Thus, Wu Yuyu's life became monotonous and interesting.

Mordu, who believed that if I was caught in the rain, I would tear up other people's umbrellas.

Every day, he would bring in different unlucky people, under the pretext of giving them combat experience.

In fact, he did it to appreciate their confused expressions after the battle.........

That day, after finishing his morning exercise, Wu Yuyu was waiting for a new round of sparring as usual... but he found that Mordo came alone, with no one behind him.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Where is my opponent today?"

After hearing Wu Yuyu's question,

Mo Du sighed with sorrow.

"No more, there will be no more in the future……"

After his operation during this period of time, a message has begun to spread throughout Kamar-Taj - if you meet Mordo who comes to find you at the end of morning exercise, please turn around and leave...

Don't hesitate!

Don't stay!

No matter what reason he uses!

Otherwise, you will become a sacrifice to the"demon god"!

Since everyone who has sparred with Wu Yuyu will begin to doubt life, as the number of people increases, this rumor gradually appears in Kamar-Taj.

After listening to Mordo's description, several question marks slowly appeared on Wu Yuyu's head.

Demon King?



Slander, he slandered me!

Looking at the pictures that appeared on the top of Wu Yuyu's head...

Although he didn't know who was in it.

But he inexplicably felt the message conveyed in the picture

"Do you still have the energy to do these things? Listen to what they call you now, the devil! No one will practice with you in the future……"

Wu Yuyu glanced at Mordo with contempt.

Don't think he didn't understand what Mordo was thinking.

Isn't it just a pity that there will be no more fun to watch in the future?

""Demon God, I like this name! As for the sparring partner... don't we have you? The minions of the demon god~"

As he said this, he thought about it and directly threw an illusion on Mordo.

He didn't give him a chance to react.

So in the eyes of Casillas who came later, he only saw Mordo jumping on the spot.

"What is he doing?"

""Oi~ Nothing, he ate too much this morning and is exercising to help digestion~"

Casillas hesitated. How could he believe such nonsense?

What digestion? He must have been fooled by this harmless person in front of him again!

He forced himself to ignore the monkey show on the side. He took a deep breath and looked at Wu Yuyu seriously.

"Don't rely too much on your illusion. I will come to you to spar in a few days. Be careful not to lose to me!"

After saying that, he ignored Wu Yuyu's reaction and turned to the library.

Looking at his departing back,

Wu Yuyu raised his eyebrows with interest.

This is a way to crack his illusion!

But how could he not consider this situation?

Those who can leave their names in the original drama are not simple characters!

For example, Mordo, who is immersed in the illusion in front of him, is he really willing to lose to him every time?

Thinking of this, Wu Yuyu lost interest immediately.

He dispersed the illusion casually, greeted Mordo, and turned back to the room.

He had to prepare more, and he couldn't be pressed to the ground by these two people!

Looking at Wu Yuyu's worried back, Mordo was a little confused.

Why does this person's mood change all the time?

Could it be that he also has those few days every month?

Shaking his head, he began to recall the feeling in the illusion just now……

"It's coming soon. This is a surprise I carefully prepared. I hope you like it.……"

In a murmur,

Mordo turned and headed in another direction.……........

""Gan! I've come to another world, why am I still so hustling!"

Wu Yuyu in the room scratched his head frantically with one hand, and waved his other hand in the air so fast that even afterimages were almost left.

With his movements, symbols kept appearing and disappearing in the air...

As for the other two, they were in a similar situation to Wu Yuyu now.

Various magic circles appeared around them...

Under the influence of these three people, the atmosphere of the entire Kamar-Taj became solemn.

Everyone was in a hurry.

Either practicing magic or on the way to practicing magic.

Gu Yi had just finished a friendly meeting with a dimensional demon god, and came back to see such a scene.

Such Kamar-Taj even made her feel a little strange. She stopped an apprentice casually.

From his mouth, she learned that it was Wu Yuyu and the other two who caused all this.

Looking at the apprentice who hurriedly said goodbye and left, Gu Yi stood there for a long time without saying a word, and then disappeared in a spark.

This is not a bad thing, is it?........

""My Lord, I did it! I did it! Hahaha!"

A voice of collapse suddenly sounded in a room.

Looking at this disheveled figure, how could one tell that this was the Karayuki whose appearance was only slightly inferior to that of the readers?

Under the pressure brought by Casillas and the others, he finally completed the development of 'Izanagi'!

As if it was agreed upon.

At the moment Karayuki completed the development, the figures sitting cross-legged in the other two rooms also opened their eyes at the same time.


Wu Yuyu felt the energy flowing slowly through his body. He simply adjusted his instrument.

Then he came to Ancient One.

Before conducting the test, he planned to borrow the Time Stone first.

To give himself another layer of insurance for his personal safety!

With the help of Ancient One, Wu Yuyu cast the Time Loop Magic on himself, then looked at the dagger in his hand.

He gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and swung the dagger vigorously.……

"Venerable, please help me!"

Um... He waved the dagger into Gu Yi's hand.


It was too much of a burden for Lao Liu to end his life on his own!

In order to avoid being stabbed to death and suffering more, he chose to find someone to help him!

"Venerable, feel free to stab... Hehe……"

Before he could finish his words, a dagger had already been inserted into his neck.

‘Really efficient, worthy of being the Ancient One……’

Watching Gu Yi waving a magic circle to block the blood, Wu Yuyu made a final complaint, and his vision slowly fell into darkness.

The whole book is finished!!!

Sprinkle flowers!!!

(Wu Yuyu: Dasha Chun, what are you doing!

A certain author: Hey, hey, just kidding, just kidding~)

"The Venerable……"

As Wu Yuyu's vitality completely disappeared, two figures suddenly walked in from the door.

They were Mordo and Casillas.

Looking at Wu Yuyu in the pool of blood and Gu Yi standing beside him, the room instantly fell into silence.……

"Do you want to leave or not? If not, open the portal yourself.……"

"Hey, are you here to watch the show too?……"

Various images kept flashing in Mordo's mind, causing the air pressure around him to drop.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he did regard this Wu Yuyu who had always wanted to trick him as a family member.……

"Oi~Are you here to see the Venerable too?"

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