

If the strange guy on the roof told him the truth, he could also consider letting him go.

The strange guy was Wu Yudama.

He pointed at Ivan's head.

"Why don't you look up?"

When he asked, Tony was already floating above his head.

He just didn't notice it.

"Hello buddy, you……"

Seeing Ivan raising his head, Tony was about to say hello to him, but Ivan whipped him with a whip, destroying one of the thrusters on Tony's feet.

""Tony Stark, you have the blood of a thief and a butcher flowing in your body."

Ivan swung the whip in his hand and walked slowly towards Tony who landed on the ground.

He seemed to be in no hurry to kill Tony.

It was as if... he was performing a show?

Thinking of this,

Wu Yuyu's mental power passed through the mirror space and covered a farther distance.

As expected, several guys carrying cameras were sneaking towards the villa.

His eyes turned back to Ivan who was fighting with Tony.

"Tsk tsk, I was almost deceived by your rough appearance……"

Wu Yuyu drank his Coke leisurely, not paying any attention to Ivan's little thoughts.

Want to provoke other people's greed?

Don't even think about it this time.

He stopped all the reporters outside...

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