
Wu Yuyu didn't know what to say for a moment about Banner's idea.

Just now, he didn't want to drag Betty down, but his thoughts changed in a moment.

Okay, let's find it if we want.

Feelings are so complicated, it's really hard to figure it out...

Lying on the grass, watching Banner's leaving back, Wu Yuyu broke off a piece of grass and held it in his mouth.

If there hadn't been this experiment...

Banner and Betty, the young couple, might have lived happily together.

With a somersault, he stood up from the ground.

"I knew that the last time I couldn't get up, it was definitely because of the bed!" He nodded with satisfaction.

Holding a blade of grass in his mouth and humming a song, his figure disappeared into the portal.........

""I feel young."

Bronski clenched his fists. After the injection of the serum, he felt very relaxed. He found the feeling of youth again.

At this time, he had the idea of trying his skills with Hulk again.

When he came to Ross, his eyes were burning.

"General Ross, next time you fight that monster, please be sure to call me. In addition, it is best to find soldiers who can fight tough battles for the mission, otherwise they may be scared to pee their pants by the monster." He raised his head from the newspaper fragment in his hand.

He looked at Bronski who was eager to try in front of him.

He did not express any thoughts.

If Banner was so easy to catch, how could he return empty-handed so many times.

His fingers stroked the newspaper, and his eyes were a little complicated.

The next capture mission should be by her side...

Noticing Ross's actions,

Bronski cast his eyes on the newspaper and looked at the photo of Betty on it,"Is this his girlfriend? Do you need it?"……"

Before he could finish his words, Ross folded up the newspaper and interrupted him.

"She has nothing to do with this mission. I have cut off their connection long ago."

That being said, Ross knew it very well.

No matter how he tried to stop her, as long as Banner appeared in front of Betty, all his thoughts would go to waste.

His flashing eyes were all seen by Bronsky.

‘It seems that the person in the photo is related to Ross.

Bronski closed his mouth silently and buried the capture plan in his heart.

Putting the newspaper in his arms, Ross reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Listen up, soldier. Your abilities are an integral part of the capture operation. Now, go find other people who have had contact with Banner. You will have a chance to make contact." At this point ,

Bronski could only accept the order and start the investigation.

After he left, Ross turned around and looked at the sky outside the window.


He took out his phone, looked at a number on it, hesitated for a moment, and finally pressed the dial button.


After just two rings, the phone was connected. There was silence, no sound coming from the other end.

It seemed that they were waiting for him to speak first.

Ross sighed in his heart.

"Fury, do me a favor.……"

Although Fury was still giving him trouble a few days ago, SHIELD had more experience and more complete equipment when it came to monitoring and gathering information.

He couldn't do anything about Betty.

Ever since the last battle with Banner, the father and daughter had parted ways on bad terms.

Not to mention asking Betty to help him find Banner...

Until now, he hadn't told Betty about Banner's appearance.

As for Bronsky?

The ambition in his eyes was almost overflowing.

If he didn't find him something to do, he was worried that Betty would be in danger.

As for Fury, the moment he saw Ross's number, he had guessed what the call was about.

Although more than half of SHIELD was empty.

But it was still easy for him to investigate something.

Not to mention, it was they who helped cover up the commotion Ross had with Hulk.

"I can help you with this, but……"

Fury looked at the photo in front of him, where Banner and Urobuchi appeared together.

He gave Ross a suggestion.

"If there is another man next to the target, it is best not to provoke him, otherwise... I don't know what will happen next"

"This is a suggestion from a work partner."

Fury slightly emphasized the word"suggestion", hoping that Ross could understand his hint.

Through this period of contact.

Although he was able to determine that Wu Yuyu belonged to the good camp.

But if there are people who are blind... the end can refer to Pierce


Ross looked at the hung up phone and thought about the deep meaning of Fury's words.

Male, can't be provoked.

Looking up at the horizon, he was a little curious.……........

Stan's Pizza.

Banner could only think of the old man who runs the pizza shop, who knew whether Betty had a boyfriend, was willing to communicate with him and not report him.

Standing outside the pizza shop.

Quietly waiting for the last customer to leave.

When the old man flipped the business sign, Banner walked forward, raised his hand and knocked on the door, smiled and waved to Stan... prepared some food and drinks, and placed them in front of Banner.

Stan pulled a chair and sat down, looking at the familiar and thin figure in front of him, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Over the years, he had regarded Banner and Betty as his own children.

Now his own children are forced to have no home to return to, and his girlfriend has a new boyfriend.

"Stan, those rumors about me are all false, I promise.

Banner's explanation interrupted Stan's thoughts.

Looking at Banner who was trying to explain, Stan shook his head.

"I never doubted you." What about stealing secret military information? After so many years of interacting with Banner, how could he not know what kind of person Banner is?

Banner looked into Stan's eyes, felt his heavy trust, and was deeply touched.

���There are only a few people who can trust him so much.

He nodded silently and didn't explain any more.

The atmosphere fell into silence again.

After a while, Stan looked at Banner and asked,"Have you talked to her?"

Banner shook his head and knew who Stan was referring to.

The purpose of his coming here was to see the old man in front of him, and also for the"her" mentioned by Stan. After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth, and the desire to know the truth prevailed.

""She has a boyfriend?"

As soon as these words came out, Stan knew that Banner had secretly seen Betty.

Nodded,"Yes, I heard that he is a top psychologist and a good person."

The luck in his heart was instantly shattered.

Banner sighed and murmured,"That's good... That's good……"

Knowing that Betty had a good boyfriend, he could handle his own affairs with peace of mind.

But the inner depression was inevitable.

Under Stan's inquiry, Banner successfully obtained the first official residence in three days.

He began to gather his strength and prepare for the action on the second day...

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